• 时空-问题集锦(转载)


    select * from tmp_dj_xsg212 where dj_sort = 73
    select b.hscbj,a.* from tmp_dj_xsg212 a,spkfk b where a.spid=b.spid and a.gzid='LGZ02944744' and a.hshj<b.hscbj< p="">

    select * from tmp_dj_jha116 where xgdjbh='jhgfdb00043804'
    delete from tmp_dj_jha116 where xgdjbh='jhgfdb00043804'

    select a.djbh,a.rq,b.danwbh,b.dwmch,b.zjm,a.beizhu,a.bm,a.ywy,b.shh,b.dzhdh,b.yhzhh,b.kehudengji,a.piaohao
    from jxddhz a,mchk b where a.is_zx='否' and a.dwbh=b.dwbh and b.beactive='是' and left(a.djbh,6)= 'JHFZFA'
    order by a.djbh

    update jxddhz set dwbh='DWI00000351'   where djbh='JHFZFA00012000'

    select spid from spkfk where spid not in(select spid from spkfjc)

    insert into spkfjc (spid,kcshl,kcje)
    select spid,0,0 from spkfk   where spid not in(select spid from spkfjc)

    select a.djbh,a.shenhr,b.username from jxdjhz a,printwill_dj b where a.djbh=b.kaipiaodjbh and 
            a.rq='2008-09-23' and a.djbs='xsg' and a.shenhe='是'   and a.shenhr =''
    update jxdjhz set shenhr=b.username from jxdjhz a,printwill_dj b where a.djbh=b.kaipiaodjbh and 
            a.rq='2008-09-23' and a.djbs='xsg' and a.shenhe='是'   and a.shenhr =''

    select a.djbh,a.rq,a.dwbh,a.shenhe,a.is_zx,a.bm,a.ywy,a.username,a.shenhr,
           a.* from jxdjhz a where a.djbh='XSGFDB10277250'
    select hw,* from jxdjmx where djbh='XSGFDB10277250'

    update jxdjmx set isjs='是' where djbh='XSGFDB10277250'

    7. 商品异常,查询库存
    declare @spbh varchar(20),
            @spid char(11)
    set @spbh='CAA004001G' --手工填写商品编号
    set @spid= (select spid from spkfk where )
    select spid,kcshl from spkfjc where 
    select hw,spid,hwshl from hwsp where 
    select * from xs_wck where 
    select * from jzt_wmscrsl where 
    select * from tmp_dj_xsg212 where 
    select a.is_zx,a.rq,a.djbh,a.username,a.ywy,b.spid,b.shl,b.hshj,b.hsje
    from jxdjhz a,jxdjmx b where a.djbh=b.djbh and a.rq>=convert(char(10),DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,getdate())-1, -0),20) --上月第一天
         and a.is_zx='否' and a.djbs='xsg' and

    select danwbh,dwmch,dwsb,* from mchk where danwbh='P350602003X002FA'
    select danwbh,dwmch,dwsb,* from mchk where danwbh='P420102077X007FA'
    --更新 cwk, splsk, wlzhk 将 DWI00006850 更改为 DWI00008610   
    @dwbh char(11),
    @djbh char(14)
    set @dwbh='DWI00008953'
    set @djbh='XSBFDB00022292'
    select * from cwk where 
    update cwk   set where 
    update splsk set where 
    update wlzhk set where

    delete from fj_fkjh where djbh='YFFFDB00001484'

    insert into sphwph (spid,hw,shl)

    delete from printwill_dj where djbh in( 'XSDFDB00529819','XSDFDB00529830' )
    delete from ywjsmxk where djbh in( 'XSDFDB00529819','XSDFDB00529830' )
    delete from jsmxk where djbh in( 'XSDFDB00529819','XSDFDB00529830' )
    delete from cwk where kaipiaodjbh='XSGFDB10271836'

