• Stata8图形示例及代码


    sysuse lifeexp, clear
    keep if region==2 | region==3
    replace gnppc = gnppc / 1000
    label var gnppc "GNP per capita (thousands of dollars)"
    gen lgnp = log(gnp)
    qui reg lexp lgnp
    predict hat 
    label var hat "Linear prediction"
    replace country = "Trinidad" if country=="Trinidad and Tobago"
    replace country = "Para" if country == "Paraguay"
    gen pos = 3 
    replace pos = 9 if lexp > hat 
    replace pos = 3 if country == "Colombia"
    replace pos = 3 if country == "Para"
    replace pos = 3 if country == "Trinidad"
    replace pos = 9 if country == "United States"
    #delimit ;
    (scatter lexp gnppc, mlabel(country) mlabv(pos))
    (line hat gnppc, sort)
    , xsca(log) xlabel(.5 5 10 15 20 25 30, grid) legend(off) 
      title("Life expectancy vs. GNP per capita") 
      subtitle("North, Central, and South America") 
      note("Data source:  World bank, 1998") 
      ytitle("Life expectancy at birth (years)")
    #delimit cr

    sysuse lifeexp, clear
    gen gnp000 = gnppc/1000
    label var gnp000 "GNP per capita, thousands of dollars"
    scatter lexp gnp000, xsca(log) ///
    xlabel(.5 2.5 10(10)40, grid)

    sysuse census, clear
    gen drate = divorce / pop18p 
    label var drate "Divorce rate"
    scatter drate medage [w=pop18p] if state!="Nevada", msymbol(Oh) ///
      note("State data excluding Nevada" ///
           "Area of symbol proportional to state's population aged 18+")

    sysuse auto, clear
    quietly regress mpg weight 
    predict hat
    predict stf, stdf
    gen lo = hat - 1.96*stf
    gen hi = hat + 1.96*stf
    scatter mpg weight || line hat lo hi weight, pstyle(p2 p3 p3) sort

    sysuse uslifeexp, clear
    gen diff = le_wm - le_bm 
    label var diff "Difference"
    #delimit ;
    line le_wm year, yaxis(1 2) xaxis(1 2) 
      || line le_bm year 
      || line diff  year
      || lfit diff  year
      ylabel(0(5)20, axis(2) gmin angle(horizontal))
      ylabel(0 20(10)80,     gmax angle(horizontal))
      ytitle("", axis(2))
      xlabel(1918, axis(2)) xtitle("", axis(2))
      ytitle("Life expectancy at birth (years)")
      title("White and black life expectancy")
      subtitle("USA, 1900-1999")
      note("Source: National Vital Statistics, Vol 50, No. 6" 
           "(1918 dip caused by 1918 Influenza Pandemic)")
      legend(label(1 "White males") label(2 "Black males"))
      legend(col(1) pos(3))
    #delimit cr

    sysuse auto, clear 
    quietly regress mpg weight 
    predict hat
    predict s, stdf
    gen low = hat - 1.96*s
    gen hi  = hat + 1.96*s
    #delimit ;
    rarea low hi weight, sort bcolor(gs14) ||
    scatter  mpg weight
    #delimit cr

    sysuse sp500, clear
    #delimit ;
    line close date, yaxis(1)
    bar change date, yaxis(2)
    in 1/52, 
    ysca(axis(1) r(1000 1400)) ylab(1200(50)1400, axis(1))
    ysca(axis(2) r(-50 300)) ylab(-50 0 50, axis(2)) 
    ytick(-50(25)50, axis(2) grid)
    title("S&P 500")
    subtitle("January - March 2001")
    note("Source:  Yahoo!Finance and Commodity Systems, Inc.")
    yline(1150, axis(1) lstyle(foreground))
    #delimit cr

    sysuse pop2000, clear
    replace maletotal = -maletotal/1e+6
    replace femtotal = femtotal/1e+6
    gen zero = 0
    #delimit ;
    bar maletotal agegrp, horizontal xvarlab(Males)
       bar  femtotal agegrp, horizontal xvarlab(Females)
       sc  agegrp zero     , mlabel(agegrp) mlabcolor(black) msymbol(i)
    xtitle("Population in millions") ytitle("")
    ysca(noline) ylabel(none)
    xsca(noline titlegap(-3.5))
    xlabel(-12 "12" -10 "10" -8 "8" -6 "6" -4 "4" 4(2)12 , tlength(0) 
    grid gmin gmax)
    legend(label(1 Males) label(2 Females)) legend(order(1 2))
    title("US Male and Female Population by Age, 2000")
    note("Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000, Tables 1, 2 and 3")
    #delimit cr

