function ret = regress222(y, X, stat)
    % This function estimates OLS coefficients from a regression of
    % y on X. Standard errors are "regular" OLS standard errors.
    % SYNTAX: ret = regress(y, X, stat)
    % The value returned (ret) depends on stat:
    %  0: [beta, standard errors, t-statistics]
    %  1: residuals
        % calculate Bhat
        b = pinv(X)*y; % inv(X'*X)*X'*y;
        [N, k] =size(X);
        % calculate residuals
        e = y - X * b;
        s2 = e' * e/(N - k);
        if (stat==1) % return residuals
          ret = e;
        elseif (stat==0) % return [beta, standard errors, t-statistics]
          % Following code borrowed from "Spatial Econometrics" library  
          if N < 10000
            [q r] = qr(X,0);
            xpxi = (r'*r)eye(k);
          else % use Cholesky for very large problems
            xpxi = (X'*X)eye(k);
          varBhat = s2 * xpxi;
          % calculate standard errors and t-stats
          se = sqrt(diag(varBhat));
          t = b./ se;
          ret = [b se t];

    % x=[277,276.8,276.6,276.4,276.2,276,275.8,275.6,275.4,275.2,275,274.8,274.6,274.4,274.2,274,273.8,273.6,273.4,273.2,273,272.8,272.6,272.4,272.2,272,271.8,271.6,271.4,271.2,271,270.8,270.6,270.4,270.2,270,269.8,269.6,269.4,269.2,269;];
    % y=[0.15644,0.15706,0.15782,0.15874,0.1598,0.16092,0.16208,0.16318,0.1643,0.16544,0.1666,0.16772,0.16884,0.16992,0.17094,0.1719,0.17276,0.1735,0.17408,0.17444,0.17458,0.17456,0.17438,0.17408,0.17366,0.1732,0.17268,0.17208,0.17134,0.1705,0.16952,0.16846,0.16734,0.1662,0.1651,0.16402,0.16292,0.16188,0.16086,0.15984,0.15886;];

    % X = [x; ones(1,length(x))];
    % b = regress(y.',X.')

    % b2 = regress222(y.',X.',0)

    % b3 = regress222(y.',X.',1)



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jungsee/p/8467661.html
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