• Django中的内置Tags


    • {% now %}

      {% now "m/d/Y" %}
    copyright {% now 'Y' as current_year %}

    该tag也可以接受Django的date 变量,比如{% now 'SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT' %}--> 09/05/2020 10:59 p.m.

    {% now 'SHORT_DATE_FORMAT' %}-->09/05/2020

    {% now 'DATE_FORMAT' %}-->Sept. 5, 2020


    tag里使用{% csrf_token %}来防止跨域伪造请求攻击。


    • {% if %}和{% elif %}和{% else %}

      与python 语法类似,不再赘述

    • {% first of %}是一个输出第一个不是空的变量的快捷用法。

      {'var1':'','var2':1,'var3':2 }
      {% firstof var1 var2 var3 %}

      {% if %},{% elif %}的等效方法:

      #firstof example
      {% firstof var1 var2 var3 %}
      #Equivalent of firstof example
      {%if var1 %}
      {{ var1|safe }}
      {% elif var2 %}
      {{ var2|safe }}
      {% elif var3 %}
      {{ var3|safe }}
      {% endif %}
      # Firstof example with a default value in case of no match( that is meaning all variables are empty)
      {% firstof var1 var2 var3 'All vars are empty' %}
      #Assign the firstof result to another variable
      {% firstof var1 var2 var3 as resultof %}
    • {% if in %}, {% if not in %}

    • {% if is value %}, {% if is not value %}

    • {% if value| %}


      {% if drinklist|random == userdrink %}
      Yes it is 
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}

    需要注意的是,在{% if %}里不允许有“()”,比如{% if drink in specials or drink== drink_of_day %},不能写成 {% if (drink in specials) or (drink== drink_of_day) %}


    • {% for %},以及带{% empty %}的{% for %}

      {% for drink in drinks %}
      {{ drink }}
      {% endfor %}
    {% for drink in drinks %}
    {{ drink }}
    {% empty %}
    No drinks here
    {% endfor %}

    {% for %}也产生了一系列变量来对遍历过程进行控制:

    Variable Description
    forloop.counter The current iteration of the loop(1-indexed)
    forloop.counter0 The current iteration of the loop(0-indexed)
    forloop.revcounter The number of the iterations from the end of the loop(1-indexed)
    forloop.revcounter0 The number of the iterations from the end of the loop(0-indexed)
    forloop.first True,if it's the first time through the loop
    forloop.last True,if it's the last time through the loop
    {% for drink in drinks %}
    <b>{{ drink }}</b><br>
    forloop.counter-->{{ forloop.counter }}<br>
    forloop.counter0-->{{ forloop.counter0 }}<br>
    forloop.revcounter0-->{{ forloop.revcounter0 }}<br>
    forloop.revcounter-->{{ forloop.revcounter }}<br>
    forloop.first-->{{ forloop.first }}<br>
    forloop.last-->{{ forloop.last }}<br>
    {% empty %}
    No drinks here
    {% endfor %}

    • {% cycle %}

      (1)一般放在{% for %}内,循环时,依次取其参数,如:

      <!DOCTYPE html>
              {% block title_block %}
              {% endblock %}
              .red {
              .blue {
              .yellow {
          {% block body_block %}
          {% endblock %}
      {% extends 'banners/base.html' %}
      {% block title_block %}
      {% endblock %}
      {% block body_block %}
          {% for drink in drinks %}
          <li class="{% cycle 'red' 'yellow' 'blue' %}">{{ drink }}</li>
      {% endfor %}
      {% endblock %}


    {% cycle %} 的参数也可以是变量,如将上述urls.py和rendered.html换成如下,效果一样:

    {% extends 'banners/base.html' %}
    {% block title_block %}
    {% endblock %}
    {% block body_block %}
        {% for drink in drinks %}
        <li class="{% cycle r y b %}">{{ drink }}</li>
    {% endfor %}
    {% endblock %}

