package LeetCode_1009 /** * 1009. Complement of Base 10 Integer * * * Every non-negative integer N has a binary representation. * For example, 5 can be represented as "101" in binary, 11 as "1011" in binary, and so on. * Note that except for N = 0, there are no leading zeroes in any binary representation. The complement of a binary representation is the number in binary you get when changing every 1 to a 0 and 0 to a 1. For example, the complement of "101" in binary is "010" in binary. For a given number N in base-10, return the complement of it's binary representation as a base-10 integer. Example 1: Input: 5 Output: 2 Explanation: 5 is "101" in binary, with complement "010" in binary, which is 2 in base-10. Example 2: Input: 7 Output: 0 Explanation: 7 is "111" in binary, with complement "000" in binary, which is 0 in base-10. Example 3: Input: 10 Output: 5 Explanation: 10 is "1010" in binary, with complement "0101" in binary, which is 5 in base-10. * */ class Solution { /* * Solution: Bit operation, Time complexity:O(32), Space complexity:O(1); * 5 is '00000101', because it complement number is '00000010': * so we need a mask like this:'11111000', then: ~num ^ mask => ~num is:'11111010' ^ mask=> the result: '00000010' * How i can make the mask '11111000' * 1.set mask: ...11111111 via ~0 * 2.loop to left shift the mask till num & mask is '00000000' * 以下是完整的位运算符(只用于Int和Long) shl(bits) – 有符号左移(signed shift left,相当于Java的<<) shr(bits) – 有符号右移(signed shift right,相当于Java的>>) ushr(bits) – 无符号右移(unsigned shift right,相当于Java的>>>) and(bits) – 按位与(bitwise and,相当于Java的&)//一一为一,其它为0 or(bits) – 按位或(bitwise or,相当于Java的|) //有一为一,零零为0 xor(bits) – 按位异或(bitwise xor,相当于Java的^)//相同为0,不相同为1 inv() – 按位取反(bitwise inversion,相当于Java的~)var z = y.inv() //z是y取反获得的 * */ fun bitwiseComplement(N: Int): Int { if (N==0){ return 1 } val zero = 0 var mask = zero.inv()//mask is ...11111111 while ((N and mask) != 0) { mask = mask shl 1 } return N.inv() xor mask } }
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