    update cwk set rq='2008-09-23' where rq='2008-10-23'
    update wlzhk set rq='2008-09-23' where rq='2008-10-23'
    update ywmxk set rq='2008-09-23' where rq='2008-10-23'
    update splsk set rq='2008-09-23' where rq='2008-10-23'

    update spkfk set is_zhongyao='否'   where spbh='CAL061215G'

    update cwk set transmission='' where rq='2008-09-23' and djbh like 'XS%'
    update ywjsmxk set transmission='' where rq='2008-09-23' and djbh like 'XS%'

    select * from ywmxk where djbh='XSCFDB00089061'
    update cwk set hsje=je where djbh ='XSCFDB00089061'
    update ywmxk set hshj=dj,hsje=je,she=0 where djbh ='XSCFDB00089061'

    update jxdjhz set bm='计生部' where djbh='XSGFDB10287823'  

    insert into zhiydoc (dzyid,dzycode,dzyname,zjm,kl,lgnname,beactive,is_czy,is_ywy)

    select a.tbname,a.chnname,c.*
    from tblist a,tbstru b,fldlist c
    where a.tbname=b.tbname and b.fdname=c.fdname and a.tbname='mchk'

    select a.dzycode,a.dzyname,a.lgnname,c.bm,c.bmid,b.bmgwzhyid,a.dzyid
    from zhiydoc a,hr_bmzhygw b,bmdoc c
    where a.dzyid=b.dzyid and b.bmid=c.bmid order by a.dzyid

    select c.*,a.dzyid,a.dzycode,a.dzyname,a.lgnname,a.beactive,a.is_czy,a.is_ywy,b.*
    from zhiydoc a,skzymenu b,skmenu_model c,skmenu_zymbgx d
    where a.dzyid=d.dzyid and b.lgnname=c.modelid and c.modelid=d.modelid order by a.dzyid,c.modelid

    select * from tmp_dj_xsg212 where gzid='LGZ02113651' and hesdj<>0 and (hesdj-hshj)*shl <> jec

    select spid,spbh,spmch,shpgg,shpchd,shl,hshj,hscbj,hesdj,je,hsje,jec,(hshj-hesdj)*shl jjjec 
    from tmp_dj_xsg212 (nolock) where gzid='LGZ02410942' and hesdj<>0 and jec<>-(hshj-hesdj)*shl

    exec scc_ywyj '2008','7','','魏攀'

    select * from queryfmx (nolock) 
    where (ondblfunc ='wndict' or nexitfunc ='wndict') and expcontent like '%shpchd%'

    --1.检查当日单据是否有dwbh not like'DWI%'
    select djbh,rq,dwbh,je into #cwbb1
    from cwk where rq='2008-10-12' and djbs='jha'
    and dwbh not like'DWI%'
    select a.djbh,a.dwbh as newdwbh into #cwbb2 from wlzhk a,#cwbb1 b where a.djbh=b.djbh
    update cwk set dwbh=b.newdwbh from cwk a,#cwbb2 b where a.djbh=b.djbh and a.dwbh in(select dwbh from #cwbb2)
    drop table #cwbb1,#cwbb2

    delete from jxht_mx where djbh = 'HETFDB00019109'
    delete from jxht_hz where djbh = 'HETFDB00019109'

    select a.spid,a.spbh,a.spmch,a.shpgg,a.shpchd,a.dw,b.kcshl,b.chbdj, b.kcje,
    --cast(b.kcshl*b.chbdj as decimal(18,2)) as '预计更新后库存金额',b.kcje-cast(b.kcshl*b.chbdj as decimal(18,2)) as '差额',
    --cast(c.hwshl*c.chbdj as decimal(18,2)) as '预计更新后货位金额',b.kcshl-c.hwshl as '数量差',
    b.chbdj-c.chbdj as '成本差',b.kcje-c.hwje as '余额差'
    into #t_cy
    from spkfk a(nolock),spkfjc b(nolock),hwsp c(nolock)
    where a.beactive='是' and a.spid=b.spid and a.spid=c.spid and c.hw='HWI00000270' and b.kcshl<>0
    and   (b.kcje-c.hwje)<> 0
    order by a.spbh

