• 场景4 Data Warehouse Management 数据仓库

    场景4 Data Warehouse Management 数据仓库

    parallel 4 100% —> 必须获得指定的4个并行度,如果获得的进程个数小于设置的并行度个数,则操作失败

    parallel_min_percent : 若设为100,则如上

    ILM :信息生命周期管理




    分区 (官方文档VLDB and Partioning Guide)

    单张表容量大于2G, 则建议分区

    1. 每个分区为一个独立的segment, 单独存储在tablespace(tbs防灾一个独立存储上) —> I/O

    2. 管理  备份 增加新分区,删除,truncate, split, merge, 表交换数据


    1. 区分大小写

    eg :

    alter user scott identified by scott;

    alter user scott identified by 1;

    alter user scott identified by tiger;


    desc dba_profiles

    select * from dba_profiles;

    select * from dba_profiles where profile=“DEFAULT’;

    eg :

    cd /u01/app/oracle/rdbms/admin




    select * from dba_profiles where profile=“DEFAULT’;

    alter profile default limit password_verify_function verify_function_11g;

    alter profile default limit password_verify_function null; (取消口令复杂性验证)

    show paramter sec

    eg :

    conn /as sysdba

    alter profile default limit failed_login_attempts3;

    select * from dba_profiles where profile=“DEFAULT’;

    show parameter sec

    conn scott/t1

    conn scott/t2

    conn scott/t3

    eg : 手工解锁scott用户

    conn /as sysdba

    desc dba_users;

    select username, account_status from dba_users;

    alter user scott identified by tiger account unlock; 


    1. 表空间加密

    2. LogMiner日志挖掘

    3. 支持逻辑备库

    4. 支持流

    5. 支持异步数据改变抓取


    3DES : 3 * 56 = 168

    AES : 128

    eg : 启用TDE

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin (ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION : u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin)

    ls -l

    cat sqlnet.ora


    alter system set encryption key identified by “<password>”;

    select tablespace_name, encrypted from dba_tablespace;

    LOB Implementation大对象植入

    LOB : 大对象 (大对象单独存放在另外一个表空间里,和表不在同一个表空间)

    CLOB :大的文本,如日志 (存储在数据库里)

    BLOB :非结构化(二进制)如图片,视频,音乐 (存储在数据库里)

    BFILE :以文件方式存储在OS里

    varchar2 4000字符

    书 :深入理解oracle 12c数据库管理

    eg :

    create table lob1(id number, desc_comm clob) tablespace users lob(desc_comm) store as basic file;(创建一个表,内含大对象)

    select segment_name, segment_type, tablespace_name from user_segments;

    show parameter secur

    eg :

    desc dba_tablespaces;

    select tablespace_name, extent_management, segment_space_management from dba_tablespaces;



    SecureFile Compression

    low : 快速读写

    medium : default


    OCM考试评分 :录频,后台采集数据


    raw 裸设备无缓存

    basicfile迁移到securefile : 在线重定义(不影响对表的访问)

    insert into select * from clob;

    Logminer : 日志挖掘


    flashback query (只用于DML,undo段)

    flashback table(只用于DML,undo段)

    flashback version query(undo段)

    flashback transaction query(undo段)

    flashback drop

    flashback archive (闪回数据归档,只用于DML,将对表的所有DML操作保存到一张表里archive, 可永久保存数据变化,是对闪回查询和闪回表的补充)

    flashback database (imcomplete recovery不完全恢复,将数据库恢复到过去的一个时间点)


    物理备份 :datafile, control file, redo log

    介质恢复 :

    1. restore(备份恢复)

    2. recover

    TSPITR : 基于表空间的时间点不完全恢复

    eg :

    select tablespace_name, extent_management, segment_space_management from dba_tablespaces;

    select name, flashback_on from v$databasel

    show parameter recover

    eg :

    1. 建立flashback专用表空间

    2. 建立flashback archive

    3. 修改flashback archive属性

    4. 查看flashback archive

    eg :

    select name from v$datafile;

    create tablespace ftbs1 datafile ‘/u01/app/oracle/oradata/prod/ftbs1.dbf’ size 100m autoextend on maxsize 2g;

    eg :

    create flashback archive farch1 tablespace flash_tbs quota 20m retention 1 year;

    eg : desc dba_flashback_archive;

    select flashback_archive_name, retention_in_days, status from dba_flashback_archive;

    col flashback_archive_name for a20

    alter flashback archive farch1 set default;

