• mysql命令


    mysql> use wg;

    mysql> create table students( id int auto_increment primary key,name varchar(10) not null,sex varchar(12),address varchar(50),phone int not null unique);

    自增长 auto_increment

    非空 not null

    默认值 default ‘xx’

    唯一 unique

    指定字符集 charset

    主键 primary key

    mysql> create table scores(id int auto_increment primary key,s_id int not null,grade float not null);


    mysql> insert into student (id,name,sex,phone) values(122,’wg’,’男’,’110’);

    mysql> insert into students values(111,’wg’,’121’,’dd’) ;


    mysql> drop table tablename;

    mysql> truncate tablename; 快速删除表数据,自增长id从头在来,快速,从磁盘直接删除,不可恢复

    mysql> delete from student; 删除整个表的数据,自增长继续


    mysql> alter table oldtable rename newtable; 改表名

    mysql> alter table scores modify s_id varchar(20);


     mysql> alter table scores change s_id scoresss varchar(16); 修改表结构

    mysql> alter table scores add age float after id; 新增字段的位置(age放在了ID后面)

    mysql> update student set age=18;不指定条件,修改所有

    mysql> update student set age=18 where name=‘wg’;只修改网工


    mysql> show create table tablename; 查看新建表语句

    mysql> desc tablename; 查看表结构

    mysql> show tables; 查看所有表

    mysql> select * from students limit 5;查询5条

    mysql> select * from students limit 1,5;从第几条开始,下面的n条

    mysql> SELECT * from students where sex=‘男’; #指定条件

    mysql> SELECT * from students where sex=‘男’ and age>10; #多个条件,必须同时满足

    mysql> SELECT * from students where sex=‘男’ or sex=‘未知’ ; #多个条件,有一个满足即可

    mysql> SELECT * from students where sex !=‘男’; #<>也是不等于

    mysql> SELECT * FROM students where addr like ‘%东京%’;#模糊匹配,%代表的是通配符,必须得用like

    mysql> SELECT * from students a where a.stu_name like ‘姚_’;#_通配符表示任意一个单字符,姚字后面只能跟一个字

    mysql> SELECT a.stu_name ‘学生名称’,a.phone ‘学生电话’ from students as a where a.stu_name=‘姚远’;#给表起别名,as可以省略

    SELECT * from students a where a.money BETWEEN 1000 and 10000;#在什么什么之间的数据

    SELECT * from students ORDER BY money desc; #order by xxx desc,根据哪个字段继续排序,默认是升序,降序是desc,升序asc

    SELECT * from students a where a.addr = ‘’ or a.addr is null; #查询字段为空的数据

    SELECT DISTINCT a.money from students a ;#去重

    SELECT COUNT(*) ‘学生人数’ from students where sex=‘女’; #统计行数

    SELECT MAX(a.money) 钱最多 from students a; #最大值

    SELECT min(money) 钱最少 from students;#最小值

    SELECT AVG(a.money) 平均多少钱 from students a; #平均数

    SELECT sum(a.money) 总共多少钱 from students a;#总和


    mysqldump -uroot -p123456 db > db.sql

    mysqldump -uroot -p123456 -A > all.sql


    mysql -uroot -p123456 db < db.sql

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jingdenghuakai/p/11478396.html
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