• Python Ethical Hacking


    Goal  -> Check if MAC address was changed.


    1. Execute and read ifconfig.

    2. Read the mac address from the output.

    3. Check if MAC in ifconfig is what the user requested.

    4. Print appropriate message.

    To find the MAC address, we can use the Pythex tool.



    EX: Python Code 

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import subprocess
    import optparse
    import re
    def get_arguments():
        parser = optparse.OptionParser()
        parser.add_option("-i", "--interface", dest="interface", help="Interface to change its MAC address")
        parser.add_option("-m", "--mac", dest="new_mac", help="New MAC address")
        (options, arguments) = parser.parse_args()
        if not options.interface:
            parser.error("[-] Please specify an interface, use --help for more info.")
        elif not options.new_mac:
            parser.error("[-] Please specify a new mac, use --help for more info.")
        return options
    def change_mac(interface, new_mac):
        print("[+] Changing MAC address for " + interface + " to " + new_mac)
        subprocess.call(["ifconfig", interface, "down"])
        subprocess.call(["ifconfig", interface, "hw", "ether", new_mac])
        subprocess.call(["ifconfig", interface, "up"])
    def get_current_mac(interface):
        ifconfig_result = subprocess.check_output(["ifconfig", interface])
        mac_address_search_result = re.search(r"ww:ww:ww:ww:ww:ww", ifconfig_result)
        if mac_address_search_result:
            return mac_address_search_result.group(0)
            print("[-] Could not read MAC address.")
    options = get_arguments()
    current_mac = get_current_mac(options.interface)
    print("Current MAC = " + str(current_mac))
    change_mac(options.interface, options.new_mac)
    current_mac = get_current_mac(options.interface)
    if current_mac == options.new_mac:
        print("[+] MAC address was successfully changed to " + current_mac)
        print("[-] MAC address did not get changed.")

    Execute the following command to test the Python code:

    python mac_changer.py -i eth0 -m 00:11:22:33:44:55


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/keepmoving1113/p/11334210.html
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