• day24 面向对象设计part1

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # 参考资料:
    # 面向对象编程初步 - tonador - 博客园
    # https://www.cnblogs.com/yujianbao/articles/6223482.html
    # Python成长之路【第九篇】:Python基础之面向对象 - Mr_Albert - 博客园
    # https://www.cnblogs.com/albert0924/p/8921709.html
    # Python 学习 --day-16 - UMRzg - 博客园
    # http://www.cnblogs.com/qinzheg/articles/9394420.html
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ******************** day24 面向对象设计part1 *******************
    # ******************** day24 面向对象设计part1 *******************
    # =====>>>>>>内容概览
    # =====>>>>>>内容概览
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 1、对象概念引入
    # # # 事物:狗狗;    特征:吃,叫;
    # # # 一下的所有的与狗狗相关的探讨,都是要实现对所有不同狗狗的实现
    # # # 下面的演示中,狗的特征与动作没有直接的关系,其他有某事物的特征也一样可以使用用该动作函数
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 2、对象概念深入探讨1
    # # # 对狗的种类所具有的性质进行包装,但是具有一定的局限性,如果有多个狗的属性,每一个都要添加
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 3、对象概念深入探讨2
    # # # 实现对多个属不同狗狗的属性的实现
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 4、对象概念深入探讨3
    # # # 实现对多个属不同狗狗的属性的实现
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 4.1、类、对象、实例化的概念
    # # #
    # # # 1、什么叫类:
    # # # 类是一种数据结构,就好比一个模型,该模型用来表述一类事物(事物即数据和动作的结
    # # # 合体),用它来生产真实的物体(实例)
    # # # 2、什么叫对象:
    # # # 睁开眼,你看到的一切事物都是一个个对象,你可以把对象理解为一个具体的事物
    # # #(事物即数据和动作的结合体)
    # # #(铅笔是对象,人是对象,房子是对象,狗是对象,计算机是对象,水杯是对象)
    # # # 3、类与对象的关系:
    # # # 对象是由类产生的,上帝造人,上帝首先有一个造人的模板,这个模板即人的类,然后上帝根据类的定义来生产一个个的人
    # # # 4、什么叫实例化:
    # # # 由生产对象的过程叫实例化,类实例化的结果就是一个对象,或者叫做一个
    # # # 实例(实例 = 对象)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 5、对象概念深入探讨4,与序号2类似举例
    # # # 实现对多个属性的函数对象函数实现
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 5.1、对象概念深入探讨5,与序号2类似举例
    # # # 实现对多个属性的函数对象函数实现
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 6、类的实例化初识
    # # # 具体见11
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 7、类的属性
    # # #  类的数据属性, 类的函数属性(又称为方法)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 8、类的数据属性
    # # # 定义一个狗的类,然后在类中定义一个类的属性,声音是汪汪汪,这样,只要是狗,它们共有的属性就是汪汪汪
    # # # 类属性又称为静态变量,或者是静态数据,这些数据是与它们所属的类对象绑定的,不依赖于任何类实例
    # # # 如果你是一位Java或C++程序员,这种类型的数据相当于在一个变量声明前加上static关键字
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 8.1、类的函数属性
    # # #  类的函数属性(又称为方法)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 9、类的函数属性查看与调用
    # # # 类的函数属性(又称为方法)
    # # # 它的调用,类似于前面的2
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 10、特殊的类的函数属性
    # # #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 11、实例化
    # # # 对比情况,见上面4
    # # # 需要注意的是,类有属性: 数据 与 函数; 而实例只有数据属性,它的函数来源于类
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 12、 类属性查看
    # # #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 13、 类属性修改
    # # #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 14、 类属性 增加(类的数值属性)
    # # #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 15、 类属性 增加(类的函数属性)
    # # #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 15.1、 类属性 增加(类的函数属性)
    # # #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 16、 del, 类属性 删除
    # # #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 17、 类属性的数值属性的添加
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 18、 对实例添加数值属性与对类的关系
    # # # 实例中的数值属性添加是添加到自己的地点中,而类的数值属性并没有发生变化
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 19、 类、实例的数值属性与全局变量的关系
    # # # 数值属性的寻找过程: 实例-->> 调用数值属性 -->>有就返回,如果没有就继续找 -->>
    # # # 类的数值属性 -->>有就返回,没有就会报错
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 19.1、 类、实例的数值属性与全局变量的关系
    # # # 数值属性的寻找过程: 实例-->> 调用数值属性 -->>有就返回,如果没有就继续找 -->>
    # # # 类的数值属性 -->>有就返回,没有就会报错
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 20、  对类的__init__(self, name)实现输入实例化