    select * from #t_cy

    update hwsp set chbdj=b.chbdj,hwje=b.kcje from hwsp a,spkfjc b 
    where a.spid=b.spid and a.hw='HWI00000270'   and a.spid in(select spid from #t_cy)

    drop table #t_cy

    select spid,spbh,spmch,shpgg,shpchd,shl,hshj,hscbj,hesdj,je,hsje,jec,(hshj-hesdj)*shl jjjec 
    from tmp_dj_xsg212 (nolock) where gzid='LGZ02410942' and hesdj<>0 and jec<>-(hshj-hesdj)*shl

    select top 100 gzid,dj_sn,dj_sort,spid,spbh,spmch,shpgg,zbz,jlgg,dw,shpchd,hwshl,shl,hshj,hscbj,hesdj
    from tmp_dj_xsg212 (nolock) where spbh='HAG002030C' gzid='LGZ02410942'

    select a.plh,a.caogsm,a.djbh,a.rq,e.danwbh,e.dwmch,a.zhy,a.bm,a.ywy,a.danjlx,
    from caogaohz a(nolock),caogaomx b(nolock),spkfk c(nolock),spkfjc d(nolock),mchk e(nolock)
    where a.plh=b.plh and b.spid=c.spid and c.spid=d.spid and a.dwbh=e.dwbh and a.rq='2008-06-18'
    and d.kcshl<b.shl
    a.caogsm like''

    select a.djbh,a.rq,d.dzyname as 收货员,b.danwbh,b.dwmch,
    e.dzyname as ywy,b.dwbh ,g.bm,g.bmid,
    a.djbh as djbh_lmisrk,a.rktype ,a.ydjbh,f.djbh as kaipiaodjbh
    into #t_rk2 from jzt_gjrk_hz a (nolock) 
    left join (select * from zhiydoc (nolock)) d on a.ywy=d.dzyid
    left join(select * from zhiydoc (nolock)) e on a.cgy=e.dzyid
    left join jxdjhz f(nolock) on substring(a.ydjbh,1,3)+rtrim('FDB')+substring(a.ydjbh,4,8)=f.djbh
    ,mchk b (nolock),bmdoc g (nolock)
    where a.dwbh=b.dwbh and a.bm=g.bmid and f.is_zx='否'
    and a.scf='1' and f.djbh not in (select distinct xgdjbh from tmp_dj_JHA116 (nolock))
    order by a.djbh
    select a.djbh,a.rq,d.dzyname as 收货员,b.danwbh,b.dwmch,
    e.dzyname as ywy,b.dwbh ,g.bm,g.bmid,
    a.djbh as djbh_lmisrk,a.rktype ,a.ydjbh,f.djbh as kaipiaodjbh 
    into #t_rk1 from jzt_gjrk_hz a (nolock)
    left join (select * from zhiydoc (nolock)) d on a.ywy=d.dzyid
    left join(select * from zhiydoc (nolock)) e on a.cgy=e.dzyid
    left join jxdjhz f(nolock) on substring(a.ydjbh,1,3)+rtrim('FDB')+substring(a.ydjbh,4,8)=f.djbh
    ,mchk b (nolock),bmdoc g (nolock)
    where a.dwbh=b.dwbh and a.bm=g.bmid 
    and a.scf='1' and f.djbh not in (select distinct xgdjbh from tmp_dj_JHA116 (nolock))
    order by a.djbh
    select a.*
    from #t_rk1 a left join #t_rk2 b on a.djbh=b.djbh where b.djbh is null
    drop table #t_rk1, #t_rk2

