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    Some say that children should obey their parents and teachers, while others believe that too much control will not help to prepare children for their adult life. Discuss both sides of the views.

    The relation between parents and children varies from time to time and place to place. But the general trend seems to be that children are becoming less likely to obey blindly. This has caused much uneasiness on the part of parents and teachers.

    In their opinion, children have a duty to obey their elders. Raised and taken care of by their parents, children should do as they are told to show their gratitude and respect for the elders. This is a tradition in many cultures. Besides, the elders always want the best for their children. No parents would intentionally harm their kids and thus there is no point in objecting their bidding. More importantly, youngsters often cannot make informed decision on their own. Being young and inexperienced, children are prone to indiscretion. On many occasions, they need guidance and advice from their parents or teachers.

    On the other hand, too much control is certainly detrimental to children's future development. Sooner or later children need to make decisions on their own. If they have been taught to obey orders since they can remember, they gradually lose the ability and desire to form their own opinion. Such kids would never be given positions with responsibilities because they are accustomed to following instead of issuing instructions. Besides, only a totalitarian society will demand total obedience. It is contrary to democratic principles which take account of all people's opinions and interests. Tyrannical parents are in danger of starting a vicious circle: when their children become parents themselves, they also become tyrants.

    It is not easy to get along with one's parents or kids. It is unwise to be overprotective or overindulgent. As with most things, moderation seems the best policy. Any high-handed approach is likely to breed another generation of tyrannical parents.





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jilili/p/14466432.html
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