    # # # __init__(self, name)函数是用来在类中进行实例化的,不可以在里面放置类似于有
    # # # shi_li_hua()函数相关的内容,这是因是每个函数有都自己的特点的功能,不该混淆使用
    # 下面的实例化是不规范的:
    #     def __init__(self, name):
    #         name = input(">>: ")
    #         self.name = name
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 21、实例数值属性 与 类的数值属性
    # # # 实例数值属性进行赋值时,如果没有,就回去类的数值属性中查找,找到后赋值,
    # # # 会将该数值属性添加到己的字典中,但是对于类中的是没有更改的,因为实例只
    # # # 是调用了类的数值属性
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 21.1、实例数值属性 与 类的数值属性
    # # # 实例数值属性进行赋值时,如果没有,就回去类的数值属性中查找,找到后赋值,
    # # # 会将该数值属性添加到己的字典中,但是对于类中的是没有更改的,因为实例只
    # # # 是调用了类的数值属性
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 22、实例数值属性 与 类的数值属性  赋值与添加的区别
    # # # 如果是实例中是没有的数值属性,赋值==》添加到实例字典中
    # # # 如果是实例中是没有的数值属性,添加==》添加到类  字典中
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------分割线-------------------------------------------------
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    # 01
    # 01
    # 01
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 1、对象概念引入
    # # # 事物:狗狗;    特征:吃,叫;
    # # # 一下的所有的与狗狗相关的探讨,都是要实现对所有不同狗狗的实现
    # # # 下面的演示中,狗的特征与动作没有直接的关系,其他有某事物的特征也一样可以使用用该动作函数
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 狗的特征
    # dog1= {
    #     'name':'元英',
    #     'gender':"母",
    #     'type':'藏獒'
    # }
    # dog2= {
    #     'name':'铅笔',
    #     'gender':"公",
    #     'type':'田园犬'
    # }
    # person1= {
    #     'name':'tom',
    #     'gender':"男",
    #     'type':'人'
    # }
    # # 狗的动作
    # def jiao(dog):
    #     print("一条叫【%s】的狗,汪汪汪"%dog['name'])
    # def chi(dog):
    #     print("一条【%s】正在中吃东东" %dog['type'])
    # jiao(dog1)
    # chi(dog1)
    # print("分割线".center(60,"-"))
    # jiao(dog2)
    # chi(dog2)
    # print("分割线".center(60,"-"))
    # jiao(person1)
    # chi(person1)
    # #
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # 一条叫【元英】的狗,汪汪汪
    # # 一条【藏獒】正在中吃东东
    # # ----------------------------分割线-----------------------------
    # # 一条叫【铅笔】的狗,汪汪汪
    # # 一条【田园犬】正在中吃东东
    # # ----------------------------分割线-----------------------------
    # # 一条叫【tom】的狗,汪汪汪
    # # 一条【人】正在中吃东东
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 2、对象概念深入探讨1
    # # # 对狗的种类所具有的性质进行包装,但是具有一定的局限性,如果有多个狗的属性,每一个都要添加
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # def dog():
    #     # 狗的动作
    #     def jiao(dog):
    #         print("一条叫【%s】的狗,汪汪汪" %dog['name'])
    #     def chi(dog):
    #         print("一条【%s】正在中吃东东" %dog['type'])
    #     # 狗的特征
    #     dog1 = {
    #         'name': '元英',
    #         'gender': "母",
    #         'type': '藏獒',
    #         'jiao': jiao,
    #         'chi':  chi
    #     }
    #     return dog1
    # d1 = dog()
    # # 返回的是一个字典
    # print(d1)
    # d1['jiao'](d1)
    # d1['chi'](d1)
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # {'name': '元英', 'gender': '母', 'type': '藏獒', 'jiao': <function dog.<locals>.jiao at 0x0000000002995620>, 'chi': <function dog.<locals>.chi at 0x00000000039EE7B8>}
    # # 一条叫【元英】的狗,汪汪汪
    # # 一条【藏獒】正在中吃东东
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 3、对象概念深入探讨2
    # # # 实现对多个属不同狗狗的属性的实现
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # def dog(name,gender,type):
    #     # 狗的动作
    #     def jiao(dog):
    #         print("一条叫【%s】的狗,汪汪汪" %dog['name'])
    #     def chi(dog):
    #         print("一条【%s】正在中吃东东" %dog['type'])
    #     # 狗的特征
    #     dog1 = {
    #         'name': name,
    #         'gender': gender,
    #         'type': type,
    #         'jiao': jiao,
    #         'chi':  chi
    #     }
    #     return dog1
    # d1 = dog( '元英',"母",'藏獒')
    # # 返回的是一个字典
    # print(d1)
    # d1['jiao'](d1)
    # d1['chi'](d1)
    # print("分割线".center(60,"-"))
    # d2 = dog( '铅笔', "公", '田园犬')
