We can use many ways upload our Files to Azure, Than I Introduction to you a good way, AzCopy !
1. We need to creat a Azure Storage Account,and than creat a new container (such as name is files) in this account
2. Install the tool of AzCopy (AzCopy URL: http://aka.ms/downloadazcopy ) Than use cmd commad without authority of administrators
cmd:: AzCopy /Source:D: /Dest: https://junjiany.blob.core.chinacloudapi.cn/junjiancon /DestKey:{存储账号key} /Pattern:alex.html
//DestKey is the key of our accout
command without administrators
// Than we can see our files is uploaded to our azure accout sucessful
* Note
We need creat a public container, otherwise we must get an error 403
That's all!