    sysuse sp500, clear
    #delimit ;
    twoway line close date, yaxis(1) || spike change date, yaxis(2) ||,
      yscale(axis(1) r(700  1400)) ylabel(1000(100)1400, axis(1))
      yscale(axis(2) r(-50 300))   ylabel(-50 0 50, axis(2)) 
      ytick(-50(25)50, axis(2) grid)
      title("S&P 500")
      subtitle("January - December 2001")
      note("Source:  Yahoo!Finance and Commodity Systems, Inc.")
      yline(950, axis(1) lstyle(foreground))
    #delimit cr

    sysuse lifeexp, clear 
    keep if region==3
    gen lngnp = ln(gnppc)
    quietly regress le lngnp 
    predict r, resid 
    twoway dropline r gnp, ///
      yline(0, lstyle(foreground)) mlabel(country) mlabpos(9) ///
      ylab(-6(1)6) ///
      subtitle("Regression of life expectancy on ln(gnp)" "Residuals:" " ", pos(11)) ///
      note("Residuals in years; positive values indicate" "longer than predicted life expectancy")

    sysuse sp500, clear 
    #delimit ;
    histogram volume, freq
      xaxis(1 2)
      ylabel(0(10)60, grid) 
      xlabel(12321 "mean" 
            9735 "-1 s.d." 
           14907 "+1 s.d." 
            7149 "-2 s.d."
           17493 "+2 s.d." 
           20078 "+3 s.d."
           22664 "+4 s.d.", axis(2) grid gmax)
      xtitle("", axis(2))
      subtitle("S&P 500, January 2001 - December 2001")
      note("Source:  Yahoo!Finance and Commodity Systems, Inc.")
    #delimit cr

    sysuse sp500, clear 
    #delimit ;
    histogram volume, freq normal
    xaxis(1 2)
    ylabel(0(10)60, grid) 
    xlabel(12321 "mean" 
          9735 "-1 s.d." 
         14907 "+1 s.d." 
          7149 "-2 s.d."
         17493 "+2 s.d." 
         20078 "+3 s.d."
         22664 "+4 s.d."
    , axis(2) grid gmax)
    xtitle("", axis(2))
    subtitle("S&P 500, January 2001 - December 2001")
    note("Source:  Yahoo!Finance and Commodity Systems, Inc.")
    #delimit cr

    sysuse sp500, clear 
    replace volume = volume/1000
    #delimit ;
    rspike hi low date ||
    line   close  date ||
    bar    volume date, barw(.25) yaxis(2) ||
    in 1/57
    , ysca(axis(1) r(900 1400))
      ysca(axis(2) r(  9   45))
      ylabel(, axis(2) grid)
    ytitle("                          Price -- High, Low, Close")
    ytitle(" Volume (millions)", axis(2) bexpand just(left))
    subtitle("S&P 500", margin(b+2.5))
    note("Source:  Yahoo!Finance and Commodity Systems, Inc.")
    #delimit cr

    sysuse sp500, clear 
    gen month = month(date)
    sort month
    by month: egen lo = min(volume)
    by month: egen hi = max(volume)
    format lo hi %10.0gc
    by month: keep if _n==_N
    #delimit ;
    twoway rcap lo hi month, 
      xlabel(1 "J"  2 "F"  3 "M"  4 "A"  5 "M"  6 "J" 
                     7 "J"  8 "A"  9 "S" 10 "O" 11 "N" 12 "D")
      xtitle("Month of 2001")
      ytitle("High and Low Volume")
      yaxis(1 2) ylabel(12321 "12,321 (mean)", axis(2) angle(0))
      ytitle("", axis(2))
      yline(12321, lstyle(foreground))
      title("Volume of the S&P 500", margin(b+2.5))
      note("Source:  Yahoo!Finance and Commodity Systems Inc.")
    #delimit cr

    sysuse gnp96, clear 
    #delimit ;
    twoway area d.gnp96 date, xlabel(36(8)164, angle(90)) 
      ylabel(-100(50)200, angle(0))
      ytitle("Billions of 1996 Dollars")
      subtitle("Change in U.S. GNP", position(11))
      note("Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis")
    #delimit cr

    #delimit ;
    twoway function y=exp(-x/6)*sin(x), range(0 12.57)
      yline(0, lstyle(foreground))
      xlabel(0 3.14 "pi" 6.28 "2 pi" 9.42 "3 pi" 12.57 "4 pi")
    #delimit cr