    在表上启用flashback archive :

    eg :

    grant flashback archive on farch1to scott;

    conn scott/tiger

    select * from tab;

    create table emp1 as select * from emp;

    select * from emp1;

    insert into emp1 select * from emp1;


    insert into emp1 select * from emp1;

    commit;insert into emp1 select * from emp1;


    select count(*) from emp1;

    alter table emp1 flashback archive;

    select * from tab;

    select * from emp;

    delete from emp;


    set autotrace on

    select * from emp as of timestamp to_timestamp(‘2016-07-24 15:30:51’, ‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss’);

    eg :

    show parameter undo

    create undo tablespace undotbs2 datafile ‘/u01/app/oracle/oradata/prod/undotbs2.dbf’ size 100m;

    show parameter undo

    alter system set undo_tablespace=undotbs2;

    drop tablespace undotbs1 including contents and datafiles;

    select * from emp as of timestamp to_timestamp(‘2016-07-24 15:30:51’, ‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss’);

    ora01555 : 快照过旧,访问undo块时,数据已经不在

    eg :

    select count(*) from emp1;

    delete from emp1;


    select * from emp1;

    select * from emp1 as of timestamp to_timestamp(‘2016-07-24 15:21:45’ yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss);

    select sysdate from 

    select * from tab;

    set autotrace on

    select * from emp1 as of timestamp to_timestamp(‘2016-07-24 15:21:45’ yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss);

    note : quota 20m : 每个表最多20兆

    eg :

    select * from emp1 as of timestamp to_timestamp(‘2016-07-24 15:18:45’ yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss);

    eg :

    insert into emp1select * from emp1 as of timestamp to_timestamp(‘2016-07-24 15:21:45’ yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss);


    insert into emp select * from emp1;

    alter table emp disable novalidate constraint pk_emp;

    insert into emp select * from emp1;

    select * from emp;

    alter table emp flashback archive;

    insert into emp select * from emp where rownum < 11;

    select count(*) from emp;


    set autotrace trace

    select * from emp as of timestamp to_timestamp(‘2016-07-24 15:40:42’, ‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss’);

    eg : 晴空buffer cache

    alter system flush buffer_cache;


    create tablespace undotbs1 file ‘u01/app/oracle/oradata/prod/undotbs1.dbf’ size 100m autoextend on;

    alter system set undo_

    drop table emp1;

    truncate table emp1;

    select * from emp as of timestamp to_timestamp(‘2016-07-24 15:46:42’, ‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss’);

    select * from emp as of timestamp to_timestamp(‘2016-07-24 15:45:42’, ‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss’);

    insert into emp 1 select * from emp1 where rownum<4;


    select * from emp1;

    insert into emp 1 select * from emp1;

    drop table emp1;

    truncate table emp1;

    select * from emp1;

    select * from emp as of timestamp to_timestamp(‘2016-07-24 15:53:42’, ‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss’);

    间隔分区Interval partitioning

    1. Range范围分区的扩展

    2. 若插入的数据不属于已经分好的分区,可自动增加新分区

    3. 至少有一个范围分区建好

    eg :

    select name from v$datafile;

    create tablespace tbs1 datafile ‘/u01/app/oracle/oradata/prod/tbs01.dbf’ size 50m;

    create tablespace tbs2 datafile ‘/u01/app/oracle/oradata/prod/tbs02.dbf’ size 50m;

    create tablespace tbs3 datafile ‘/u01/app/oracle/oradata/prod/tbs03.dbf’ size 50m;

    su -oracle

    conn scot/tiger

    alter user scott identified by tiger account unlock;


    create table pt1 (sales_amt number, d_date date) partition by range (d_date) interval(numtoyminterval(1, ‘year’)) store in (tbs1, tbs2, tbs3) (partition1 values less than (to_date(/01-01-2013’, ‘dd-mm-yyyy’)) tablespace tbs1;

    insert into table pt1 values (1, sysdate+1000);


    desc user_segments

    col segment_name for a20

    select segment_name, partition_name, segment_type, tablespace_name, bytes/1024 from user_segments where segment_name=‘PT1’;


    select * from pt1;

    select segment_name, partition_name, segment_type, tablespace_name, bytes/1024 from user_segments where segment_name=‘PT1’;

    select * from pt1 partition(sys_p41);

    alter table pt1 rename partition SYSP41 to p2; (改变自动分配的分区sysp41名为p2)



