#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Date : 2019-12-13 16:35:33 # @Author : Zhongyi Qiao # @Link : ${link} # @Version : $Id$ import sys,os,getopt import paramiko import threading import configparser from scp import SCPClient def getConnection(ip,username,password,command,port=22,local_filename="",remotepath="",remote_filename="",localpath=""): """ :param ip: 服务器的ip :param username: 服务器的用户名称 :param password: 服务器的密码 :param CMD: 服务器的命令 :param port: 服务器的端口 """ ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() policy = paramiko.AutoAddPolicy() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(policy) ssh.connect( hostname = ip, # 服务器的ip port = port, # 服务器的端口 username = username, # 服务器的用户名 password = password # 用户名对应的密码 ) #传输文件 if command: stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command) result = stdout.read().decode() error = stderr.read().decode() print("+++++++++++++++++++++++start++++++++++++++++++++") print("[connect success] | ip : %s" % ip) print("result: %s"%result) if error != " ": print("error: %s"%error) print("+++++++++++++++++++++++done++++++++++++++++++++") if all([local_filename,remotepath]): scpclient=SCPClient(ssh.get_transport(), socket_timeout=15.0) scpclient.put(local_filename, remotepath) if all([remote_filename,localpath]): scpclient=SCPClient(ssh.get_transport(), socket_timeout=15.0) scpclient.get(remote_filename,localpath) ssh.close() #读取配置文件 def read_conf(config): cf = configparser.ConfigParser() filename = cf.read(config) opt = cf.options("hosts") host_list = [] for ooo in opt: tmp_host = cf.get("hosts",ooo) host_list.append(tmp_host.split(",")) return host_list #采用多线程 def multi_thread(thread_target,args_lists): thread_list = [] for args_tuple in args_lists: #args_tuple=[(ip.strip(),username.strip(),password.strip(),command,"local_filename=","remote_filename=","remote_filename=","localpath=")] thread = threading.Thread(target = thread_target, args = args_tuple) thread_list.append(thread) for tmp_argv in thread_list: tmp_argv.start() for tmp_argv in thread_list: tmp_argv.join() def main(): #初始化参数 ip="" username="" password="" config="" conf="" command="" local_filename="" remotepath="" remote_filename="" localpath="" #获取外参 opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hH:U:P:f:c:p:u:g:d:", ["help","host=","username","password","conf","command","local_filename","remotepath","remote_filename","localpath"]) for o,a in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help") or not o: print ('Usage:python3 remote_cmd.py [options]... ') print ("""Script supports remote command execution, file upload and file download The script supports remote command execution, file upload and file download; the host can be a target or multiple hosts; the single host uses the - H IP - U username - P password parameter; the multiple hosts use the format of the configuration file host.ini; the content of the host.ini file takes [host] as the first line, the second line uses the format of id = IP, username, passwd. Examples are as follows: -H :host ip -H -U :-U uername -P :-P passwd -f :config file host.ini配置如下 [hosts] ###hostname=ip,username,password 1 =,root,123456 2 =,autotest,123456 3 =,root,123456 4 =,root,123456 -c :command -c 'ls ~/' -p :local filename -u :remote path -g :remote filename -d :local path Usage :python3 remote_cmd.py -f /home/host.ini -c 'pwd' #remote hosts execute command , the list of host in the host.ini python3 remote_cmd.py -f /home/conf/host.ini -p test.py -u /home/autotest ##Upload files to remote host python3 remote_cmd.py -H '' -U 'autotest' -P 'qia' -g ~/Videos.tar -d /home/autotest/test/ ###get remote file download /home/autotest/tests python3 remote_cmd.py -H '' -U 'autotest' -P 'qia' -c 'pwd' ##remotehost execute command """) sys.exit() if o in ("-H","--host"): ip=a # print(ip) if o in ("-U","--username"): username=a # print(username) if o in ("-P","--password"): password=a # print(password) if o in ("-f","--conf"): config=a #print(config) if o in ("-c","--command"): command=a #print(command) if o in ("-p","--local_filename"): local_filename=a # print(local_filename) if o in ("-u","--remotepath"): remotepath=a # print(remotepath) if o in ("-g","--remote_filename"): remote_filename=a #print(remote_filename) if o in ("-d","--localpath"): localpath=a # print(localpath) #判断是读参数还是读配置文件 host_list=[] if all([ip,username,password]) and not config: host_list=[(ip,username,password)] elif config: host_list=read_conf(config) args_lists=[] if not host_list: print("Usage:python3 remote_cmd.py -h") for ip,username,password in host_list: args_lists.append([ip.strip(),username.strip(),password.strip(),command,22,local_filename,remotepath,remote_filename,localpath]) multi_thread(getConnection,args_lists) if __name__ == "__main__": main()