    27.CCERP V8.3 菜单详解
    skmenu   --系统默认菜单
    zhiydoc     --职员档案
    skzymenu --系统角色菜单
    skmenu_model --菜单模板
    zhiyjsgx --职员角色关系
    hr_bmzhygw --部门职员岗位
    skmenu_zymbgx --职员模板关系
    bmdoc   --部门档案
    select * from skmenu     --系统默认菜单   ccxlh,gnbh
    select * from zhiydoc       --职员档案    dzyid,dzyname
    select * from skzymenu     --系统角色菜单   lgnname(MOD00000010),ccxlh,gnbh
    select * from skmenu_model --菜单模板    modelid(MOD00000010),modelname(结算组长)
    select * from zhiyjsgx     --职员角色关系   dzyid,djsid
    select * from juesdoc     --角色档案    djsid,djscode,djsname
    select * from hr_bmzhygw    --部门职员岗位   bmid,dzyid
    select * from skmenu_zymbgx --职员模板关系   modelid,dzyid
    select * from bmdoc     --部门档案    bmid,bm
    select * from skmenu where len(ltrim(ccxlh)) = 2   and mkbh = 'A1'
    select * from skmenu where left(ccxlh,2) = '08'
    00 进货管理
    01 销售管理
    02 办事处管理
    03 财务管理
    04 仓储管理
    05 质量管理
    06 库存管理
    07 客户管理
    08 综合管理
    09 账簿单据
    0A 经营报表报告
    0B 综合查询
    0C 决策分析
    0D 基础维护
    0E 其它功能
    0F 窗口
    0805000500 则表示为:
    00-01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-0A-0B-0C... (从左到右)
    00 |
    0001 |
    0002 | 从
    0003 |
    0004 | 上
    0005 |
    0006 | 到
    0007 |
    0008 | 下
    0009 |
    000A |
    000B |
    ... ∨

    select a.dzycode,a.dzyname,a.lgnname,c.bm,c.bmid,b.bmgwzhyid,a.dzyid
    from zhiydoc a,hr_bmzhygw b,bmdoc c
    where a.dzyid=b.dzyid and b.bmid=c.bmid order by a.dzyid

    select c.*,a.dzyid,a.dzycode,a.dzyname,a.lgnname,a.beactive,a.is_czy,a.is_ywy,b.*
    from zhiydoc a,skzymenu b,skmenu_model c,skmenu_zymbgx d
    where a.dzyid=d.dzyid and b.lgnname=c.modelid and c.modelid=d.modelid order by a.dzyid,c.modelid

    declare @caogsm varchar (50)
    set @caogsm = '%6570.65缪倩%'
    select b.spid, count(b.spid) as '重复次数' into #t_err from caogaohz a,caogaomx b where a.plh = b.plh and a.caogsm like @caogsm 
    group by b.spid    having count(b.spid) >1

    select b.*,a.spbh,a.spmch,a.shpgg,a.shpchd,a.dw
    from spkfk a,#t_err b where a.spid=b.spid

    drop table #t_err

    alter              proc [dbo].[Proc_wp_lszhcx]
    @ls_ksrq char(10),   --流失开始日期
    @ls_zzrq char(10),   --流失终止日期
    @zh_ksrq char(10),   --找回开始日期
    @zh_zzrq char(10)    --找回终止日期
    select distinct(dwbh),max(djbh) djbh into #lskhb
    from cwk where rq< @ls_ksrq and djbh like'XSA%'
    group by dwbh order by dwbh;
    select a.djbh,b.danwbh,a.ywy,a.rq,a.je into #lszhb
    from cwk a,mchk b where a.dwbh=b.dwbh and a.dwbh in(select distinct(dwbh) dwbh from cwk where rq>= @zh_ksrq and rq<= @zh_zzrq and djbh like'XSA%')
    and a.dwbh not in(select distinct(dwbh) dwbh from cwk where rq>= @ls_ksrq and rq<= @ls_zzrq 
    and djbh like'XSA%') 
    and a.djbh like'XSA%' and a.rq>= @zh_ksrq and a.rq<= @zh_zzrq order by b.danwbh;
    select a.danwbh,b.rq,c.* into #lskhb1
    from mchk a,cwk b,#lskhb c where a.dwbh=b.dwbh and b.djbh=c.djbh;