    # # 返回的是一个字典
    # print(d2)
    # d2['jiao'](d2)
    # d2['chi'](d2)
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # {'name': '元英', 'gender': '母', 'type': '藏獒', 'jiao': <function dog.<locals>.jiao at 0x0000000002285620>, 'chi': <function dog.<locals>.chi at 0x00000000039EE7B8>}
    # # 一条叫【元英】的狗,汪汪汪
    # # 一条【藏獒】正在中吃东东
    # # ----------------------------分割线-----------------------------
    # # {'name': '铅笔', 'gender': '公', 'type': '田园犬', 'jiao': <function dog.<locals>.jiao at 0x00000000039EE840>, 'chi': <function dog.<locals>.chi at 0x00000000039EE8C8>}
    # # 一条叫【铅笔】的狗,汪汪汪
    # # 一条【田园犬】正在中吃东东
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 4、对象概念深入探讨2
    # # # 实现对多个属不同狗狗的属性的实现
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # def dog(name,gender,type):
    #     # 狗的动作
    #     def jiao(dog):
    #         print("一条叫【%s】的狗,汪汪汪" %dog['name'])
    #     def chi(dog):
    #         print("一条【%s】正在中吃东东" %dog['type'])
    #     def init(name, gender, type):
    #         # 狗的特征
    #         dog1 = {
    #             'name': name,
    #             'gender': gender,
    #             'type': type,
    #             'jiao': jiao,
    #             'chi':  chi
    #         }
    #         return dog1
    #     return init(name, gender, type)
    # d1 = dog( '元英',"母",'藏獒')
    # # 返回的是一个字典
    # print(d1)
    # d1['jiao'](d1)
    # d1['chi'](d1)
    # print("分割线".center(60,"-"))
    # d2 = dog( '铅笔', "公", '田园犬')
    # # 返回的是一个字典
    # print(d2)
    # d2['jiao'](d2)
    # d2['chi'](d2)
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # {'name': '元英', 'gender': '母', 'type': '藏獒', 'jiao': <function dog.<locals>.jiao at 0x0000000002285620>, 'chi': <function dog.<locals>.chi at 0x00000000039EE7B8>}
    # # 一条叫【元英】的狗,汪汪汪
    # # 一条【藏獒】正在中吃东东
    # # ----------------------------分割线-----------------------------
    # # {'name': '铅笔', 'gender': '公', 'type': '田园犬', 'jiao': <function dog.<locals>.jiao at 0x00000000039EE840>, 'chi': <function dog.<locals>.chi at 0x00000000039EE8C8>}
    # # 一条叫【铅笔】的狗,汪汪汪
    # # 一条【田园犬】正在中吃东东
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # 02 面向对象设计part2
    # 02 面向对象设计part2
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 4.1、类、对象、实例化的概念
    # # # 
    # # # 1、什么叫类:
    # # # 类是一种数据结构,就好比一个模型,该模型用来表述一类事物(事物即数据和动作的结
    # # # 合体),用它来生产真实的物体(实例)
    # # # 2、什么叫对象:
    # # # 睁开眼,你看到的一切事物都是一个个对象,你可以把对象理解为一个具体的事物
    # # #(事物即数据和动作的结合体)
    # # #(铅笔是对象,人是对象,房子是对象,狗是对象,计算机是对象,水杯是对象)
    # # # 3、类与对象的关系:
    # # # 对象是由类产生的,上帝造人,上帝首先有一个造人的模板,这个模板即人的类,然后上帝根据类的定义来生产一个个的人
    # # # 4、什么叫实例化:
    # # # 由生产对象的过程叫实例化,类实例化的结果就是一个对象,或者叫做一个
    # # # 实例(实例 = 对象)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 5、对象概念深入探讨4,与序号2类似举例
    # # # 实现对多个属性的函数对象函数实现
    # ------------------------------------------------------------'''
    # def school(name, addr, type):
    #     def init(name, addr, type):
    #         dic_sch = {
    #             "name": name,
    #             "addr": addr,
    #             "type": type,
    #             "examination": examination,
    #             "recruit": recruit
    #         }
    #         return dic_sch
    #     def examination(school):
    #         print("【%s】is examing now!" %school["name"])
    #     def recruit(school):
    #         print("%s【%s】 is recruiting now !" %( school["name"],school["type"]) )
    #     return init(name, addr, type)   # 这个是与上面2中的区别
    # s1 =school("蓝翔", "中国", "私立")
    # s2 =school("北大青鸟", "中国", "私立")
    # s1["recruit"](s1)
    # s1["examination"](s1)
    # print("分割线".center(60,"-"))
    # s2["recruit"](s2)
    # s2["examination"](s2)
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # 蓝翔【私立】 is recruiting now !
