• 调用Excel宏批量处理文件

    '这个程序要先在“引用”下选择"microsoft scripting runtime"库文件
    Dim ArryFile() As String
    Dim nFile As Integer
    Sub Filelist()
        Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
        Dim fd As Folder
        Dim strFilePath As String
        Dim FolderSelect As FileDialog
        Set FolderSelect = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
        With FolderSelect
            If .Show = -1 Then
                strFilePath = .SelectedItems.Item(1) & ""
            End If
        End With
        Set fd = fso.GetFolder(strFilePath)
        nFile = 0
        searchFile fd
    End Sub
    Private Function searchFile(ByVal fd As Folder)
        Dim fl As File
        Dim subfd As Folder
        Dim i As Integer
        On Error Resume Next
        i = fd.files.Count
        ReDim Preserve ArryFile(1 To nFile + i)
        For Each fl In fd.files
            If Right(fl.Name, 4) = "xlsx" Then       '后缀是xls的用   If Right(fl.Name, 3) = "xls" Then
                nFile = nFile + 1
                ArryFile(nFile) = fl.Path
            End If
        If fd.SubFolders.Count = 0 Then Exit Function
        For Each subfd In fd.SubFolders
            searchFile subfd
    End Function
    Sub ttt1()
    	Dim xlname, myxl As Object, sh As Object
    	Call Filelist
    	'Set myxl = CreateObject("Aplication.Excel")
        If nFile > 0 Then
           For Each xlname In ArryFile()
                If xlname <> "" Then
                 Workbooks.Open Filename:=xlname
                 Call Macro3
                End If
        End If
    	Set myxl = Nothing
    End Sub
    Sub Macro3()
    ' Macro3 Macro
    ' 快捷键: Ctrl+Shift+C
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "/"
        With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=1).Font
            .Name = "宋体"
            .FontStyle = "常规"
            .Size = 10
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = 1
            .TintAndShade = 0
            .ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
        End With
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "R种植业  □林业  □畜牧业    □渔业    □其他 "
        With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=1).Font
            .Name = "Wingdings 2"
            .FontStyle = "常规"
            .Size = 10
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = 1
            .TintAndShade = 0
            .ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
        End With
        With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=2, Length:=3).Font
            .Name = "宋体"
            .FontStyle = "常规"
            .Size = 10
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = 1
            .TintAndShade = 0
            .ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
        End With
        With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=5, Length:=2).Font
            .Name = "Wingdings 2"
            .FontStyle = "常规"
            .Size = 10
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = 1
            .TintAndShade = 0
            .ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
        End With
        With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=7, Length:=3).Font
            .Name = "宋体"
            .FontStyle = "常规"
            .Size = 10
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = 1
            .TintAndShade = 0
            .ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
        End With
        With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=10, Length:=2).Font
            .Name = "Wingdings 2"
            .FontStyle = "常规"
            .Size = 10
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = 1
            .TintAndShade = 0
            .ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
        End With
        With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=12, Length:=4).Font
            .Name = "宋体"
            .FontStyle = "常规"
            .Size = 10
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = 1
            .TintAndShade = 0
            .ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
        End With
        With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=16, Length:=4).Font
            .Name = "Wingdings 2"
            .FontStyle = "常规"
            .Size = 10
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = 1
            .TintAndShade = 0
            .ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
        End With
        With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=20, Length:=3).Font
            .Name = "宋体"
            .FontStyle = "常规"
            .Size = 10
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = 1
            .TintAndShade = 0
            .ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
        End With
        With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=23, Length:=4).Font
            .Name = "Wingdings 2"
            .FontStyle = "常规"
            .Size = 10
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = 1
            .TintAndShade = 0
            .ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
        End With
        With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=27, Length:=3).Font
            .Name = "宋体"
            .FontStyle = "常规"
            .Size = 10
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = 1
            .TintAndShade = 0
            .ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
        End With
        With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=30, Length:=1).Font
            .Name = "Wingdings 2"
            .FontStyle = "常规"
            .Size = 10
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = 1
            .TintAndShade = 0
            .ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
        End With
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
    End Sub


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jordonin/p/5867155.html
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