    (2){% cycle arg1 arg2 .. as cc %}

    {% cycle %}也不一定必须要在{% for %}内,也可以放在{% for %}外,在这种情况下,每次调用{% cycle arg1,arg2 %}都返回arg1,这样就达不到循环的目的了,怎么办?此时,正是{% cycle arg1 arg2 ... as cc %} 出现的原因了,as 将{% cycle arg1 arg2 ... %} "另存为" cc,之后的事情就比较有意思: 直接调用cc将只得到上次循环后的值,也就是说如果是“保存完" cc后,直接调用cc,将返回arg1,如果 {% cycle cc %}将”迫使“ cc进行循环,这时返回arg2,如果再直接调用cc呢,将返回arg2。代码的话,见下面:

    # urls.py
    {% extends 'banners/base.html' %}
    {% block title_block %}
    {% endblock %}
    {% block body_block %}
        <li class="{% cycle r y b  %}">test1</li>
        <li class="{% cycle r y b %}">test4</li>
        <li class="{% cycle r y b %}">test5</li>
    <p>以上每次都调用'{% cycle r y b %} ' 都将是第一个参数,而不能依次取后面参数的值</p>
        <li class="{% cycle r y b as testas %}">test1</li><span>("另存为testas")</span>
        <li class="{{ testas }}">test2</li><span>(直接调用testas)</span>
        <li class="{{ testas }}">test3</li><span>(直接调用testas)</span>
        <li class="{% cycle testas %}">test4</li><span>("强迫循环")</span>
        <li class="{{ testas }}">test5</li><span>(直接调用testas)</span>
        <li class="{{ testas }}">test6</li><span>(直接调用testas)</span>
        <li class="{% cycle testas %}">test7</li><span>("强迫循环")</span>
        <li class="{{ testas }}">test8</li><span>(直接调用testas)</span>
    {% endblock %}

    在cc后添加 ”silent", 即{% cycle arg1 arg2 ... as cc silent %},然后再{% cycle cc %}时,将只是个“强迫”循环的声明,而不返回任何值,见下:

    {% extends 'banners/base.html' %}
    {% block title_block %}
    {% endblock %}
    {% block body_block %}
        <li class="{% cycle r y b  %}">test1</li>
        <li class="{% cycle r y b %}">test4</li>
        <li class="{% cycle r y b %}">test5</li>
    <p>以上每次都调用'{% cycle r y b %} ' 都将是第一个参数,而不能依次取后面参数的值</p>
        <li class="{% cycle r y b as testas silent %}">test1</li><span>("仅声明循环")</span>
        <li class="{{ testas }}">test2</li><span>(直接调用testas)</span>
        <li class="{{ testas }}">test3</li><span>(直接调用testas)</span>
        <li class="{% cycle testas %}">test4</li><span>("声明循环,不返回任何值")</span>
        <li class="{{ testas }}">test5</li><span>(直接调用testas)</span>
        <li class="{{ testas }}">test6</li><span>(直接调用testas)</span>
        <li class="{% cycle testas %}">test7</li><span>("声明循环,不返回任何值")</span>
        <li class="{{ testas }}">test8</li><span>(直接调用testas)</span>
    {% endblock %}
    • {% resetcycle %}


      #  rendered.html
      {% extends 'banners/base.html' %}
      {% block title_block %}
      {% endblock %}
      {% block body_block %}
          <li class="{% cycle r y b  %}">test1</li>
          <li class="{% cycle r y b %}">test4</li>
          <li class="{% cycle r y b %}">test5</li>
      <p>以上每次都调用'{% cycle r y b %} ' 都将是第一个参数,而不能依次取后面参数的值</p>
          <li class="{% cycle r y b as testas %}">test1</li><span>("仅声明循环")</span>
          <li class="{{ testas }}">test2</li><span>(直接调用testas)</span>
          <li class="{{ testas }}">test3</li><span>(直接调用testas)</span>
          <li class="{% cycle testas %}">test4</li><span>("声明循环,不返回任何值")</span>
          <li class="{{ testas }}">test5</li><span>(直接调用testas)</span>
          <li class="{{ testas }}">test6</li><span>(直接调用testas)</span>
          {% resetcycle %}
          <li class="{% cycle testas %}">test7</li><span>("声明循环,不返回任何值")</span>
          <li class="{{ testas }}">test8</li><span>(直接调用testas)</span>
      {% endblock %}
    • {% regroup %}

      regroup 有点像 pandas里的groupby ,即通过某个属性将一群数据进行分组,不同的是该tag分组后会自动生成两个属性:①grouper:item that was grouped ② list: a list of all items in this group