    # # 【蓝翔】is examing now!
    # # ----------------------------分割线-----------------------------
    # # 北大青鸟【私立】 is recruiting now !
    # # 【北大青鸟】is examing now!
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 5.1、对象概念深入探讨5,与序号2类似举例
    # # # 实现对多个属性的函数对象函数实现
    # ------------------------------------------------------------'''
    # def school(name, addr, type):
    #     def init(name, addr, type):
    #         dic_sch = {
    #             "name": name,
    #             "addr": addr,
    #             "type": type,
    #             "examination": examination,
    #             "recruit": recruit
    #         }
    #         return dic_sch
    #     def examination(school):
    #         print("【%s】is examing now!" %school["name"])
    #     def recruit(school):
    #         print("%s【%s】 is recruiting now !" %( school["name"],school["type"]) )
    #     return init(name, addr, type)   # 这个是与上面2中的区别
    # s1 =school("蓝翔", "中国", "私立")
    # s2 =school("北大青鸟", "中国", "私立")
    # s1["recruit"](s1)
    # s1["examination"](s1)
    # print("分割线".center(60,"-"))
    # s2["recruit"](s2)
    # s2["examination"](s2)
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # 蓝翔【私立】 is recruiting now !
    # # 【蓝翔】is examing now!
    # # ----------------------------分割线-----------------------------
    # # 北大青鸟【私立】 is recruiting now !
    # # 【北大青鸟】is examing now!
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------分割线-------------------------------------------------
    # 03 类相关知识
    # 03 类相关知识
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 6、类的实例化初识
    # # # 具体见11
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # class Chinese:
    #     "这是一个关于中国人的类"
    #     pass
    # #  实例化到底干了什么?
    # p1 = Chinese()      # 实例化
    # print(p1)
    # # 实例化的过程如下
    # print(p1.__init__())
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # <__main__.Chinese object at 0x0000000001E787F0>
    # # None
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 7、类的属性
    # # #  类的数据属性, 类的函数属性(又称为方法)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 8、类的数据属性
    # # # 定义一个狗的类,然后在类中定义一个类的属性,声音是汪汪汪,这样,只要是狗,它们共有的属性就是汪汪汪
    # # # 类属性又称为静态变量,或者是静态数据,这些数据是与它们所属的类对象绑定的,不依赖于任何类实例
    # # # 如果你是一位Java或C++程序员,这种类型的数据相当于在一个变量声明前加上static关键字
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # class dog:
    #     "这是一个关于狗的类"
    #     language  = "汪汪汪汪"
    # print(dog.language)
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # 汪汪汪汪
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 8.1、类的函数属性
    # # #  类的函数属性(又称为方法)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # class dog:
    #     "这是一个关于狗的类"
    #     language  = "汪汪汪汪"
    #     def jiao():
    #         print("一条狗,汪汪汪叫" )
    #     def chi(self):
    #         print("一条狗在这里,吃东西" )
    # print(dog.language)
    # dog.jiao()
    # # dog.chi()               # 这样运行会报错,需要传入一个self的参数
    # # 传入的参数是随意时,不用chi(self)中的self时,不会报错
    # dog.chi("asfsfad")
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # 汪汪汪汪
    # # 一条狗,汪汪汪叫
    # # 一条狗在这里,吃东西
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 9、类的函数属性查看与调用
    # # # 类的函数属性(又称为方法)
    # # # 它的调用,类似于前面的2
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # class dog:
    #     "这是一个关于狗的类"
    #     language  = "汪汪汪汪"
    #     def jiao():
    #         print("一条狗,汪汪汪叫" )
    #     def chi(self):
    #         print("一条狗在这里,吃东西" )
    # print("分割线===》查看类的属性".center(100,"-"))
    # # dir带参数时,返回参数的属性、方法列表
    # print(dir(dog))
    # # 查看dog类的属性,字典方式打印
    # print(dog.__dict__)
    # print("分割线===》查看类的调用".center(100,"-"))
    # print(dog.__dict__["language"])
    # print(dog.__dict__["jiao"]())
    # print(dog.__dict__["chi"]("saf"))       # "saf"在里头并没有使用,这里随意写的
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # -------------------------------------------分割线===》查看类的属性--------------------------------------------
    # # ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', 'chi', 'jiao', 'language']
    # # {'__module__': '__main__', '__doc__': '这是一个关于狗的类', 'language': '汪汪汪汪', 'jiao': <function dog.jiao at 0x0000000002285620>, 'chi': <function dog.chi at 0x00000000039EE7B8>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'dog' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'dog' objects>}
    # # -------------------------------------------分割线===》查看类的调用--------------------------------------------
    # # 汪汪汪汪
    # # 一条狗,汪汪汪叫
    # # None
    # # 一条狗在这里,吃东西
    # # None
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # 04
    # 04
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 10、特殊的类的函数属性
    # # # 
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # class dog:
    #     "这是一个关于狗的类"
    #     language  = "汪汪汪汪"
    #     def jiao():
    #         print("一条狗,汪汪汪叫" )
    #     def chi(self):
    #         print("一条狗在这里,吃东西" )
    # print("__name__:    ", dog.__name__)      # 类的名字(字符串)
