• python里如何获取当前日期前后N天或N月的日期

    #_*_ coding:UTF-8_*_

    import time
    import datetime
    import math
    import calendar

     time.strftime 得到的是字符串类型的时间

    year =  time.strftime("%Y",time.localtime())

    mon = time.strftime("%m",time.localtime())

    day = time.strftime("%d",time.localtime())

    hour = time.strftime("%H",time.localtime())

    min = time.strftime("%M",time.localtime())

    sec = time.strftime("%S",time.localtime())

    def today():
     get today,date format="YYYY-MM-DD"
     return datetime.date.today()

    def todaystr():
     get date String date format="YYYYMMDD"
     return year+mon+day

    def datetime1():
     get datetime ,format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"
     return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime())

    def datetimestr():
     get datetime string
     date format="YYYYMMDDHHMMSS"
     return year+mon+day+hour+min+sec

    def get_day_of_day(n=0):
     if n>=0,date is larger than today
     if n<0,date is less than today
     date format = "YYYY-MM-DD"
     if n<0:
      n = abs(n)
      datetime.timedelta(days=n)返回值为 2 days, 0:00:00
      return datetime.date.today()-datetime.timedelta(days=n)
      return datetime.date.today()+datetime.timedelta(days=n)

    def get_days_of_month(year,mon):
     get days of month
     return calendar.monthrange(year,mon)[1]

    def get_firstday_of_month(year,mon):
     get the first day of month
     date format="YYYY-MM-DD"
     if int(mon)<10:
      mon ="0"+str(int(mon))
     arr = (year,mon,days)
     return "_".join("%s"%i for i in arr)

    def addzero(n):
     add 0 before 0-9
     return 01-09
     nabs = abs(int(n))
     if nabs < 10:
      return "0"+str(nabs)
      return nabs

    def get_lastday_of_month(year,mon):
     get the last day of month
     date format="YYYY-MM-DD"
     mon = addzero(mon)
     return "_".join("%s"%i for i in arr)

    def get_year_and_month(n=0):
     get the year,month,days from today
     befor or after n months
     thisyear = int(year)
     thismon = int(mon)
     totalmon = thismon + n
     if n >=0:
      if totalmon <=12:
       days = str(get_days_of_month(thisyear,totalmon))
       totalmon = addzero(totalmon)
       return year,totalmon,days
       # //取整除,返回商的整数部分,也就是一年
       i = totalmon//12
       # %取模:返回除法的余数
       j = totalmon%12
       if j ==0:
        i -=1
        j = 12
       thisyear +=i
       days = str(get_days_of_month(thisyear,j))
       j = addzero(j)
       return str(thisyear),str(j),days
      if totalmon >0 and total <12:
       days = str(get_days_of_month(thisyear,totalmon))
       totalmon = addzero(totalmon)
       return year, totalmon,days
       i = totalmon//12
       j = totalmon%12
       if j ==0:
        i -=1
        j = 12
       thisyear +=i
       days = str(get_days_of_month(thisyear,j))
       j = addzero(j)
       return str(thisyear),str(j),days
    def get_today_month(n=0):
     if n > 0 获取当前日期前N月的日期
     if n < 0 获取当前日期后N月的日期
     date format = "YYYY-MM-DD"
     (y,m,d) = get_year_and_month(n)
     arr = (y,m,d)
     if int(day)<int(d):
      arr = (y,m,day)
     return "_".join("%s"% i for i in arr)

    def get_firstday_month(n=0):
     get the first day of month from today
     n is how many months
     d ="01"
     arr =(y,m,d)
     return "_".join("%s"%i for i in arr)

    def main():
     print('today is:',today())
     print('today is:',todaystr())
     print('the date time is:',datetime1())
     print('data time is:',datetimestr())
     print('2 days after today is:',get_day_of_day(2))
     print('2 days before today is ',get_day_of_day(-2))
     print('2 months after today is:',get_today_month(2))
     print('2 months before today is:',get_today_month(-2))
     print('2 months after this month is:',get_firstday_month(2))
     print('2 months after this month is:',get_firstday_month(-2))
    #__name__ 是当前模块名,当模块被直接运行时模块名为__main__.当模块被直接运行时,以下代码块将被运行,当模块是被导入时,代码块不被运行
    if __name__=="__main__":


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    java 泛型
    SQL Joins
    case when
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jiyanjiao-702521/p/8336145.html
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