    select a.rq as lsrq,b.* into #lszh2
    from #lskhb1 a,#lszhb b
    where a.danwbh=b.danwbh
    select b.lsrq as '流失日期',b.djbh,b.rq as '找回日期',b.je,a.danwbh,a.dwmch,c.ywy
    from mchk a,#lszh2 b,cwk c where a.danwbh=b.danwbh and b.djbh=c.djbh order by a.danwbh;
    drop table #lskhb,#lszhb, #lskhb1,#lszh2;

    --exec Proc_wp_lszhcx '2008-09-01','2008-10-31','2008-11-01','2008-11-31'

    select spid,kcshl from spkfjc where spid not in(select distinct spid from sphwph)   and kcshl <>0   
    select top 1 * from sphwph

    insert into sphwph
    select spid,'HWI00000270' as hw,'' as pihao,'' as baozhiqi,'合格' as dangqzht,
       kcshl as shl,0 as gebjj,'' as miejph,'' as sxrq,0 as tsshl,0 as zdshj,
       0 as bkxshl,'' as yanghriqi,0 as bukxshl 
    from spkfjc where spid not in(select distinct spid from sphwph)   and kcshl <>0

    update hwsp set hwshl = b.kcshl,chbdj = b.chbdj,hwje = b.kcje from hwsp a,spkfjc b 
    where a.spid = b.spid and a.hw = 'HWI00000270' and b.spid in('SPH00019707','SPH00002447','SPH00000834')

         insert into sphwph (spid,hw,shl)
         select top 1 * from sphwph
    select * from spkfjc where spid not in(select distinct spid from sphwph) and kcshl <>0
    --select * from sphwph where spid = (select spid from spkfjc where spid not in(select distinct spid from sphwph) and kcshl <>0)

    SELECT 表名=case when a.colorder=1 then d.name else'' end,
       小数位数=isnull(COLUMNPROPERTY(a.id,a.name,' Scale' ),0)
    FROM syscolumns a left join 
       systypes b on a.xusertype=b.xusertype inner join 
       sysobjects d on a.id=d.id and d.xtype='U' and d.name<>'dtproperties' 
    where d.name='spkfk' --如果只查询指定表,加上此条件
    order by a.id,a.colorder

    select a.* from 
    select count(*) as '单据数','采购订单' as '单据类型' from jzt_cgdd_hz
    select count(*) as '单据数','非购入库' as '单据类型' from jzt_fgjrk_hz
    select count(*) as '单据数','购进入库' as '单据类型' from jzt_gjrk_hz
    select count(*) as '单据数','购进退出' as '单据类型' from jzt_gjtc_hz
    select count(*) as '单据数','购退通知' as '单据类型' from jzt_gjtcxc_hz
    select count(*) as '单据数','盘点单' as '单据类型' from jzt_pd_hz
    select count(*) as '单据数','销售出库' as '单据类型' from jzt_xsck_hz
    select count(*) as '单据数','销售下传' as '单据类型' from jzt_xxck_hz
    select count(*) as '单据数','退回入库' as '单据类型' from jzt_xxth_hz
    select count(*) as '单据数','退回开票' as '单据类型' from jzt_xxthxc_hz 
    ) a

    select c.rq,c.djbh,d.danwbh,d.dwmch,d.jingyjm,b.spbh,b.spmch,b.shpgg,b.yaowchf,b.shangplx,
         case when substring(b.spbh,1,1) in ('Z','X') then substring(b.spbh,1,1) 
       when substring(b.spbh,10,1) in ('j','s','k') then substring(b.spbh,10,1)
        when b.shangplx like '妊娠药品%' then 'R'
        when b.spmch like '%胰岛素%' then 'I'
        when b.yaowchf like '%麻黄碱%' then 'M' 
        when b.spbh_old = 'V' then 'V'
        when substring(b.spbh,10,1) in ('C','D','E','G','H','I','N','O','P','Q','U','X','F') then 'P' 
        else '其它' END spsx 
    from jxddmx a,spkfk b,jxddhz c,mchk d 
    where a.spid = b.spid and a.djbh = c.djbh and c.dwbh = d.dwbh and a.djbh = 'xsffdb00042509' 
    order by b.yaowchf desc