    # print("__doc__      ", dog.__doc__)       # 类的文档字符串
    # print("__base__    ", dog.__base__)      # 类的第一个父类
    # print("__bases__    ", dog.__bases__)     # 类的所有父类构成的元组
    # print("__dict__     ", dog.__dict__)      # 类的属性和属性值
    # print("__module__   ", dog.__module__)    # 类定义所在的模块
    # print("__class__    ", dog.__class__ )    # 实例dog对应的类(仅新式类中)
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # __name__:     dog
    # # __doc__       这是一个关于狗的类
    # # __bases__     <class 'object'>
    # # __bases__     (<class 'object'>,)
    # # __dict__      {'__module__': '__main__', '__doc__': '这是一个关于狗的类', 'language': '汪汪汪汪', 'jiao': <function dog.jiao at 0x0000000002965620>, 'chi': <function dog.chi at 0x00000000039EE7B8>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'dog' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'dog' objects>}
    # # __module__    __main__
    # # __class__     <class 'type'>
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 11、实例化
    # # # 对比情况,见上面4 
    # # # 需要注意的是,类有属性: 数据 与 函数; 而实例只有数据属性,它的函数来源于类
    类中的初始化程序 __init__,如形式1,它的实现过程式类似于形式2的
        def __init__(self, name, gender, type):
            self.mingzi = name
            self.xingbie = gender
            self.leixing = type
    def __init__( name, gender, type):
        # 狗的特征
        dog1 = {
            'mingzi': name,
            'xingbie': gender,
            'leixing': type
            # 'jiao': jiao,
            # 'chi':  chi
        return dog1
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # class dog:
    #     "这是一个关于狗的类"
    #     language  = "汪汪汪汪"
    #     def __init__(self, name, gender, type, age):
    #         print("开始运行初始化程序")
    #         print("self是:   ",self)
    #         self.mingzi = name
    #         self.xingbie = gender
    #         self.leixing = type
    #         self.nianling = age
    #         print("运行完毕!!")
    #     def jiao():
    #         print("一条狗,汪汪汪叫" )
    #         print("名字是%s")
    #     def chi(self):
    #         print("self是:   ",self)
    #         print("一条狗在这里,吃东西" )
    #         print("这个吃货,年龄%s" %self.nianling)
    # d1 = dog( '元英', "母", '藏獒', 3)     # 等价过程 d1 = dog.__init__(d1,  '元英',"母",'藏獒', 3)
    # # 返回的是一个字典
    # print("d1       ",d1)
    # print("__dict__ ", d1.__dict__)
    # print("__dict__['mingzi']   ", d1.__dict__['mingzi'])
    # print("mingzi    ",  d1.mingzi )
    # # d1.jiao()的运行会导致 TypeError: jiao() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given
    # # 原因是在国初始化中,类会默认给它传入一个参数self,但是矸在定义jiao()时,它是没有参数的
    # # d1.jiao()
    # # 调用实例的函数
    # # 过程: 自己的字典查找 ---》没有 --》类的字典 --》找到chi() --》调用
    # d1.chi()
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # 开始运行初始化程序
    # # self是:    <__main__.dog object at 0x00000000029912B0>
    # # 运行完毕!!
    # # d1        <__main__.dog object at 0x00000000029912B0>
    # # __dict__  {'mingzi': '元英', 'xingbie': '母', 'leixing': '藏獒', 'nianling': 3}
    # # __dict__['mingzi']    元英
    # # mingzi     元英
    # # self是:    <__main__.dog object at 0x00000000029912B0>
    # # 一条狗在这里,吃东西
    # # 这个吃货,年龄3
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # 05 类属性增删改查
    # 05 类属性增删改查
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 12、 类属性查看
    # # # 
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # class Chinese:
    #     country = "China"
    #     def __init__(self, name):
    #         self.name = name
    #     def play_ball(self,ball):
    #         print("%s 正在打 %s" %(self.name, ball))
    # # 查看
    # print("Chinese.country: ", Chinese.country)
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # Chinese.country:  China
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 13、 类属性修改
    # # # 
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # class Chinese:
    #     country = "China"
    #     def __init__(self, name):
    #         self.name = name
    #     def play_ball(self,ball):
    #         print("%s 正在打 %s" %(self.name, ball))
    # # 修改
    # print("修改".center(60,"-"))
    # Chinese.country = "Japan"
    # print("Chinese.country: ", Chinese.country)
    # p1 = Chinese("alex")
    # print(" p1.__dict__:    ", p1.__dict__)
    # print("p1.country:  ", p1.country)
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # -----------------------------修改-----------------------------
    # # Chinese.country:  Japan
    # #  p1.__dict__:     {'name': 'alex'}
    # # p1.country:   Japan
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 14、 类属性 增加(类的数值属性)
    # # # 
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # class Chinese:
    #     country = "China"
    #     def __init__(self, name):
    #         self.name = name
    #     def play_ball(self,ball):
    #         print("%s 正在打 %s" %(self.name, ball))
    # #  增加(类的数值属性)
    # print("增加".center(60,"-"))
    # p1 = Chinese("alex")
    # Chinese.dang = "我党"