    1. 对选择的表开启应用控制的分区

    2. 有应用控制分区和数据位置

    3. 不像其他分区方法应用分区键

    4. 不支持分区修剪

    5. 可以将数据插入到指定的分区

    eg :

    set autotrace on

    select * from pt1 where SALES_AMt=1;

    analyze table pt1 compute statistics;

    select * from pt1 where SALES_AMt=2;

    select * from pt1 where D_DATE=’01-oct-12’;



    eg :

    crate table apps (app_id number, app_amnt number) partition by sytem (partition p1, partition p2, partition p3);

    set autotrace on;

    select segment_name, partition_name, segment_type, tablespace_name, bytes/1024 from user_segments where segment_name=‘APPS’;

    insert into apps partiton(p3) values (10, 1000);


    select segment_name, partition_name, segment_type, tablespace_name, bytes/1024 from user_segments where segment_name=‘APPS’;

    set autotrace off

    show parameter seg

    alter system set deffered_segment_creation=false; (延迟段,空表也分配存储空间)

    insert into apps partiton(p1) values (10, 1000);


    select * from apps partition(p1);

    select * from apps partition(p3);


    1. 范围到范围分区





    1. 虚拟列值有函数或表达式生成

    2. 可在创建或修改表时创建虚拟列

    3. 不占用存储

    4. 可为虚拟列创建索引

    5. 虚拟列上可建立分区和收集统计信息

    eg :

    create table tmp1(emp_id number, sal number, comm_pct number, commission generated always as (sal*comm_pct)) partition by range(commission) (partition p1 values less than (1000), partition p2 values less than (2000), partition p3 values less than (maxvalue));

    desc tmp2;

    insert into tmp1 (EMP_ID, SAL, COMM_PCT) values (10, 5000, 10);

    select * from tmp1;

    set autotrace on

    select * from tmp1 where emp_id = 10;

    select * from tmp1 where commission = 50000;

    insert into tmp1 (EMP_ID, SAL, COMM_PCT) values (10, 5000, 0.1);


    select * from tmp1 where commission = 500;


    1. 参考性约束

    2. 分区键存在父表和子表之间

    3. 在分区键上强制建立主外键约束

    4. 子表继承父表上的分区

    5. 分区可被自动维护(父表增加新的分区时,子表也增加新的分区)对父表进行的任何分区维护操作都会自动同步到子表

    eg :

    create table orders(ord_id number, ord_date date, constraint ord_pk primary key (ord_id) partition by range(ord_date) (partition p11 values less than (…), partition p12 values less than (), partition pmax values less than ());

    create table ord_items (line_id number, ord_id number not null, sku number, quantity number, constraint ord_items_pk primary key(line_id, ord_id),constraint ord_items_fk1 foreign key(ord_id) references orders(ord_id) ) partition by reference (ord_items_fk1);

    desc user_segments

    select segment_name, partition_name, segment_type from user_segments where segment_name in (‘ORDERS’, ‘ORD_ITEMS’);

    insert into ord_items values (10, 100, 1000, 100);


    select * from ord_items;

    set autotrace on

    select a.ord_id, a.ord_date, b.sku from orders a, ord_items b where a.ord_id = b.ord_id;

    analyze table orders compute statistics;

    select a.ord_id, a.ord_date, b.sku from orders a, ord_items b where a.ord_id = b.ord_id and ord_date = ’15-JUN-12’;

    create index item_ordid on ord_items(ord_id);

    analyze index item_ordid compute statistics;

    select a.ord_id, a.ord_date, b.sku from orders a, ord_items b where a.ord_id = b.ord_id;

    set autotrace off

    select * from orders partition(p12);

    select * from ord_items partition(p12);

    select * from ord_items partition(p11);

  • 相关阅读:
    条件、循环、函数定义 练习
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jilili/p/5755496.html
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