      # urls.py
          {'name':'Downtown','street':'385 Main street','city':'San Diego'},
          {'name':'Uptown','street':'231 Highland avenue','city':'San Deiego'},
          {'name':'Midtown','street':'85 Balboa street','city':'Los Angeles'},
          {'name':'Downtown','street':'639 Spring street','city':'Los Angeles'},
          {'name':'Midtown','street':'1407 Broadway street','city':'Los Angeles'},
      # rendered.html
      {% regroup stores by city as city_list %}
          {% for city in city_list %}
          <li>{{ city.grouper }}</li>
              {% for item in city.list %}
              <li>{{ item.name }}:{{ item.street }}</li>
              {% endfor %}
          {% endfor %}

    Python and Filter Operations

    • {% filter %}

      可将包在{% filter %}....{% endfilter %}的部分内容全部进行过滤。

      {% filter upper %}
      {% for drink in drinks %}
      {{ drink }}
      {% endfor %}
      {% endfilter %}
    • {% with %}


      {% with drinktax=drink_cost drinkpro=drink_cost %}
      {{ drinktax}}<br>
      {% endwith %}

    Spacing and Special Characters

    • {% autoescape %}

      在{% autoescape on %}...{% endautoescape %}之间的将被转义:

      # urls.py
      # rendered.html
      {% autoescape on %}
      {{ drink_cost }}
      {% endautoescape %}
    {% autoescape off %}
    {{ drink_cost }}
    {% endautoescape %}
    • {% spaceless %}...{% endspaceless %}


    • {% templatetag %}

      用于输出组成template tag的特殊符号:

      Argument Outputs
      openblock {%
      closeblock %}
      openvariable {{
      closevariable }}
      openbrace {
      closebrace }
      opencomment {#
      closecomment #}
      {% templatetag openvariable %} url 'entry_list' {% templatetag closeblock %}
    • {% verbatim %}

      在{% verbatim %}...{% endverbatim %}之间的内容将被不被渲染。也可以在该tag中添加自定义的名字,即{% verbatim mytag %}...{% endverbatim %}

      # rendered.html
      {% verbatim myblock %}
          Avoid template rendering via the {% verbatim %}{% endverbatim %} block.
      {% endverbatim myblock %}
    • {% lorem *}

      {% lorem [count] [method] [random] %}


      Argument Description
      count A number (or variable) containing the number of paragraphs or words to generate (default is 1)
      method Either w for words, p for HTML paragraphs or b for plain-text paragraph blocks (default is b).
      random The word random, which if given, does not use the common paragraph (“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…”) when generating text.
      # rendered.html
      {% lorem 3 p %}

      Template structures

    • {% block %}

    • {% comment %}...{% endcomment %}之间的将不被渲染

      # rendered.html
      <p>Rendered text with </p>
      {% comment  %}
          <p>Commented out text with {{ create_date|date:"c" }}</p>
      {% endcomment %}

    • { # #}:单独一行注释

      <p>Great feeling</p>
      {# This is comment  #}

    • {% extends %}

    • {% include %}

    • {% load %}


    • {% url %}

    ##### 愿你一寸一寸地攻城略地,一点一点地焕然一新 #####
  • 相关阅读:
    POJ 1451
    LightOJ 1224
    POJ 2001
    HDU 2072
    POJ 3764
    CH 1602
    CH 1601
    Gym 101873K
    CH 1201
    Gym 101873C
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/johnyang/p/13624443.html
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