1.try catch 捕捉不到fatal error致命错误
2.只有抛出异常才能被截获,如果异常抛出了却没有被捕捉到,就会产生一个fatal error
class ExceptionNew extends Exception{ } function try_throw($type) { if ($type == 1) { throw new ExceptionNew("sunyue"); } } try { try_throw(1); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); }
class ExceptionNew extends Exception{ } class MyException extends Exception{ } function try_throw($type) { if ($type == 1) { throw new ExceptionNew("sun"); } if($type > 0){ throw new MyException("yue"); } } try { try_throw(1); try_throw(2); }catch (ExceptionNew $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); echo "----ExceptionNew"; }catch (MyException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); echo "----MyException"; }
6. php7新增Throwable Interface
To catch any exception in PHP 5.x and 7 with the same code, you would need to add a catch block for Exception AFTER catching Throwable first. Once PHP 5.x support is no longer needed, the block catching Exception can be removed.
Virtually all errors in PHP 5 that were fatal, now throw instances of Error in PHP 7.
try { // Code that may throw an Exception or Error. } catch (Throwable $t) { // Executed only in PHP 7, will not match in PHP 5 } catch (Exception $e) { // Executed only in PHP 5, will not be reached in PHP 7 }