• Mysql:The ARCHIVE Storage Engine


    16.5 The ARCHIVE Storage Engine

    The ARCHIVE storage engine produces special-purpose tables that store large amounts of unindexed data in a very small footprint.

    Table 16.5 ARCHIVE Storage Engine Features

    B-tree indexes No
    Backup/point-in-time recovery (Implemented in the server, rather than in the storage engine.) Yes
    Cluster database support No
    Clustered indexes No
    Compressed data Yes
    Data caches No
    Encrypted data Yes (Implemented in the server via encryption functions.)
    Foreign key support No
    Full-text search indexes No
    Geospatial data type support Yes
    Geospatial indexing support No
    Hash indexes No
    Index caches No
    Locking granularity Row
    MVCC No
    Replication support (Implemented in the server, rather than in the storage engine.) Yes
    Storage limits None
    T-tree indexes No
    Transactions No
    Update statistics for data dictionary Yes

    The ARCHIVE storage engine is included in MySQL binary distributions. To enable this storage engine if you build MySQL from source, invoke CMake with the -DWITH_ARCHIVE_STORAGE_ENGINE option.

    To examine the source for the ARCHIVE engine, look in the storage/archive directory of a MySQL source distribution.

    You can check whether the ARCHIVE storage engine is available with the SHOW ENGINES statement.

    When you create an ARCHIVE table, the storage engine creates files with names that begin with the table name. The data file has an extension of .ARZ. An .ARN file may appear during optimization operations.

    The ARCHIVE engine supports INSERT, REPLACE, and SELECT, but not DELETE or UPDATE. It does support ORDER BY operations, BLOB columns, and spatial data types (see Section 11.4.1, “Spatial Data Types”). Geographic spatial reference systems are not supported. The ARCHIVE engine uses row-level locking.

    The ARCHIVE engine supports the AUTO_INCREMENT column attribute. The AUTO_INCREMENT column can have either a unique or nonunique index. Attempting to create an index on any other column results in an error. The ARCHIVE engine also supports the AUTO_INCREMENT table option in CREATE TABLE statements to specify the initial sequence value for a new table or reset the sequence value for an existing table, respectively.

    ARCHIVE does not support inserting a value into an AUTO_INCREMENT column less than the current maximum column value. Attempts to do so result in an ER_DUP_KEY error.

    The ARCHIVE engine ignores BLOB columns if they are not requested and scans past them while reading.

    The ARCHIVE storage engine does not support partitioning.

    Storage: Rows are compressed as they are inserted. The ARCHIVE engine uses zlib lossless data compression (see http://www.zlib.net/). You can use OPTIMIZE TABLE to analyze the table and pack it into a smaller format (for a reason to use OPTIMIZE TABLE, see later in this section). The engine also supports CHECK TABLE. There are several types of insertions that are used:

    • An INSERT statement just pushes rows into a compression buffer, and that buffer flushes as necessary. The insertion into the buffer is protected by a lock. A SELECT forces a flush to occur.

    • A bulk insert is visible only after it completes, unless other inserts occur at the same time, in which case it can be seen partially. A SELECT never causes a flush of a bulk insert unless a normal insert occurs while it is loading.

    Retrieval: On retrieval, rows are uncompressed on demand; there is no row cache. A SELECT operation performs a complete table scan: When a SELECT occurs, it finds out how many rows are currently available and reads that number of rows. SELECT is performed as a consistent read. Note that lots of SELECT statements during insertion can deteriorate the compression, unless only bulk inserts are used. To achieve better compression, you can use OPTIMIZE TABLE or REPAIR TABLE. The number of rows in ARCHIVE tables reported by SHOW TABLE STATUS is always accurate. See Section, “OPTIMIZE TABLE Statement”, Section, “REPAIR TABLE Statement”, and Section, “SHOW TABLE STATUS Statement”.

    Additional Resources

  • 相关阅读:
    6.面向对象 -类.md
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jinzhenshui/p/12508523.html
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