• Centos 文件系统基础命令


    bin  ---- 命令,二进制文件的存放目录
    boot ----- 系统引导程序+系统的内核 
    dev   ---- 设备 硬盘,光驱
    etc   ---- 存储系统或者服务的配置文件
    home  ---- 普通用的家目录,贫民窟
    lib  ----- 库文件存放目录
    lib64 ---- 库文件的存放目录(64位系统)
    media ---- linux识别的设备,比如u盘等,挂这个目录
    mnt  ----- 临时的挂载点目录
    opt  ----- 第三方的软件安装在整理
    proc ----- 虚拟目录,显示内存中的信息(进场,内核的信息)
    root -----  root的家目录 相当于皇宫
    run  -----  放的启动的东西
    sbin  ---  超级命令,只用root用户才能用的命令
    srv   ----- service的缩写,存放的是一些启动后需要的数据
    sys  ------ 虚拟目录,内存信息
    tmp  ----- 临时文件的存放位置
    usr ---- 存放用户的程序
    var ----- 存放经常变化的文件,比如日志等

    1 pwd 显示当前所在的路径

    解释:pwd =  print working directory 显示当前所在的目录
    [root@localhost run]# pwd
    [root@localhost network-scripts]# pwd

    2 cd 切换目录结构

    解释: cd ---> change directory 改变目录信息
    ##注意点 /目录  表示绝对路径   ; 目录 表示相对路径
    [root@localhost run]# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
    [root@localhost network-scripts]# pwd
    [root@localhost network-scripts]# cd /etc
    [root@localhost etc]# cd /etc
    [root@localhost etc]# cd /home
    [root@localhost home]# pwd
    [root@localhost home]# cd /etc
    [root@localhost etc]# cd sysconfig/
    [root@localhost sysconfig]# pwd
    # 快速回到进入自己的家目录
    [root@localhost sysconfig]# cd ~
    [root@localhost ~]# pwd
    [root@localhost ~]# cd /root
    [root@localhost ~]# pwd
    [root@localhost ~]# 
    [root@localhost ~]# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
    [root@localhost network-scripts]# cd 
    [root@localhost ~]# 
    # 快速回到自己进过的目录
    [root@localhost ~]# cd /etc/sysconfig/
    [root@localhost sysconfig]# cd /bin
    [root@localhost bin]# pwd
    [root@localhost bin]# cd -
    [root@localhost sysconfig]# pwd
    [root@localhost sysconfig]#
    [root@localhost lib]# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
    [root@localhost network-scripts]# pwd
    [root@localhost network-scripts]# cd ../
    [root@localhost sysconfig]# pwd
    [root@localhost sysconfig]# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
    [root@localhost network-scripts]# cd ../../
    [root@localhost etc]# pwd
    [root@localhost etc]# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
    [root@localhost network-scripts]# cd ../../../../../../../../../
    [root@localhost /]# pwd

    3 mkdir创建目录信息

    mkdir ---> make directory
    [root@localhost /]# cd /oldboy
    -bash: cd: /oldboy: No such file or directory
    [root@localhost /]# mkdir /oldboy
    [root@localhost /]# cd /oldboy/
    [root@localhost oldboy]# pwd
    [root@localhost oldboy]# mkdir /oldboy/olddog/jason
    mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/oldboy/olddog/jason’: No such file or directory
    [root@localhost oldboy]# mkdir /oldboy/olddog
    [root@localhost oldboy]# mkdir /oldboy/olddog/jason
    [root@localhost oldboy]# cd /oldboy/olddog/jason/
    [root@localhost jason]# pwd
    [root@localhost jason]# cd /
    [root@localhost /]# mkdir -p /oldboy/oldgirl/tank
    [root@localhost /]# cd /oldboy/oldgirl/tank/
    [root@localhost tank]# pwd

    4 touch 创建文件(触摸)

    [root@localhost tank]# cd /oldboy/
    [root@localhost oldboy]# pwd
    [root@localhost oldboy]# touch oldboy.txt
    [root@localhost oldboy]# ls
    oldboy.txt  olddog  oldgirl
    [root@localhost oldboy]# touch /oldboy/olddog/jj
    [root@localhost oldboy]# ls /oldboy/olddog/
    jason  jj