    # print("Chinese.dang:  ", Chinese.dang)
    # print("p1.dang:       ", p1.dang)
    # print(" Chinese.__dict__:    ", Chinese.__dict__)
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # -----------------------------增加-----------------------------
    # # Chinese.dang:   我党
    # # p1.dang:        我党
    # #  Chinese.__dict__:     {'__module__': '__main__', 'country': 'China', '__init__': <function Chinese.__init__ at 0x0000000002965620>, 'play_ball': <function Chinese.play_ball at 0x00000000039EE7B8>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__doc__': None, 'dang': '我党'}
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # #
    # #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 15、 类属性 增加(类的函数属性)
    # # # 
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # class Chinese:
    #     country = "China"
    #     def __init__(self, name):
    #         self.name = name
    #     def play_ball(self,ball):
    #         print("%s 正在玩 %s" %(self.name, ball))
    # # p1实例化
    # p1 = Chinese("alex")
    # #  增加(类的函数属性) 1
    # print("增加".center(60,"-"))
    # def eat_food(self, food):
    #     print("%s 正在吃 %s" %( self.name, food) )
    # Chinese.eat = eat_food
    # print(Chinese.__dict__)
    # Chinese.eat(p1, "面条")                  # 这种用法基本不用
    # print( Chinese.country)
    # Chinese.play_ball(p1,"足球")             # 这种用法基本不用
    # p1.play_ball("足球")
    # p1.eat("面条")
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # {'__module__': '__main__', 'country': 'China', '__init__': <function Chinese.__init__ at 0x0000000002975620>, 'play_ball': <function Chinese.play_ball at 0x00000000039EE7B8>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__doc__': None, 'eat': <function eat_food at 0x0000000002071EA0>}
    # # China
    # # alex 正在打 足球
    # # alex 正在吃 面条
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 15.1、 类属性 增加(类的函数属性)
    # # # 
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # class Chinese:
    #     country = "China"
    #     def __init__(self, name):
    #         self.name = name
    #     def play_ball(self,ball):
    #         print("%s 正在玩 %s" %(self.name, ball))
    # # p1实例化
    # p1 = Chinese("alex")
    # #  增加(类的函数属性) 2, 下面这种用法基本不用
    # # 因为把函数属性添加到了实例化当中
    # print("增加".center(60,"-"))
    # def test(self):
    #     print("这是一个来自实例的函数属性",self)
    # # 添加到p1当中
    # p1.test = test
    # print(p1.__dict__)
    # p1.test("sdaf")
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # -----------------------------增加-----------------------------
    # # {'name': 'alex', 'test': <function test at 0x0000000001D21EA0>}
    # # 这是一个来自实例的函数属性 sdaf
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 16、 del, 类属性 删除
    # # # 
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # class Chinese:
    #     country = "China"
    #     def __init__(self, name):
    #         self.name = name
    #     def play_ball(self,ball):
    #         print("%s 正在玩 %s" %(self.name, ball))
    # Chinese.dang = "我党"
    # print(" Chinese.__dict__, before :    ", Chinese.__dict__)
    # # 删除
    # print("删除".center(60,"-"))
    # del Chinese.country
    # del Chinese.dang
    # del Chinese.play_ball
    # print(" Chinese.__dict__, after  :    ", Chinese.__dict__)
    # #
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # #  Chinese.__dict__, before :     {'__module__': '__main__', 'country': 'China', '__init__': <function Chinese.__init__ at 0x0000000002985620>, 'play_ball': <function Chinese.play_ball at 0x00000000039EE7B8>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__doc__': None, 'dang': '我党'}
    # # -----------------------------删除-----------------------------
    # #  Chinese.__dict__, after  :     {'__module__': '__main__', '__init__': <function Chinese.__init__ at 0x0000000002985620>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__doc__': None}
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # 07
    # 07
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 17、 类属性的数值属性的添加
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # class MyData:
    #     pass
    # x = 10
    # y = 20
    # MyData.x = x
    # MyData.y = y
    # x, y = 66, 99
    # print(x,y)
    # print(MyData.x)
    # print(MyData.y)
    # print(MyData.__dict__)
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # 66 99
    # # 10
    # # 20
    # # {'__module__': '__main__', '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'MyData' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'MyData' objects>, '__doc__': None, 'x': 10, 'y': 20}
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 18、 对实例添加数值属性与对类的关系
    # # # 实例中的数值属性添加是添加到自己的地点中,而类的数值属性并没有发生变化
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # class Chinese:
    #     country = "China"
    #     def __init__(self, name):
    #         self.name = name
    #     def play_ball(self, ball):