    select * from tmp_dj_xsg212 where dj_sort = 73
    select b.mindhshl,a.* from tmp_dj_xsg212 a,spkfk b where a.spid=b.spid and        a.gzid='LGZ03438780' and b.mindhshl <>0 --and b.mindhshl<a.shl< p="">

    select a.plh,a.caogsm,a.djbh,a.rq,e.danwbh,e.dwmch,a.ywy,a.danjlx,
    from caogaohz a(nolock),caogaomx b(nolock),spkfk c(nolock),spkfjc d(nolock),mchk e(nolock)
    where a.plh=b.plh and b.spid=c.spid and c.spid=d.spid and a.dwbh=e.dwbh and a.rq='2009-02-05'
    and c.mindhshl <>0 and b.shl >c.mindhshl and a.caogsm like '%aaa%'

    SELECT distinct n.rq as '订单日期',a.rq as '开票日期',c.rq as '出库日期', d.danwbh, d.dwmch, 
        n.djbh as '网上订单编号' , n.ywy      as '订单业务员', a.username as '订单操作员',
        a.djbh AS '开票单据编号' , a.username AS '开票操作员', a.ywy as '开票业务员', a.hsje as '开票金额', 
                 b.djbh AS '结算单据编号' , b.username AS '结算操作员', 
        c.djbh AS '出库单据编号' , c.username AS '出库操作员', c.hsje as '出库金额' 
    FROM jxddhz n(nolock),jxdjmx m(nolock),jxdjhz a(nolock),printwill_dj b(nolock),cwk c(nolock),mchk d(nolock)
    WHERE n.djbh = m.xgdjbh and a.djbh = m.djbh and a.djbh = b.kaipiaodjbh and a.djbh = c.kaipiaodjbh and c.dwbh = d.dwbh
       and n.djbs = 'xsf' and a.rq= '2009-02-05' and c.djbs = 'xsa'
    ORDER BY a.djbh

    declare @djbh char(14)
    set @djbh = 'xsffdb00041423'
    if left(@djbh,6) = 'XSFFDB'
    SELECT distinct n.rq as '订单日期',a.rq as '开票日期',c.rq as '出库日期', d.danwbh, d.dwmch, 
        n.djbh as '网上订单编号' , n.ywy      as '订单业务员', a.username as '订单操作员',
        a.djbh AS '开票单据编号' , a.username AS '开票操作员', a.ywy as '开票业务员', a.hsje as '开票金额', 
                 b.djbh AS '结算单据编号' , b.username AS '结算操作员', 
        c.djbh AS '出库单据编号' , c.username AS '出库操作员', c.hsje as '出库金额' 
    FROM jxddhz n(nolock),jxdjmx m(nolock),jxdjhz a(nolock),printwill_dj b(nolock),cwk c(nolock),mchk d(nolock)
    WHERE n.djbh = m.xgdjbh and a.djbh = m.djbh and a.djbh = b.kaipiaodjbh and a.djbh = c.kaipiaodjbh and c.dwbh = d.dwbh
       and n.djbs = 'xsf' and c.djbs = 'xsa'   and n.djbh = @djbh
    ORDER BY a.djbh 