    5 ls 检查文件或者文件目录是否存在,并列出目录底下的文件

    ls ----> list
    [root@localhost /]# cd oldboy/
    [root@localhost oldboy]# ls
    oldboy.txt  olddog  oldgirl
    [root@localhost oldboy]# ls ol
    ls: cannot access ol: No such file or directory
    [root@localhost oldboy]# ls =l
    ls: cannot access =l: No such file or directory
    [root@localhost oldboy]# ls -l
    total 0
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  0 Mar 24 18:09 oldboy.txt
    drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 29 Mar 24 18:10 olddog
    drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 18 Mar 24 18:06 oldgirl
    [root@localhost oldboy]# ls -ltr 
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 18 Mar 24 18:06 oldgirl
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  0 Mar 24 18:09 oldboy.txt
    drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 29 Mar 24 18:10 olddog
    [root@localhost oldboy]# ls -lt
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 29 Mar 24 18:10 olddog
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  0 Mar 24 18:09 oldboy.txt
    drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 18 Mar 24 18:06 oldgirl
    # ls -l 默认是创建时间最新到最老排序(不确定,是按时间还是按照文件名排序)
    # ls -lt 创建时间最新到最老排序
    # ls -ltr 创建时间最老到最新排序
    ls -a 表示查看当前文件夹底下的所有文件,包括隐藏文件

    6 cat 查看文件信息的命令

    # cat 是查看文件信息
    [root@localhost oldboy]# cat /oldboy/oldboy.txt 
    [root@localhost oldboy]# cat oldgirl.txt 
    [root@localhost oldboy]# cat oldboy.txt oldgirl.txt 
    # 将文件中的内容读取出来,放入到另一个文件中
    [root@localhost oldboy]# cat oldboy.txt oldgirl.txt  > jason.txt
    [root@localhost oldboy]# cat jason.txt

    7 echo 将信息进行输出

    # 直接输出信息
    [root@localhost oldboy]# echo "hello world"
    hello world
    # 将echo的内容写入到文件 ,> 是覆盖写入,>> 是追加写入
    [root@localhost oldboy]# echo "hello world" > lxx.txt
    [root@localhost oldboy]# ls
    jason.txt  lxx.txt  oldboy.txt  olddog  oldgirl  oldgirl.txt
    [root@localhost oldboy]# cat lxx.txt 
    hello world
    [root@localhost oldboy]# echo "hello world" > lxx.txt
    [root@localhost oldboy]# cat lxx.txt 
    hello world
    [root@localhost oldboy]# echo "hello world" >>  lxx.txt
    [root@localhost oldboy]# cat lxx.txt 
    hello world
    hello world

    8 cp复制

    # cp  --->cope
    语法格式: cp 参数(可选) 要复制的信息   复制到什么位置
    # 在复制文件。在复制文件的时候,要复制的文件不要加/,一般是只能复制目录的时候加/
    [root@localhost oldboy]# cp /etc/hosts /oldboy/
    [root@localhost oldboy]# ls
    hosts  jason.txt  lxx.txt  oldboy.txt  olddog  oldgirl  oldgirl.txt
    [root@localhost oldboy]# cat hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
    ::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
    [root@localhost oldboy]# cp /etc/hosts /oldboy/
    cp: overwrite ‘/oldboy/hosts’? y
    # 复制文件夹
    [root@localhost sysconfig]# cp /etc/sysconfig/ /oldboy/oldgirl
    cp: omitting directory ‘/etc/sysconfig/’
    [root@localhost sysconfig]# cp -r  /etc/sysconfig/ /oldboy/oldgirl
    [root@localhost sysconfig]# cd /oldboy/oldgirl
    [root@localhost oldgirl]# ls
    sysconfig  tank
    [root@localhost oldgirl]# cd /oldboy/oldgirl/sysconfig/
    [root@localhost sysconfig]# pwd
    cp :的参数
    -r 进行递归复制
    -p 拷贝是时候属性保存不变
    -d 和链接相关的文件
    -a == -drp
    # 利用cp做备份
    [root@localhost oldboy]# cat jason.txt 
    [root@localhost oldboy]# cp jason.txt  jason.txt.bak
    [root@localhost oldboy]# ls
    hosts  jason.txt  jason.txt.bak  lxx.txt  oldboy.txt  olddog  oldgirl  oldgirl.txt
    [root@localhost oldboy]# rm -rf jason.txt
    [root@localhost oldboy]# ls
    hosts  jason.txt.bak  lxx.txt  oldboy.txt  olddog  oldgirl  oldgirl.txt
    [root@localhost oldboy]# cp jason.txt.bak  jason.txt
    [root@localhost oldboy]# ls
    hosts  jason.txt  jason.txt.bak  lxx.txt  oldboy.txt  olddog  oldgirl  oldgirl.txt
    [root@localhost oldboy]# cat jason.txt
    # 如果cp的时候,多个文件,会出现多次确定,如何避免
    [root@localhost oldboy]# cp -r /etc/sysconfig/ /oldboy/oldgirl
    cp: overwrite ‘/oldboy/oldgirl/sysconfig/ip6tables-config’? y
    cp: overwrite ‘/oldboy/oldgirl/sysconfig/iptables-config’? y
    cp: overwrite ‘/oldboy/oldgirl/sysconfig/cbq/avpkt’? ^C
    [root@localhost oldboy]# cp -r /etc/sysconfig/ /oldboy/oldgirl

