• Barcode Reader SDK使用教程:Web摄像机读取条码

    Web摄像机如何读取条码?本教程将分享在Barcode Reader SDK中用Web摄像机当做条码读取器读取条码。以C#代码为例为大家展示:


     1 // <summary>
     2 /// Function to read barcodes from image (used by new created Thread object)
     3 /// </summary>
     4 public void <span data-scayt_word="startImageProcessing" data-scaytid="2">startImageProcessing</span>()
     5 {
     6 try
     7 {
     8 // work while user has not changed the status to false (i.e. false <span data-scayt_word="meanse" data-scaytid="3">meanse</span> user canceled the scan)
     9 while (STATUS)
    10 {
    11 // get current frame bitmap from camera using <span data-scayt_word="Touchless" data-scaytid="4">Touchless</span> lib
    12 Bitmap bitmap = MANAGER.CurrentCamera.GetCurrentImage();
    13 // search for bar codes
    14 <span data-scayt_word="findBarcodes" data-scaytid="5">findBarcodes</span>(bitmap);
    16 // wait for a little to lower the CPU load
    17 Thread.Sleep(SCAN_DELAY);
    18 }
    19 }
    20 catch
    21 {
    22 ; // suppress errors if any
    23 }
    24 }

    BarCode Reader SDK浏览图片读取条码

     1 /// <summary>
     2 /// Finds barcodes from bitmap object
     3 /// </summary>
     4 /// <param name="img">input bitmap
     5 private void <span data-scayt_word="findBarcodes" data-scaytid="8">findBarcodes</span>(Bitmap <span data-scayt_word="img" data-scaytid="10">img</span>)
     6 {
     7 // create barcode object
     8 Reader reader = new Reader();
    10 // limit to <span data-scayt_word="1D" data-scaytid="12">1D</span> barcodes search only (<span data-scayt_word="2d" data-scaytid="14">2d</span> are not included to speed up search)
    11 // change to SymbologyFilter.FindAll to scan for all possible <span data-scayt_word="1D" data-scaytid="13">1D</span> and <span data-scayt_word="2D" data-scaytid="15">2D</span> barcodes
    12 reader.TypeToFind = <span data-scayt_word="GetBarcodeTypeToFindFromCombobox" data-scaytid="16">GetBarcodeTypeToFindFromCombobox</span>();
    14 // you may optimize processing by setting number of barcodes per page
    15 //reader.MaxNumberOfBarcodesPerPage = 1;
    17 // read barcodes from bitmap
    18 reader.ReadFrom(<span data-scayt_word="img" data-scaytid="11">img</span>);
    20 // save current time
    21 String <span data-scayt_word="timeNow" data-scaytid="17">timeNow</span> = string.Format("{0:<span data-scayt_word="HH" data-scaytid="19">HH</span>:mm:<span data-scayt_word="ss" data-scaytid="20">ss</span>:<span data-scayt_word="tt" data-scaytid="21">tt</span>}", DateTime.Now);
    23 // check barcode scan results
    24 if (reader.FoundBarcodes.Length > 0)
    25 {
    26 textAreaBarcodes.SelectionStart = 0;
    27 textAreaBarcodes.SelectionLength = 0;
    28 textAreaBarcodes.SelectedText = "<span data-scayt_word="nTime" data-scaytid="22">nTime</span>: " + <span data-scayt_word="timeNow" data-scaytid="18">timeNow</span> + "
    30 // insert barcodes into the text area output
    31 <span data-scayt_word="foreach" data-scaytid="23">foreach</span> (<span data-scayt_word="FoundBarcode" data-scaytid="24">FoundBarcode</span> barcode in reader.FoundBarcodes)
    32 {
    33 // make a sound that we found the barcode (not working on <span data-scayt_word="x64" data-scaytid="25">x64</span> due to Microsoft changed it)
    34 Console.Beep();
    35 // form the string with barcode value
    36 String <span data-scayt_word="barcodeValue" data-scaytid="26">barcodeValue</span> = String.Format("Found: {0} {1}" + "
    ", barcode.Type, barcode.Value);
    37 // add barcode to the text area output
    38 textAreaBarcodes.SelectedText = <span data-scayt_word="barcodeValue" data-scaytid="27">barcodeValue</span> + "
    39 // add barcode to the list of saved barcodes
    40 m_foundBarcodes.Add(barcode);
    41 // increase counter of found barcodes
    42 <span data-scayt_word="foundBarcodesCount" data-scaytid="28">foundBarcodesCount</span>++;
    43 // update status text with number of barcodes
    44 lblFoundBarcodes.Text = String.Format("Found {0} barcodes:", <span data-scayt_word="foundBarcodesCount" data-scaytid="29">foundBarcodesCount</span>);
    45 }
    46 }
    47 // make flickering for "Scanning..." label
    48 lblScanning.Visible = !lblScanning.Visible;
    49 lblScanning.Update();
    51 }


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