    else if left(@djbh,6) = 'XSGFDB'
    SELECT distinct n.rq as '订单日期',a.rq as '开票日期',c.rq as '出库日期', d.danwbh, d.dwmch, 
        n.djbh as '网上订单编号' , n.ywy      as '订单业务员', a.username as '订单操作员',
        a.djbh AS '开票单据编号' , a.username AS '开票操作员', a.ywy as '开票业务员', a.hsje as '开票金额', 
                 b.djbh AS '结算单据编号' , b.username AS '结算操作员', 
        c.djbh AS '出库单据编号' , c.username AS '出库操作员', c.hsje as '出库金额' 
    FROM jxddhz n(nolock),jxdjmx m(nolock),jxdjhz a(nolock),printwill_dj b(nolock),cwk c(nolock),mchk d(nolock)
    WHERE n.djbh = m.xgdjbh and a.djbh = m.djbh and a.djbh = b.kaipiaodjbh and a.djbh = c.kaipiaodjbh and c.dwbh = d.dwbh
       and n.djbs = 'xsf' and c.djbs = 'xsa'   and a.djbh = @djbh
    ORDER BY a.djbh 

    else if left(@djbh,6) = 'XSDFDB'
    SELECT distinct n.rq as '订单日期',a.rq as '开票日期',c.rq as '出库日期', d.danwbh, d.dwmch, 
        n.djbh as '网上订单编号' , n.ywy      as '订单业务员', a.username as '订单操作员',
        a.djbh AS '开票单据编号' , a.username AS '开票操作员', a.ywy as '开票业务员', a.hsje as '开票金额', 
                 b.djbh AS '结算单据编号' , b.username AS '结算操作员', 
        c.djbh AS '出库单据编号' , c.username AS '出库操作员', c.hsje as '出库金额' 
    FROM jxddhz n(nolock),jxdjmx m(nolock),jxdjhz a(nolock),printwill_dj b(nolock),cwk c(nolock),mchk d(nolock)
    WHERE n.djbh = m.xgdjbh and a.djbh = m.djbh and a.djbh = b.kaipiaodjbh and a.djbh = c.kaipiaodjbh and c.dwbh = d.dwbh
       and n.djbs = 'xsf' and c.djbs = 'xsa'   and b.djbh = @djbh
    ORDER BY a.djbh 

    else if left(@djbh,6) = 'XSAFDB'
    SELECT distinct n.rq as '订单日期',a.rq as '开票日期',c.rq as '出库日期', d.danwbh, d.dwmch, 
        n.djbh as '网上订单编号' , n.ywy      as '订单业务员', a.username as '订单操作员',
        a.djbh AS '开票单据编号' , a.username AS '开票操作员', a.ywy as '开票业务员', a.hsje as '开票金额', 
                 b.djbh AS '结算单据编号' , b.username AS '结算操作员', 
        c.djbh AS '出库单据编号' , c.username AS '出库操作员', c.hsje as '出库金额' 
    FROM jxddhz n(nolock),jxdjmx m(nolock),jxdjhz a(nolock),printwill_dj b(nolock),cwk c(nolock),mchk d(nolock)
    WHERE n.djbh = m.xgdjbh and a.djbh = m.djbh and a.djbh = b.kaipiaodjbh and a.djbh = c.kaipiaodjbh and c.dwbh = d.dwbh
       and n.djbs = 'xsf' and c.djbs = 'xsa'   and c.djbh = @djbh
    ORDER BY a.djbh


    select distinct d.dwbh dwbh ,e.spid spid into #gj_spid
    from mchk d
    left join cwk c on d.dwbh=c.dwbh and c.rq>=:start_rq
    and c.rq<=:end_rq and c.djbh like 'JHA%'
    left join ywmxk e on e.djbh=c.djbh 
    where   d.danwbh like :v_danwbh

    select a.spbh,a.spmch,a.jlgg,a.shpchd,a.cgy,a.shpgg,b.kcshl,b.chbdj,b.kcshl*b.chbdj as '库存金额'
    spkfk a,spkfjc b , #gj_spid c where a.spid=b.spid
    and c.spid=a.spid 
    drop table #gj_spid