    9 mv 剪切命名

    mv --move
    语法格式: mv 要移动的文件或者文件夹  移动要什么位置
    [root@localhost oldboy]# mkdir /test
    [root@localhost oldboy]# cd /test
    [root@localhost test]# touch heihei.txt
    # 将 /test/heihei.txt文件 剪切(移动)到/oldboy/shanghai/的文件夹,
    [root@localhost test]# mv /test/heihei.txt  /oldboy/shanghai/
    mv: cannot move ‘/test/heihei.txt’ to ‘/oldboy/shanghai/’: Not a directory
    [root@localhost test]# mkdir /oldboy/shanghai
    [root@localhost test]# mv /test/heihei.txt  /oldboy/shanghai/
    [root@localhost test]# cd /oldboy/shanghai
    [root@localhost shanghai]# ls
    [root@localhost shanghai]# cd /test
    [root@localhost test]# ls
    # 将 /test/heihei.txt文件 剪切(移动)到/oldboy/shanghai,如果不加/,表示将heihei.txt文件内容写入
    # 在linux系统没有重名名这个东西,我们可以同mv 命令实现
    [root@localhost oldboy]# ls
    hosts  jason.txt  jason.txt.bak  lxx.txt  oldboy.txt  olddog  oldgirl  oldgirl.txt  shanghai
    [root@localhost oldboy]# mv lxx.txt lxxsb.txt
    [root@localhost oldboy]# ls
    hosts  jason.txt  jason.txt.bak  lxxsb.txt  oldboy.txt  olddog  oldgirl  oldgirl.txt  shanghai

    10 rm 命令(删除)

    rm --->remove 
    语法:rm 参数  要删除的数据信息
    [root@localhost ~]# cd /oldboy/
    [root@localhost oldboy]# ls
    hosts  jason.txt  jason.txt.bak  lxxsb.txt  oldboy.txt  olddog  oldgirl  oldgirl.txt  shanghai
    [root@localhost oldboy]# rm jason.txt.bak 
    rm: remove regular file ‘jason.txt.bak’? y
    [root@localhost oldboy]# ls
    hosts  jason.txt  lxxsb.txt  oldboy.txt  olddog  oldgirl  oldgirl.txt  shanghai
    # 删除文件夹
    [root@localhost oldboy]# rm shanghai
    rm: cannot remove ‘shanghai’: Is a directory
    [root@localhost oldboy]# rm -r shanghai
    rm: descend into directory ‘shanghai’? y
    rm: remove regular empty file ‘shanghai/heihei.txt’? y
    rm: remove directory ‘shanghai’? y
    [root@localhost oldboy]# ls
    hosts  jason.txt  lxxsb.txt  oldboy.txt  olddog  oldgirl  oldgirl.txt
    [root@localhost oldboy]# rm -f oldboy.txt 
    [root@localhost oldboy]# rm -rf olddog
    [root@localhost oldboy]# ls
    hosts  jason.txt  lxxsb.txt  oldgirl  oldgirl.txt
    rm -rf /
    #rm -rf /* 不受保护


    # 要用vim要安装
    #命令:yum -y install vim 或者 yum install vim -y
    # vim 是编辑器,他有三种状态
    1 正常模式
    	vim 文件 进入后就vim的正常模式,从正常如何进入编辑模式,输入 i,o,a,I,O,A,R,都可以,但是
    	拷贝: yy 粘贴:p
    2 插入模式
    3 命令模式
    	1 查找内容:
    	2 取消高亮:
    	3 显示行号:
    	:set nu
    	4 取消行号
    	:set nonu
    	5 没有修改情况下退出
    	6 如果修改了,但我们不想保存,
    	7 如果修改,并且想保存,
    # 如果发现vim 不能编辑这个文件
    # 我在这个文件所在目录执行: ls -a
    # 你会发现有一个 .文件名.swp的隐藏文件
    #我们执行删除命令将其删除:rm -rf .文件名.swp
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kai-/p/12559031.html
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