• 英文文法学习笔记(20)时态的一致及叙述法






    1.1 时态的一致

    1. My sister knows that I love the girl.
    2. My sister knows that I loved the girl.
    3. My sister knows that I will fall in love with the girl.
    4. My sister knew that I loved the girl.
    5. My sister knew that I had loved the girl.
    6. My sister knew that I would fall in love with the girl.
    7. She says 
    8. She has said
    9. She will say 
    [7/8/9] that [10/11/12/13/14].
    10. she is free now.
    11. she was free yesterday.
    12. she has been free lately.
    13. she will be free tomorrow.
    14. she had been busy before.
    [7/8/9] that [10/11/12/13/14].
    15. He said
    [15] that [16/17/18/19/20/21/22].
    16. he did it.
    17. he was doing it.
    18. he had done it.
    19. he had been doing it.
    20. he would do it.
    21. he would have done it.
    22. he would have been doing it.
    [15] that [16/17/18/19/20/21/22].
    23. He had said
    [23] that [24/25].
    24. he hadn't done it.
    25. he had been here for two hours.
    [23] that [24/25].
    26. The children learned that earth goes round the sun.
    27. The teacher told us that practice makes perfect.
    28. She often told me that she keeps early hours.
    29. She told me that school begins at eight.
    30. The teacher said that Columbus discovered America in 1492.
    31. He said that World War II ended in 1945.
    32. He says that if he were a bird he could fly.
    => He said that if he were a bird he could fly.
    33. He speaks English as if he were a native speaker.
    => He spoke English as if he were a native speaker.

    1.2 叙述法

    34. Bill says, "I hate math."
    35. Bill says that he hates math.
    36. May said, "I like listening to pop music."
    37. May said that she liked listening to pop music.
    38. The student answered, "An hour consists of sixty minutes."
    39. The student answered that an hour consists of sixty minutes.
    40. Helen answered, "The rain has stopped."
    41. Helen answered that the rain had stopped.
    42. She always says, "I don't like my hairstyle."
    43. She always says that she doesn't like her hairstyle.
    44. I said to her, "I'm sorry you don't understand me."
    45. I told her I was sorry she didn't understand me.
    46. She said, "I read this book."
    47. She said that she had read that book.
    48. Mr. Wang said to me, "You will be able to get a free concert ticket at the charity bazaar tomorrow."
    49. Mr. Wang told me I would be able to get a free concert ticket at the charity bazaar the following day.
    50. She said, "I'm going to quit my job."
    51. She said that she was going to quit her job.
    52. She said to me, "I can go to the movies with you tomorrow."
    53. She told me she could go to the movies with me the next day.
    54. Tom said to her, "How can I get to your house from here."
    55. Tom asked her how he could get to her house from there.
    56. My boss said, "Who called me up this morning?"
    57. My boss asked who had called him up that morning.
    58. I said to him, "Are you going abroad?"
    59. I asked him if he was going abroad.
    => I asked him whether he was going abroad.
    60. He said to me, "Have you ever seen a panda?"
    61. He asked me if I had seen a panda.
    => He asked me whether I had seen a panda.
    62. He said to the clerk, "Is this sweater knit by hand or by machine?"
    63. He asked the clerk whether that sweater was knit by hand or by machine.
    64. Mother said to me, "Come back home by five."
    65. Mother told me to come back home by five.
    66. My father said to me, "Don't give up your hope."
    67. My father told me not to give up my hope.
    68. He said to me, "You should give up smoking."
    69. He advised me to give up smoking.
    70. She said, "Let's go for a walk."
    71. She suggested that we (should) go for a walk.
    -> I suggest that he (should) study hard.
    72. The teacher said to us, "Don't leave your seats."
    73. The teacher forbade us to leave our seats.
    => The teacher forbade our leaving seats.
    => The teacher prohibited us from leaving our seats.
    74. Ms. Li said, "What a good idea you have!"
    75. Ms. Li said that I had a very good idea.
    76. She said, "How convenient on-line shopping is!"
    77. She exclaimed with delight how convenient on-line shopping was.
    78. She said that on-line shopping was very convenient.
    79. He said, "May God help us!"
    80. He prayed that God might help them.
    => He expressed his wish that God might help them.
    81. He said, "She is out, but she will be back soon."
    82. He said (that) she was out but that she would be back soon.
    83. The girl said to me, "These dancers arrived here yesterday, and they will perform on stage this evening."
    84. The girl told me those dancers had arrived there the day before and that they would perform on stage that evening.
    85. Mom said, "Dad doesn't know it, as he has not heard of it."
    86. Mom said dad didn't know it, as he had not heard of it.
    87. He said to me, "Get up at once, or you will be late."
    88. He told me to get up at once, or I would be late.
    89. He told me I would be late unless I got up at once.
    90. She said to me, "Wash my car, and I'll give you ten dollars."
    91. She told me to wash her car, and she would give me ten dollars.
    92. She told me if I washed her car, she would give me ten dollars.
    93. She said to me, "I give him a big box of chocolates because I like him."
    94. She told me she had given him a big box of chocolates because she liked him.
    95. Jack said to me, "Do you think that she will help me?"
    96. Jack asked me if I thought she would help him.
    97. He said to Grace, "You are late here again. What have you been doing?"
    98. He told Grace she was late there again and asked her what she had been doing.
    99. He said to me, "Your face looks familar. Have you ever been on television?"
    100. He told me my face looked familar and asked if I had ever been on television.
    101. "He went to the barber's an hour ago", said his wife to me, "and I think he will be back very soon, will you please."
    102. His wife told me(that) he had gone to the barber's an hour before and she thought he would be back very soon, and asked me to step in and wait.