    select c.rq,c.djbh,d.danwbh,d.dwmch,d.jingyjm,b.spbh,b.spmch,b.spmch,b.yaowchf,b.shangplx,
          case when substring(b.spbh,1,1) in ('Z','X') then substring(b.spbh,1,1) 
       when substring(b.spbh,10,1) in ('j','s','k') then substring(b.spbh,10,1)
        when b.shangplx like '妊娠药品%' then 'R'
        when b.spmch like '%胰岛素%' then 'I'
        when b.yaowchf like '%麻黄碱%' then 'M' 
                            when b.spbh_old = 'V' then 'V' 
        when substring(b.spbh,10,1) in ('C','D','E','G','H','I','N','O','P','Q','U','X','F') then 'P' 
        else '**' 
          end as spsx
    from caogaomx a,spkfk b,caogaohz c,mchk d 
    where a.spid = b.spid and a.plh = c.plh and c.dwbh = d.dwbh and c.caogsm = 'lllllllllll' 
    order by b.yaowchf desc

    alter table FJ_FKJH alter column fkfs char(10)

    select a.photo,b.spid,b.pihao,b.photoid,b.photoclass
    from photoLib a,leeBatch b where a.photoid = b.photoid
    and (left(b.pihao,2) = 07 or left(b.pihao,4) = 2007) 
       and b.pihao like '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%'

    select name,id,crdate from sysobjects where xtype = 'P' and name like '%excel%'

    ALTER TABLE gsp039 DROP CONSTRAINT DF__gsp039__dwmch__60BD35FF

    alter table gsp039 alter column dwmch char(100)

    ALTER TABLE gsp039 ADD CONSTRAINT DF__gsp039__dwmch__60BD35FF DEFAULT ('') for dwmch

       select * from jxddhz a (nolock)   where djbh = 'JHFFDB00018156'
       select * from jxddmx a (nolock)   where djbh = 'JHFFDB00018156'
       update jxddhz set is_zx = '否' where djbh = 'JHFFDB00018156'
       update jxddmx set is_zx = '否' where djbh = 'JHFFDB00018156'
       select * from jxddhz a (nolock)   where djbh = 'JHFFDB00018156'
       select * from jxddmx a (nolock)   where djbh = 'JHFFDB00018156'
    update jxddhz set is_zx = '是' where djbh = 'JHFFDB00018156'
    update jxddmx set is_zx = '是' where djbh = 'JHFFDB00018156'

    select convert(varchar(30),login_time,120) from master..sysprocesses where spid=1


    use @database_name 

    创建加密的存储过程或函数在AS前面加WITH ENCRYPTION参数 


    select UPPER(dzycode) FROM zhiydoc WHERE zjm = 'cf'    --小写转大写    
    SELECT LOWER (dzycode) FROM zhiydoc WHERE zjm = 'cf'   --大写转小写  

        SELECT spid,hwshl,chbdj,hwje,CAST(hwshl*chbdj AS dec (14,2)) AS sjhwje 
    FROM hwsp WHERE hw = 'HWI00000270' AND hwshl <>0 and ABS((hwshl*chbdj) -(hwje)) >100
    SELECT spid,kcshl,chbdj,kcje,CAST(kcshl*chbdj AS dec (14,2)) AS sjkcje 
    FROM spkfjc WHERE kcshl <>0 and ABS((kcshl*chbdj) -(kcje)) >100
    SELECT a.spid,c.spbh,c.spmch,c.shpgg,c.shpchd,c.dw,a.jcshl,a.jcje,a.chbdj,
    CAST(a.jcshl*a.chbdj AS dec (14,2)) AS sjjcje,CAST((a.jcshl*a.chbdj) -(a.jcje) AS dec (14,2)) AS jec 
    FROM splsk a(NOLOCK),
    (SELECT spid,MAX(plh) plh FROM splsk (nolock) GROUP BY spid) AS t, spkfk c(nolock)
    WHERE a.plh = t.plh AND a.spid = c.spid AND a.jcshl <>0 AND ABS((a.jcshl*a.chbdj) -(a.jcje)) >100

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