    #delimit ;
      function y=normden(x), range(-4 -1.96) bcolor(gs12) recast(area) || 
      function y=normden(x), range(1.96 4) bcolor(gs12) recast(area) ||
      function y=normden(x), range(-4 4) clstyle(foreground) ||, 
      yscale(off) xscale(noline)
      xlabel(-4 "-4 sd" -3 "-3 sd" -2 "-2 sd" -1 "-1 sd" 0 "mean" 
      1 "1 sd"   2 "2 sd"   3 "3 sd"   4 "4 sd", grid gmin gmax)
    #delimit cr

    sysuse uslifeexp, clear
    #delimit ;
    twoway line  le year || fpfit le year ||,
      ytitle("Life Expectancy, years")
      xlabel(1900 1918 1940(20)2000)
      title("Life Expectancy at Birth")
      subtitle("U.S., 1900-1999")
      note("Source:  National Vital Statistics Report, Vol. 50 No. 6")
      text(48.5 1923 
         "The 1918 Influenza Pandemic was the worst epidemic"
         "known in the U.S."
         "More citizens died than in all combat deaths of the"
         "20th century.", box place(se) just(left) margin(l+4 t+1 b+1) width(85))
    #delimit cr

    sysuse lifeexp, clear
    gen lgnppc = ln(gnppc)
    gr matrix popgr lexp lgnp safe

    sysuse lifeexp, clear
    generate lgnppc = ln(gnppc)
    graph matrix popgr lgnp safe lexp, half

    sysuse lifeexp, clear
    generate lgnppc = ln(gnppc)
    graph matrix popgr lgnp safe lexp, maxes(ylab(#4, grid) xlab(#4, grid))

    sysuse lifeexp, clear
    generate lgnppc = ln(gnppc)
    label var lgnppc "ln GNP per capita"
    #delimit ;
    graph matrix popgr lgnp safe lexp, 
      maxes(ylab(#4, grid) xlab(#4, grid))
      subtitle("Summary of 1998 life-expectancy data")
      note("Source:  The World Bank Group")
    #delimit cr

    sysuse uslifeexp, clear 
    line le_male   year, saving(male)
    line le_female year, saving(female)
    graph combine male.gph female.gph, ycommon 

    sysuse uslifeexp, clear 
    line le_male   year, ylab(,grid) saving(male)
    line le_female year, ylab(,grid) saving(female)
    gr combine male.gph female.gph, col(1) scale(1)

    sysuse lifeexp, clear 
    gen loggnp = log10(gnppc)
    label var loggnp "Log base 10 of GNP per capita"
    #delimit ;
    scatter lexp loggnp, yscale(alt) xscale(alt) xlabel(, grid gmax) saving(yx)
    twoway histogram lexp, fraction xscale(alt reverse) horiz saving(hy)
    twoway histogram loggnp, fraction yscale(alt reverse) 
      ylabel(,nogrid) xlabel(,grid gmax) saving(hx)
    graph combine hy.gph yx.gph hx.gph, hole(3) 
      imargin(0 0 0 0) graphregion(margin(l=22 r=22))
      title("Life expectancy at birth vs. GNP per capita")
      note("Source:  1998 data from The World Bank Group")
    #delimit cr

    sysuse lifeexp, clear 
    gen loggnp = log10(gnppc)
    label var loggnp "Log base 10 of GNP per capita"
    #delimit ;
    scatter lexp loggnp, yscale(alt) xscale(alt) xlabel(, grid gmax) saving(yx)
    twoway histogram lexp, fraction xscale(alt reverse) horiz fxsize(25) saving(hy)
    twoway histogram loggnp, fraction
      yscale(alt reverse) ylabel(0(.1).2, nogrid)
      xlabel(,grid gmax) fysize(25)
      saving(hx) ;
    graph combine hy.gph yx.gph hx.gph, hole(3) 
      imargin(0 0 0 0) graphregion(margin(l=22 r=22))
      title("Life expectancy at birth vs. GNP per capita")
      note("Source:  1998 data from The World Bank Group") ;
    #delimit cr

    sysuse cancer, clear
    stset studytime, fail(died)
    streg, distribution(exponential)
    predict S, surv
    sts graph, plot(line S _t, sort)

    sysuse citytemp, clear 
    #delimit ;
    graph bar tempjuly tempjan, over(region) bargap(-30)
      legend( label(1 "July") label(2 "January") )
      ytitle("Degrees Fahrenheit")
      title("Average July and January temperatures")
      subtitle("by regions of the United States")
      note("Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Dept. of Commerce") ;
    #delimit cr

