• 剑桥雅思写作高分范文ESSAY81

    Today, many students take the course International News in seconday school. Some say it is a waste of time. Discuss and state your opinion.

    Students in China are often too busy to wath TV or read newspapers to the extent that many of them don't have the faintest ideas about what is happening in other countries. Some people are alarmed by this and urge students to study International News at high school, but others regard it as an unnecessary burden for the students.

    Many claim that students are doing all right without much knowledge about the outside world. Events in other nations are not relevant and thus to distract students from their academic pursuit. Besides, many of the international news are nothing but government propaganda aiming to deceive the international community for political reasons, for the freedom of press is denied in many nations. Moreover, today's news reports are largely profit-driven. Sensationalism and tabloid journalism become increasingly prevalent. Events with real newsworthiness are left out because they do not cater to popular tastes.

    However, despite all its imperfections, it is still well worth students' time to study International News, provided that worthy events are reported with a fair degree of accuracy. Our understanding of the world would be incomplete if we are ignorant of the happenings around the globe. Globalization and integration lead to more interdependency among nations. A local event is likely to have global repercussions. As potential pillars of society, high school students must not live in this insular condition, which often leads to bigotry and narrow-mindedness. Cooperation among different peoples starts with mutual understanding. Additionally, the knowledge of the outside world often leads to deeper insight into our own society. We start to cherish peace and prosperity when we see reports on war and famine tormenting millions in other lands. News about presidential elections help students understand our democracy better.

    An insular life inside Ivory Towers could only turn out graduates with utopian ideals for and distorted ideas about our world. To find out the truth, one has to open his eyes to what's really happening in the world.





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jilili/p/14469484.html
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