    2.1 时态的一致

    (1)不变的真理 -> 现在式
    (2)到现在都没有改变的习惯或事实 -> 现在式 
    (3)历史的事实 -> 过去式 
    (4)假设语气 -> 不受时态一致的限制

    2.2 叙述法

    一种是直接将他人或自己所说的话,原句加以重述的方法,称为 - 直接叙述法。
    另一种是将他人所说的话,加以转述,称为 - 间接叙述法。


    3.1 时态的一致

    1. 我姐姐知道我爱这个女孩。

    2. 我姐姐知道我爱这个女孩。

    3. 我姐姐知道我会爱上那个女孩。

    4. 我姐姐知道我爱这个女孩。

    5. 我姐姐知道我爱过那个女孩。

    6. 我姐姐知道我会爱上那个女孩。

    7~25 略。

    1. 那孩子知道了地球绕着太阳转这回事。

    2. 老师告诉我们熟能生巧。

    3. 她经常告诉我她有早睡早起的习惯。

    4. 她告诉我学校8点上课。

    5. 老师说哥伦布在1492年发现美洲新大陆。

    6. 他说二次世界大战在1945年结束。

    7. 他说如果他是一只鸟,他就能飞。

    8. 他说英语仿佛像在说母语一般。

    3.2 叙述法

    1. Bill说:我讨厌数学。

    2. Bill说他讨厌数学。

    3. May说:我喜欢听流行乐。

    4. May说她喜欢听流行乐。

    5. 学生回答:一小时有六十分钟。

    6. 学生回答说一小时有六十分钟。

    7. Helen回答:雨已经停了。

    8. Helen回答说雨已经停了。

    9. 她总是说:我不喜欢我的发型。

    10. 她总是说她不喜欢她的发型。

    11. 我对她说:很遗憾你不了解我。

    12. 我告诉她我很遗憾她不了解我。

    13. 她说:我读过这本书。

    14. 她说她已经读过那本书。

    15. 王老师对我说:“明天慈善义卖你就可以得到一张免费的演唱会门票。”

    16. 王先生告诉我,我可以在第二天的义卖会得到一张免费的演唱会门票。

    17. 她说:我打算辞掉工作。

    18. 她说她打算辞掉工作。

    19. 她跟我说:我明天可以和你一起去看电影。

    20. 她告诉我她隔天可以和我一起去看电影。

    21. Tom对她说:我如何从这里到你家?

    22. Tom问她他该如何从那里到她家。

    23. 我老板说:今天早上谁打电话给我?

    24. 我老板问说那天早上谁打电话给他。

    25. 我对他说:你要出国吗?

    26. 我问他是否他要出国。

    27. 他对我说:你曾看过熊猫吗?

    28. 他问我是否看过熊猫。

    29. 她对店员说:这件毛衣是手工织的还是机器织的?

    30. 她问店员那件毛衣是手工织的还是机器织的。

    31. 母亲对我说:五点以前回家。

    32. 母亲告诉我在五点前回家。

    33. 我父亲对我说:别放弃希望。

    34. 我父亲告诉我别放弃希望。

    35. 他对我说:你该戒烟了。

    36. 他劝我要戒烟。

    37. 她说:咱们去散步吧。

    38. 她提议我们去散散步。

    39. 老师对我们说:不准离开座位。

    40. 老师禁止我们离开座位。

    41. 李小姐说:你的点子好棒啊!

    42. 李小姐说我的点子很棒。

    43. 她说:线上购物真是方便啊!

    44. 她兴奋的说线上购物真方便啊!

    45. 她说线上购物非常方便。

    46. 他说:希望神保佑我们。

    47. 他祈求神能保佑他们。

    48. 他说:她出去了,但很快会回来。

    49. 他说她出去了但很快会回来。

    50. 这女孩对我说:这些舞者昨天已经抵达这里并且今晚会上台演出。

    51. 那女孩告诉我说那些舞者前一天已经到达那里并且那晚会上台表演。

    52. 母亲说:父亲不知道这件事,因为他没听说过。

    53. 母亲说父亲不知道那件事,因为他从未听说过。

    54. 他对我说:立刻起来,否则你会迟到。

    55. 他告诉我要立刻起床,否则会迟到。

    56. 他告诉我除非我立刻起床,否则会迟到。

    57. 她对我说:帮我洗车,我会给你十元。

    58. 她告诉我要帮她洗车,那么她会给我十元。

    59. 她告诉我如果我帮她洗车,那么她会给我十元。

    60. 她对我说:我给他一大盒巧克力,因为我喜欢他。

    61. 她告诉我她给了他一大盒巧克力因为她喜欢他。

    62. Joe对我说:你认为她会帮他吗?

    63. Joe问我是否我认为她会帮他。

    64. 他对Grace说:你又迟到了,你到底在做什么?

    65. 他告诉Grace她又迟到了并且问她她到底在做什么。

    66. 他对我说:你的脸好面熟。你曾上过电视吗?

    67. 他告诉我我的脸很面熟并且问我是否曾上过电视。

    68. 他太太对我说:他一小时前去理发了,我想他很快会回来。请你进屋里等他好吗?

    69. 他太太告诉我他一小时前去理发了,而她认为他很快会回来,并请我进屋等他。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jyzhao/p/15941121.html
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