    sysuse citytemp, clear 
    #delimit ;
    graph bar tempjuly tempjan, over(region) bargap(-30)
      legend( label(1 "July") label(2 "January") )
      ytitle("Degrees Fahrenheit")
      title("Average July and January temperatures")
      subtitle("by regions of the United States")
      note("Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Dept. of Commerce")
      blabel(bar, position(inside) format(%9.1f) color(white)) ;
    #delimit cr

    sysuse citytemp, clear 
    #delimit ;
    graph bar (mean) tempjuly tempjan, 
      over(division, label(labsize(*.75)))
      bargap(-30) nofill
      ytitle("Degrees Fahrenheit")
      legend( label(1 "July") label(2 "January") )
      title("Average July and January temperatures")
      subtitle("by region and division of the United States")
      note("Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Dept. of Commerce") ;
    #delimit cr

    sysuse citytemp, clear 
    #delimit ;
    graph hbar tempjan, over(division) over(region) nofill
      ytitle("Degrees Fahrenheit")
      title("Average January temperature")
      subtitle("by region and division of the United States")
      note("Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Dept. of Commerce") ;
    #delimit cr

    sysuse nlsw88, clear
    #delimit ;
    graph bar wage, over(smsa, descend gap(-30)) over(married) 
      over(collgrad, relabel(1 "Not college graduate" 2 "College graduate"))
      title("Average Hourly Wage, 1988, Women Aged 34-46")
      subtitle("by College Graduation, Marital Status, and SMSA residence")
      note("Source:  1988 data from NLS, U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics") ;
    #delimit cr

    sysuse educ99gdp, clear
    generate total = private + public
    #delimit ;
    graph hbar (asis) public private, 
      over(country, sort(total) descending) stack
      title("Spending on tertiary education as % of GDP, 1999",
      span pos(11))
      subtitle(" ")
      note("Source: OECD, Education at a Glance 2002", span) ;
    #delimit cr

    sysuse nlsw88, clear
    #delimit ;
    graph hbar wage, over(ind, sort(1)) over(collgrad)
      title("Average hourly wage, 1988, women aged 34-46", span)
      subtitle(" ")
      note("Source:  1988 data from NLS, U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics", span)
      ysize(7) ;
    #delimit cr

    sysuse nlsw88, clear
    #delimit ;
    graph hbar wage, over( occ, axis(off) sort(1) )
      blabel( group, pos(base) color(bg) )
      ytitle( "" )
      by( union, 
        title("Average Hourly Wage, 1988, Women Aged 34-46")
        note("Source:  1988 data from NLS, U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics") ) ;
    #delimit cr

    sysuse nlsw88, clear
    #delimit ;
    graph dot wage, over(occ, sort(1)) 
      title("Average hourly wage, 1988, women aged 34-46", span)
      subtitle(" ")
      note("Source:  1988 data from NLS, U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics", span) ;
    #delimit cr

    sysuse nlsw88, clear
    #delimit ;
    graph dot (p10) p10=wage (p90) p90=wage, 
      over(occ, sort(2)) 
      legend(label(1 "10th percentile") label(2 "90th percentile"))
      title("10th and 90th percentiles of hourly wage", span)
      subtitle("Women aged 34-46, 1988" " ", span)
      note("Source:  1988 data from NLS, U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics", span) ;
    #delimit cr

    sysuse nlsw88, clear
    #delimit ;
    graph dot wage, 
      over(occ, sort(1))
        title("Average hourly wage, 1988, women aged 34-46", span)
        subtitle(" ")
        note("Source:  1988 data from NLS, U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics", span) );
    #delimit cr

    sysuse bplong, clear
    #delimit ;
    graph box bp, 
      over(when) over(sex)
      ytitle("Systolic blood pressure")
      title("Response to treatment, by Sex")
      subtitle("(120 Preoperative Patients)" " ")
      note("Source:  Fictional Drug Trial, Stata Corporation, 2003") ;
    #delimit cr

    sysuse nlsw88, clear
    #delimit ;
    graph hbox wage, 
      over(ind, sort(1)) nooutside
      title("Hourly wage, 1988, woman aged 34-46", span)
      subtitle(" ")
      note("Source:  1988 data from NLS, U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics", span) ;
    #delimit cr

    sysuse nlsw88, clear
    #delimit ;
    graph hbox wage, 
      over(ind, sort(1)) nooutside
        title("Hourly wage, 1988, woman aged 34-46", span)
        subtitle(" ")
        note("Source:  1988 data from NLS, U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics", span) );
    #delimit cr


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