• 剑桥雅思写作高分范文ESSAY31

    Happiness is considered important by all people. Why is it hard to define happiness? What are the factors that are necessary to achieve happiness?

    Upon reading this essay question, I recalled the article learned in Grade Three entitled 'What is Happiness', in which the author presents various interpretations of happiness by different people. Alas, happiness still defies definition even today. The reasons are quite obvious.

    Happiness means different things for different people. It is not the same as pure pleaseure, which may be brought by eating when you are hungry or taking a rest when you are tired. Happiness is more related with the individual's set of mind. One can be happy while enduring great physical pain or he may still feel sad even though he is the king. Thus, for a doctor, happiness means curing his patients; for a scientist, find the truth; a criminal, getting away with his crime. There is no single definition.

    Besides, happiness takes on different meaning as people progress through life. As a child, one regards vacations or holidays as the happiest days. For a grown-up, career success and personal achievement can bring the most happiness. When one gets old, he or she will be the happiest to watch their grand children grow up. It is hard to define something that changes all the time.

    By and large, all people can be happy. Contrary to common belief, happiness depends very little on material wealth. Rather, it depends on our attitude. If we are content with who we are and what we already have, we can be happy no matter how unlikely it seems according to worldly standards. Unrealistic goals (often unworthy goals) and our failures to achieve them are the ultimate causes for unhappiness. Peace of mind is essential to achieving happiness.





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jilili/p/14464654.html
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