    #         print("%s 正在打 %s"%(self.name, ball))
    # p1 = Chinese("alex")
    # print(p1.country)
    # # p1.country添加到的是p1自己实例的字典中
    # p1.country = "日本"
    # print("类的===>>>", Chinese.country)
    # print("实例的==>>", p1.country)
    # print("Chinese.__dict__:    ", Chinese.__dict__)
    # print("p1.__dict__:         ",p1.__dict__)
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # China
    # # 类的===>>> China
    # # 实例的==>> 日本
    # # Chinese.__dict__:     {'__module__': '__main__', 'country': 'China', '__init__': <function Chinese.__init__ at 0x0000000002995620>, 'play_ball': <function Chinese.play_ball at 0x00000000039EE7B8>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__doc__': None}
    # # p1.__dict__:          {'name': 'alex', 'country': '日本'}
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 19、 类、实例的数值属性与全局变量的关系
    # # # 数值属性的寻找过程: 实例-->> 调用数值属性 -->>有就返回,如果没有就继续找 -->>
    # # # 类的数值属性 -->>有就返回,没有就会报错
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # country = "中国"
    # class Chinese:
    #     def __init__(self, name):
    #         self.name = name
    #     def play_ball(self, ball):
    #         print(" %s 正在打 %s" %( self.name, ball))
    # p1 = Chinese("alex")
    # print(p1.country)          # 报错,p1并没有这个数值属性
    # print(Chinese.country)     # 报错,Chinese并没有这个数值属性
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # Traceback (most recent call last):
    # #   File "D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py", line 980, in <module>
    # #     print(p1.country)
    # # AttributeError: 'Chinese' object has no attribute 'country'
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 1
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 19.1、 类、实例的数值属性与全局变量的关系
    # # # 数值属性的寻找过程: 实例-->> 调用数值属性 -->>有就返回,如果没有就继续找 -->>
    # # # 类的数值属性 -->>有就返回,没有就会报错
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # country = "中国"
    # class Chinese:
    #     capital = "北京"
    #     # 是一个普通的变量,可向外查找
    #     print("这个是类中的:  " , country)
    #     # capital,类中有定义
    #     print("这个是类中的:  ", capital)
    #     def __init__(self, name):
    #         self.name = name
    #         # country前面并有点,因此是一个普通的变量,可向外查找
    #         print("这个是实例中的:", country)
    #         # 实例中的数值,自己的字典找不到,就去类的字典中找
    #         print("这个是实例中的:  ", self.capital)
    #         # print("这个是实例中的:  ", capital)       # 《报错》
    #     def play_ball(self, ball):
    #         print(" %s 正在打 %s" %( self.name, ball))
    # p1 = Chinese("alex")
    # print("p1.__dict__:        ", p1.__dict__)
    # print("Chinese.__dict__:    ", Chinese.__dict__)
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # 这个是类中的:   中国
    # # 这个是类中的:   北京
    # # 这个是实例中的: 中国
    # # 这个是实例中的:   北京
    # # p1.__dict__:         {'name': 'alex'}
    # # Chinese.__dict__:     {'__module__': '__main__', 'capital': '北京', '__init__': <function Chinese.__init__ at 0x00000000029A5620>, 'play_ball': <function Chinese.play_ball at 0x00000000039EE7B8>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__doc__': None}
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 20、  对类的__init__(self, name)实现输入实例化
    # # # __init__(self, name)函数是用来在类中进行实例化的,不可以在里面放置类似于有
    # # # shi_li_hua()函数相关的内容,这是因是每个函数有都自己的特点的功能,不该混淆使用
    # 下面的实例化是不规范的:
    #     def __init__(self, name):
    #         name = input(">>: ")
    #         self.name = name
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # country = "中国"
    # class Chinese:
    #     def __init__(self, name):
    #         self.name = name
    #     def play_ball(self, ball):
    #         print(" %s 正在打 %s" %( self.name, ball))
    # def shi_li_hua():
    #     name = input(">>: ")
    #     p1 = Chinese(name)
    #     print(p1.name)
    # shi_li_hua()
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # >>: zhang
    # # zhang
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # 08 对象与实例属性补充
    # 08 对象与实例属性补充
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 21、实例数值属性 与 类的数值属性
    # # # 实例数值属性进行赋值时,如果没有,就回去类的数值属性中查找,找到后赋值,
    # # # 会将该数值属性添加到己的字典中,但是对于类中的是没有更改的,因为实例只
    # # # 是调用了类的数值属性
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # class Chinese:
    #     country = "中国"
    #     def __init__(self, name):
    #         self.name = name
    #     def play_ball(self, ball):
    #         print(" %s 正在打 %s" %( self.name, ball))
    # p1 = Chinese("alex")
    # print("更改前".center(100,"-") )
    # print("p1.__dict__:        ", p1.__dict__)
    # print("Chinese.__dict__:    ", Chinese.__dict__)
    # p1.country = "Japan"
    # print(Chinese.country)
    # print("更改后".center(100,"-"))
    # print("p1.__dict__:        ", p1.__dict__)
    # print("Chinese.__dict__:    ", Chinese.__dict__)
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # ------------------------------------------------更改前-------------------------------------------------
