• Common Lisp学习笔记(八)

    8 Recursion

    (defun fact (n)
      (cond ((zerop n) 1)
             (t (* n (fact (- n 1))))))

    ex 8.4

    (defun laugh (n)
      (cond ((zerop n) nil)
             (t (cons 'ha (laugh (- n 1))))))

    ex 8.7

    (defun rec-member (entry list)
      (cond ((equal entry (first list)) list)
            (t (rec-member entry (rest list)))))

    8.11 recursive templates

    double-test tail recursion

    (defun func (x)
      (end-test-1 end-value-1)
      (end-test-2 end-value-2)
      (t (func reduced-x)))

    single-test tail recursion

    (defun func (x)
      (cond (end-test end-value)
            (t (func reduced-x))))

    ex 8.27

    (defun square-list (list)
      (cond ((null list) nil)
             (t (cons (* (first list) (first list)) (square-list (rest list))))))

    ex 8.32

    (defun sum-numeric-elements (list)
      (cond ((null list) 0)
            ((numberp (first list)) (+ (first list) (sum-numeric-elements (rest list))))
            (t (sum-numeric-elements (rest list)))))

    augmenting recursion

    (DEFUN func (x)
      (COND (end-test end-value)
      (T (aug-fun aug-val (func reduced-x)))))
    (defun count-slices (x)
      (cond ((null x) 0)
      (t (+ 1 (count-slices (rest x))))))

    8.12 variations on the basic templates


    (DEFUN func (N)
      (COND (end-test NIL)
      (T (CONS new-element (func reduced-n)))))


    (DEFUN func (N X)
      (COND (end-test end-value)
      (T (func reduced-n reduced-x))))

    conditional augmentation

    (DEFUN func (X)
      (COND (end-test end-value)
      (aug-test (aug-fun aug-val (func reduced-x))
      (T (func reduced-x))))
    (defun extract-symbols (x)
      (cond ((null x) nil)
      ((symbolp (first x)) (cons (first x) (extract-symbols (rest x))))
      (t (extract-symbols (rest x)))))

    multiple recursion, 以fabonacci为代表

    (DEFUN func (N)
      (COND (end-test-1 end-value-1)
            (end-test-2 end-value-2)
            (T (combiner (func first-reduced-n) (func second-reduced-n)))))

    8.13 trees and car/cdr recursion

    (defun func (x)
      (cond (end-test-1 end-value-1)
            (end-test-2 end-value-2)
            (t (combiner (func (car x))
                         (func (cdr x))))))
    (defun find-number (x)
      (cond ((numberp x) x)
            ((atom x) nil)
            (t (or (find-number (car x))
                   (find-number (cdr x))))))

    ex 8.39

    (defun count-cons (tree)
      (cond ((null tree) 1)
            ((atom tree) 1)
            (t (+ (count-cons (car tree)) (count-cons (cdr tree))))))

    ex 8.43

    (defun flatten (x)
      (cond ((null x) nil)
            ((atom x) (list x))
            (t (append (flatten (car x)) (flatten (cdr x))))))

    ex 8.44

    (defun tree-depth (x)
      (cond ((null x) 0)
            ((atom x) 0)
            ((setf a (tree-depth (car x)))
             (setf b (tree-depth (cdr x)))
             (cond ((> a b) (+ 1 a))
                   (t (+ 1 b))))))

    8.14 helping functions

    (defun count-up (n)
      (count-up-recursively 1 n))
    (defun count-up-recursively (cnt n)
      (cond ((> cnt n) nil)
            (t (cons cnt (count-up-recursively (+ cnt 1) n)))))

