AAdditionalInfoEvent |
ACameraCaptureFailure |
Struct to describe a capture failure. |
ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks |
ACaptureCaptureSession_captureCallbacks structure used in ACameraCaptureSession_capture and ACameraCaptureSession_setRepeatingRequest. |
ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacksV2 |
This has the same functionality as ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks, with the exception that captureCallback_startV2 callback is used, instead of captureCallback_start, to support retrieving the frame number. |
ACameraCaptureSession_logicalCamera_captureCallbacks |
This has the same functionality as ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks, with the exception that an onLogicalCameraCaptureCompleted callback is used, instead of onCaptureCompleted, to support logical multi-camera. |
ACameraCaptureSession_logicalCamera_captureCallbacksV2 |
This has the same functionality as ACameraCaptureSession_logicalCamera_captureCallbacks, with the exception that an captureCallback_startV2 callback is used, instead of captureCallback_start, to support retrieving frame number. |
ACameraCaptureSession_stateCallbacks |
Capture session state callbacks used in ACameraDevice_createCaptureSession and ACameraDevice_createCaptureSessionWithSessionParameters. |
ACameraDevice_StateCallbacks |
Applications' callbacks for camera device state changes, register with ACameraManager_openCamera. |
ACameraIdList |
Struct to hold list of camera device Ids. |
ACameraManager_AvailabilityListener |
A listener for camera devices becoming available or unavailable to open. |
ACameraManager_ExtendedAvailabilityListener |
A listener for camera devices becoming available/unavailable to open or when the camera access permissions change. |
ACameraMetadata_const_entry |
A single read-only camera metadata entry. |
ACameraMetadata_entry |
A single camera metadata entry. |
ACameraMetadata_rational |
Definition of rational data type in ACameraMetadata. |
AColor_xy |
Color is defined in CIE XYZ coordinates. |
ADynamicSensorEvent |
AHardwareBuffer_Desc |
Buffer description. |
AHardwareBuffer_Plane |
Holds data for a single image plane. |
AHardwareBuffer_Planes |
Holds all image planes that contain the pixel data. |
AHdrMetadata_cta861_3 |
CTA 861.3 "HDR Static Metadata Extension" static metadata. |
AHdrMetadata_smpte2086 |
SMPTE ST 2086 "Mastering Display Color Volume" static metadata. |
AHeadTrackerEvent |
AHeadingEvent |
AHeartRateEvent |
AImageCropRect |
Data type describing an cropped rectangle returned by AImage_getCropRect. |
AImageReader_BufferRemovedListener |
A listener to the AHardwareBuffer removal event, use AImageReader_setBufferRemovedListener to register the listener object to AImageReader. |
AImageReader_ImageListener |
ALimitedAxesImuEvent |
ALimitedAxesImuUncalibratedEvent |
ALogicalCameraCaptureFailure |
Struct to describe a logical camera capture failure. |
AMediaCodecBufferInfo |
AMediaCodecOnAsyncNotifyCallback |
AMediaDrmByteArray |
AMediaDrmKeyStatus |
AMediaDrmKeyValuePair |
Data type containing {key, value} pair. |
AMetaDataEvent |
ANativeActivity |
This structure defines the native side of an |
ANativeActivityCallbacks |
These are the callbacks the framework makes into a native application. |
ANativeWindow_Buffer |
Struct that represents a windows buffer. |
ANeuralNetworksOperandType |
ANeuralNetworksOperandType describes the type of an operand. |
ANeuralNetworksSymmPerChannelQuantParams |
ARect |
Rectangular window area. |
ASensorEvent |
Information that describes a sensor event, refer to SensorEvent for additional documentation. |
ASensorVector |
A sensor event. |
AUncalibratedEvent |
AndroidBitmapInfo |
Bitmap info, see AndroidBitmap_getInfo(). |
PsshEntry |
mapping of crypto scheme uuid to the scheme specific data for that scheme |
PsshInfo |
list of crypto schemes and their data |
__android_log_message |
Logger data struct used for writing log messages to liblog via __android_log_write_logger_data() and sending log messages to user defined loggers specified in __android_log_set_logger(). |
IsInstantiationOf |
IsInstantiationOf< U< Args...>, U > |
android_dlextinfo |
Used to pass Android-specific arguments to android_dlopen_ext . |
cryptoinfo_pattern_t |
enum_range |
Iterable interface to enumerate all values of AIDL enum types. |
invalid_type |
Never instantiated. |
is_complete_type |
is_complete_type< T, decltype(void(sizeof(T)))> |