• POJ 3468.A Simple Problem with Integers 解题报告



    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdio>
    #define ll long long
    using namespace std;
    const int MAXN = 1111111, INF = 0x7fffffff;
    struct node {
        ll  key, val, sum, lazy, Size, Cnt;
        node *ch[2], *pre;
        node() {pre = ch[0] = ch [1] = 0; Size = 1; key = 0;}
        node (ll key) : key (key) {pre = ch[0] = ch[1] = 0; Size = 1, Cnt = 1, lazy = 0;}
        void Csize() {
            Size = Cnt;
            if (ch[0] != NULL) Size += ch[0]->Size;
            if (ch[1] != NULL) Size += ch[1]->Size;
        void Csum() {
            sum = val;
            if (ch[0] != NULL) sum += ch[0]->sum + ch[0]->Size * ch[0]->lazy;
            if (ch[1] != NULL) sum += ch[1]->sum + ch[1]->Size * ch[1]->lazy;
    } nil (0), *NIL = &nil;
    struct Splay {
        node *root, nod[MAXN];
        int ncnt;//计算key值不同的结点数,已去重
        Splay() {
            ncnt = 0;
            root = & (nod[ncnt++] = node (INF) );
            root->pre = NIL;
            root->val = root->sum = 0;
        void Push_Down (node *x) {
            if (x->lazy != 0) {
                if (x->ch[0] != NULL) x->ch[0]->lazy += x->lazy;
                if (x->ch[1] != NULL) x->ch[1]->lazy += x->lazy;
            x->lazy = 0;
        void Update (node *x) {
        void Rotate (node *x, int sta) { //单旋转操作,0左旋,1右旋
            node *p = x->pre, *g = p->pre;
            Push_Down (p), Push_Down (x);
            p->ch[!sta] = x->ch[sta];
            if (x->ch[sta] != NULL)  x->ch[sta]->pre = p;
            x->pre = g;
            if (g != NIL)
                if (g->ch[0] == p)  g->ch[0] = x;
                else g->ch[1] = x;
            x->ch[sta] = p, p->pre = x, Update (p);
            if (p == root ) root = x;
        void splay (node *x, node *y) { //Splay 操作,表示把结点x,转到根
            for (Push_Down (x) ; x->pre != y;) { //将x的标记往下传
                if (x->pre->pre == y) { //目标结点为父结点
                    if (x->pre->ch[0] == x)       Rotate (x, 1);
                    else   Rotate (x, 0);
                else {
                    node *p = x->pre, *g = p->pre;
                    if (g->ch[0] == p)
                        if (p->ch[0] == x)
                            Rotate (p, 1), Rotate (x, 1);//   / 一字型双旋转
                            Rotate (x, 0), Rotate (x, 1);//  < 之字形双旋转
                    else if (p ->ch[1] == x)
                        Rotate (p, 0), Rotate (x, 0);//     一字型旋转
                        Rotate (x, 1), Rotate (x, 0); //   >之字形旋转
            Update (x); //维护x结点
        void Select (int k, node *y) {
            int tem ;
            node *t ;
            for ( t = root; ; ) {
                Push_Down (t) ; //标记下传
                tem = t->ch[0]->Size ;
                if (k == tem + 1 ) break ; //找到了第k个结点 t
                if (k <= tem)
                    t = t->ch[0] ; //第k个结点在左子树
                    k -= tem + 1 , t = t->ch[1] ;//在右子树
            splay (t, y);
        bool Search (ll key, node *y) {
            node *t = root;
            for (; t != NULL;) {
                Push_Down (t);
                if (t->key > key && t->ch[0] != NULL) t = t->ch[0];
                else if (t->key < key && t->ch[1] != NULL) t = t->ch[1];
            splay (t, y);
            return t->key == key;
        void Insert (int key, int val) {
            if (Search (key, NIL) ) root->Cnt++, root->Size++;
            else {
                int d = key > root->key;
                node *t = & (nod[++ncnt] = node (key) );
                Push_Down (root);
                t->val = t->sum = val;
                t->ch[d] = root->ch[d];
                if (root->ch[d] != NULL) root->ch[d]->pre = t;
                t->ch[!d] = root;
                t->pre = root->pre;
                root->pre = t;
                root->ch[d] = NULL;
                Update (root);
                root = t;
            Update (root);
    } sp;
    ll  n, m, x;
    int main() {
        scanf ("%lld %lld", &n, &m);
        sp.Insert (0, 0);
        sp.Insert (n + 1, 0);
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            scanf ("%lld", &x);
            sp.Insert (i, x);
        char cmd;
        int l, r;
        for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
            scanf ("
    %c %d %d", &cmd, &l, &r);
            sp.Search (l - 1, NIL);
            sp.Search (r + 1, sp.root);
            if (cmd == 'Q') {
                node *t = sp.root->ch[1]->ch[0];
                ll ans = t->sum + t->Size * t->lazy;
                printf ("%lld
    ", ans);
            if (cmd == 'C') {
                ll c;
                scanf ("%lld", &c);
                sp.root->ch[1]->ch[0]->lazy += c;
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/keam37/p/3993801.html
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