• 剑桥雅思写作高分范文ESSAY53

    Some people think that traditional culture is being damaged as it is used as a tool to make money in the tourism industry. Others think it is the only way to preserve and protect culture and tradition. Discuss and state your opinion.

    Many people today enjoy the pleasure of traveling around the world and appreciating exotic cultures and landscapes. Tourism industry generates billions of dollars each year. But this has sparked fear that traditional culture is being paid as a price.

    Such concerns are not groundless. In pursuit of profit, local governments rush to set up more tourist attractions. Large stretches of land are being used to build amusement parks, hotels and restaurants, forcing thousands of aboriginal people out of their ancestral homes. Those who remained are often employed in the tourism industry, acting as guides for the sightseers. In addition, local tradition and culture are also under the onslaught of foreign cultures brought by the influx of tourists. Tourists bring with them their cultures and traditions which are often exotic and thus appealing. In order to appear trendy, many people start to imitate those travelers and lose interest in their own traditions.

    However, others believe that instead of damaging, tourism actually promotes and protects traditional culture. The daily interaction between the locals and travelers will make them more aware of their unique cultures. They often start to appreciate and cherish their own traditions because outsiders are fascinated by their seemingly ordinary way of doing things. One fails to perceive the beauty if he sees it every day. Tourism often highlights the local custom. Besides, tourism contributes to local revenue. Money is required to maintain buildings of historical and cultural value. Traditional industries can also be subsidized by tourism income.

    The way I see it, tourism can do much to promote traditional and culture. Indeed, what captivates tourists is not only the beautiful scenery but also the local tradition. Of course, everything should be done to keep the collateral damage at a minimum.





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jilili/p/14467934.html
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