    ex 8.60

    (setf family
      '((colin nil nil)
        (deirdre nil nil)
        (arthur nil nil)
        (kate nil nil)
        (frank nil nil)
        (linda nil nil)
        (suzanne colin deirdre)
        (bruce arthur kate)
        (charles arthur kate)
        (david arthur kate)
        (ellen arthur kate)
        (george frank linda)
        (hillary frank linda)
        (andre nil nil)
        (tamara bruce suzanne)
        (vincent bruce suzanne)
        (wanda nil nil)
        (ivan george ellen)
        (julie george ellen)
        (marie george ellen)
        (nigel andre hillary)
        (frederick nil tamara)
        (zelda vincent wanda)
        (joshua ivan wanda)
        (quentin nil nil)
        (robert quentin julie)
        (olivia nigel marie)
        (peter nigel marie)
        (erica nil nil)
        (yvette robert zelda)
        (diane peter erica)))
    (defun father (x)
      (second (assoc x family)))
    (defun mother (x)
      (third (assoc x family)))
    (defun parents (x)
      (remove-if #'null (rest (assoc x family))))
    (defun children (x)
      (cond ((null x) nil) 
            (t (remove-if-not #'(lambda (entry) (member x (parents entry))) (mapcar #'first family)))))
    (defun siblings (x)
      (set-difference (union (children (father x)) (children (mother x))) (list x)))
    (defun mapunion (func list)
      (reduce #'union (mapcar func list))) 
    (defun grandparents (x)
      (cond ((null (parents x)) nil)
            (t (mapunion #'parents (parents x)))))
    (defun cousins (x)
      (mapunion #'children (mapunion #'siblings (parents x))))
    (defun descended-from (x y)
      (cond ((null (parents x)) nil)
            ((member y (parents x)) t)
            (t (or (descended-from (father x) y)
                   (descended-from (mother x) y)))))
    (defun ancestors (x)
      (cond ((null (parents x)) nil)
             (t (union (parents x) (mapunion #'ancestors (parents x))))))
    (defun generation-gap (x y)
      (cond ((not (descended-from x y)) nil)
            ((member y (parents x)) 1)
            (y (+ 1 (or (generation-gap (father x) y)
                (generation-gap (mother x) y))))))

    8.16 tail recursion


    ;;;version 1
    (defun count-slices (x)
      (cond ((null x) 0)
      (t (+ 1 (count-slices (rest x))))))
    ;;;version 2
    (defun tr-count-slices (loaf)
      (tr-cs1 loaf 0)
    (defun tr-cs1 (loaf n)
      (cond ((null loaf) n)
             (t (tr-cs1 (rest loaf) (+ n 1)))))



    ;;;version 1
    (defun my-reverse (x)
      (cond ((null x) nil)
             (t (append (reverse (rest x)) (list (first x))))))
    ;;;version 2
    (defun tr-reverse (x)
      (tr-rev1 x nil))
    (defun tr-rev1 (x result)
      (cond ((null x) result)
             (t (tr-rev1 (rest x) (cons (first x) result)))))

    不是所有函数都能改写成尾部递归,如multiple recursive的函数就不能

    ex 8.61

    > (count-up 5)
    (1 2 3 4 5)
    ;;;version 1
    (defun count-up (n)
      (count-up-recursively 1 n))
    (defun count-up-recursively (cnt n)
      (cond ((> cnt n) nil)
            (t (cons cnt (count-up-recursively (+ cnt 1) n)))))
    ;;;version 2, tail recursion
    (defun count-up (n)
      (recursive-count-up n nil))
    (defun recursive-count-up (n result)
      (cond ((zerop n) result)
             (t (recursive-count-up (- n 1) (cons n result)))))

    ex 8.62

    (defun fact (n)
      (recursive-fact n 1))
    (defun recursive-fact (n result)
      (cond ((< n 2) result)
             (t (recursive-fact (- n 1) (* n result)))))

    8.18 labels


    (labels ((fn1 args1 body1)
             (fnn argsn bodyn))


    (defun count-up (n)
      (labels ((count-up-recursively (cnt)
                 (if (> cnt n) nil (cons cnt (count-up-recursively (+ cnt 1))))))
      (count-up-recursively 1)))

    ex 8.66 先做简单定义,算术表达式,要不就是一个简单的数,要不就是一个三元list,其中第一个和第三个元素也是算术表达式,第二个元素是+,-,*或者/

    (defun arith-eval (x)
      (cond ((numberp x) x)
             (t (funcall (second x) (arith-eval (first x)) (arith-eval (third x))))))

    ex 8.67

    (defun legalp (x)
      (cond ((numberp x) t)
             ((not (equal (length x) 3)) nil)
             ((not (member (second x) '(+ - * /))) nil)
             (t (and (legalp (first x)) (legalp (third x))))))
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jolin123/p/4491566.html
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