    # # p1.__dict__:         {'name': 'alex'}
    # # Chinese.__dict__:     {'__module__': '__main__', 'country': '中国', '__init__': <function Chinese.__init__ at 0x00000000029A5620>, 'play_ball': <function Chinese.play_ball at 0x00000000039EE7B8>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__doc__': None}
    # # 中国
    # # ------------------------------------------------更改后-------------------------------------------------
    # # p1.__dict__:         {'name': 'alex', 'country': 'Japan'}
    # # Chinese.__dict__:     {'__module__': '__main__', 'country': '中国', '__init__': <function Chinese.__init__ at 0x00000000029A5620>, 'play_ball': <function Chinese.play_ball at 0x00000000039EE7B8>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__doc__': None}
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 21.1、实例数值属性 与 类的数值属性
    # # # 实例数值属性进行赋值时,如果没有,就回去类的数值属性中查找,找到后赋值,
    # # # 会将该数值属性添加到己的字典中,但是对于类中的是没有更改的,因为实例只
    # # # 是调用了类的数值属性
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # class Chinese:
    #     country = "中国"
    #     l = ['a','b',123]
    #     def __init__(self, name):
    #         self.name = name
    #     def play_ball(self, ball):
    #         print(" %s 正在打 %s" %( self.name, ball))
    # p1 = Chinese("alex")
    # print("更改前".center(100,"-") )
    # print("p1.__dict__:        ", p1.__dict__)
    # print("Chinese.__dict__:    ", Chinese.__dict__)
    # # 修改操作
    # p1.l = [11, 22, 33, 44]
    # print("更改后".center(100,"-"))
    # print("p1.__dict__:        ", p1.__dict__)
    # print("Chinese.__dict__:    ", Chinese.__dict__)
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # ------------------------------------------------更改前-------------------------------------------------
    # # p1.__dict__:         {'name': 'alex'}
    # # Chinese.__dict__:     {'__module__': '__main__', 'country': '中国', 'l': ['a', 'b', 123], '__init__': <function Chinese.__init__ at 0x00000000022C5620>, 'play_ball': <function Chinese.play_ball at 0x00000000039EE7B8>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__doc__': None}
    # # ------------------------------------------------更改后-------------------------------------------------
    # # p1.__dict__:         {'name': 'alex', 'l': [11, 22, 33, 44]}
    # # Chinese.__dict__:     {'__module__': '__main__', 'country': '中国', 'l': ['a', 'b', 123], '__init__': <function Chinese.__init__ at 0x00000000022C5620>, 'play_ball': <function Chinese.play_ball at 0x00000000039EE7B8>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__doc__': None}
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # # 22、实例数值属性 与 类的数值属性  赋值与添加的区别
    # # # 如果是实例中是没有的数值属性,赋值==》添加到实例字典中
    # # # 如果是实例中是没有的数值属性,添加==》添加到类  字典中
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # class Chinese:
    #     country = "中国"
    #     l = ['a','b',123]
    #     def __init__(self, name):
    #         self.name = name
    #     def play_ball(self, ball):
    #         print(" %s 正在打 %s" %( self.name, ball))
    # p1 = Chinese("alex")
    # p2 = Chinese("zhang")
    # print("更改前".center(100,"-") )
    # print("p1.__dict__:        ", p1.__dict__)
    # print("p2.__dict__:        ", p2.__dict__)
    # print("Chinese.__dict__:    ", Chinese.__dict__)
    # # 修改操作
    # p1.l = [11, 22, 33, 44]
    # p1.l.append("====>>_____<<====")
    # p2.l.append(">>>>>>>>>>>……<<<<<<<<<")       #
    # print("更改后".center(100,"-"))
    # print("p1.__dict__:        ", p1.__dict__)
    # print("p2.__dict__:        ", p2.__dict__)
    # print("Chinese.__dict__:    ", Chinese.__dict__)
    # # D:Anaconda3python.exe D:/C_cache/py/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing/day24_MianXiangDuiXiangYuShiLiShuXing.py
    # # ------------------------------------------------更改前-------------------------------------------------
    # # p1.__dict__:         {'name': 'alex'}
    # # p2.__dict__:         {'name': 'zhang'}
    # # Chinese.__dict__:     {'__module__': '__main__', 'country': '中国', 'l': ['a', 'b', 123], '__init__': <function Chinese.__init__ at 0x0000000002975620>, 'play_ball': <function Chinese.play_ball at 0x00000000039EE7B8>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__doc__': None}
    # # ------------------------------------------------更改后-------------------------------------------------
    # # p1.__dict__:         {'name': 'alex', 'l': [11, 22, 33, 44, '====>>_____<<====']}
    # # p2.__dict__:         {'name': 'zhang'}
    # # Chinese.__dict__:     {'__module__': '__main__', 'country': '中国', 'l': ['a', 'b', 123, '>>>>>>>>>>>……<<<<<<<<<'], '__init__': <function Chinese.__init__ at 0x0000000002975620>, 'play_ball': <function Chinese.play_ball at 0x00000000039EE7B8>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Chinese' objects>, '__doc__': None}
    # #
    # # Process finished with exit code 0


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