/** * 统计连续签到天数以及累计签到天数 * @param string $user_long_id 用户ID * @return array 一维数组 */ function sign_count($user_long_id){ //获取上个月最后一天 $endDay = strtotime(date('Y-m-t', strtotime('-1 month'))); // $time = strtotime("2017-11-22 12:00:00"); $cur_day = date('Ymd',time()); $sql = "select sign_time from bzf_sign_info where user_long_id = '$user_long_id' and sign_score = 1 and sign_time > $endDay order by sign_time desc"; $arr = $this->doquery_rows($sql); $add_count_days = 0;//连续签到天数 $count = 0; //累计签到天数 $day_list = []; if (!empty($arr)){ foreach ($arr as $k=>$v){ $day_list[] = $v['sign_time']; } $count = count($day_list); //累计签到天数 } if($cur_day - 1 > date("Ymd",$day_list[0])){ return array('add_days'=>$add_count_days,'total_day'=>$count); } else { $add_count_days = 1;//连续签到天数 } for($i = 0;$i < $count - 1;$i++){ $res = $this->compareDay(date("Ymd",$day_list[$i]),date("Ymd",$day_list[$i+1])); if($res) $add_count_days++; else break; } return array('add_days'=>$add_count_days,'total_day'=>$count); } /** * 比较当天签到天数与上一次签到时间 * @param string $curDay 当天签到天数 * @param string $nextDay 上一次签到天数 * @return boolean */ function compareDay($curDay,$nextDay) { if($curDay - 1 == $nextDay){ return true; }else{ return false; } }