• SVG Use(转)


    未来必热:SVG Sprite技术介绍



    二、SVG Sprite与symbol元素

    目前,SVG Sprite最佳实践是使用symbol元素。symbol元素是什么呢?单纯翻译的话,是“符号”的意思。然,这个释义并不符合这里的场景。不知大家有没有用过Flash,symbol实际上就类似于Flash中的“影片剪辑”、或者“元件”。


    那,symbol和SVG Sprite又有什么关系呢?



            <!-- 第1个图标路径形状之类代码 -->
            <!-- 第2个图标路径形状之类代码 -->
            <!-- 第3个图标路径形状之类代码 -->








    1. 可重复调用;
    2. 跨SVG调用;

    1. 可重复调用

        <g id="shape">
            <rect x="0" y="0" width="50" height="50" />
            <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="50" />
      <use xlink:href="#shape" x="50" y="50" />
      <use xlink:href="#shape" x="200" y="50" />




    2. 跨SVG调用

    <svg width="500" height="110"><use xlink:href="#shape" x="50" y="50" /></svg>


    而这个跨SVG调用就是“SVG Sprite技术”的核心所在。

    试想下,我们只要在页面某处载入一个充满Sprite(symbol)的SVG文件(或直接include SVG代码),于是,在页面的任何角落,只要想使用这个图标,只要简单这一点代码就可以了:

    <svg class="size"><use xlink:href="#target" /></svg>

    图标尺寸CSS控制,里面只有一个仅有xlink:href属性的use元素,Done! 完成!

    也即是说,在HTML层面,图标使用的代码成本,跟传统的CSS Sprite或者流行的font-face几乎无异,代码简洁,而且很好维护。所有的SVG图标都在一个SVG源上。retina良好,尺寸可任意拉伸,且颜色可控,真乃Web图标的未来之星。


    The SVG <use> element can reuse an SVG shape from elsewhere in the SVG document, including <g> elements and <symbol> elements. The reused shape can be defined inside the <defs>element (which makes the shape invisible until used) or outside.

    A use Example

    Here is a simple example of the <use> element:

        <g id="shape">
            <rect x="50" y="50" width="50" height="50" />
            <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="50" />
      <use xlink:href="#shape" x="50" y="50" />
      <use xlink:href="#shape" x="200" y="50" />

    This example shows a <g> element defined inside a <defs> element. This makes the <g> invisible unless referenced by a <use> element.

    Before the <g> element can be referenced, it must have an ID set on it via its id attribute. The <use> element references the <g> element via its xlink:href attribute. Notice the # in front of the ID in the attribute value.

    The <use> element specifies where to show the reused shapes via its x and y attributes. Notice that the shapes inside the <g> element are located at 0,0. That is done because their position is added to the position specified in the <use> element.

    Here is the resulting image:

    The blue dots are not part of the example. They are added to show the x and y of the two <use>elements.

    <svg width="500" height="110">
        <g id="shape2">
            <rect x="0" y="0" width="50" height="50" />
        <use xlink:href="#shape2" x="200" y="50" />

    Using Shapes Outside of a defs Element

    The <use> element can reuse elements from anywhere in an SVG image as long as that shape has an id attribute with a unique value. Here is an example:

    This example defines a <g> element with a <rect> element inside. Then it reuses the <g> element (including the nested <rect> element) via a <use> element.

    Here is the resulting image:

    Notice that both the original shape and its reused version are shown. That is happening because the shape that is reused (the <g> element) is not defined inside the <defs> element or <symbol>element. Therefore it is visible.

    Again, the blue dot shows the coordinates of the <use> element.

    <svg width="500" height="110">
      <g id="shape3">
          <rect x="0" y="0" width="50" height="50" />
      <use xlink:href="#shape3" x="100" y="50" style="fill: #00ff00;"/>
      <use xlink:href="#shape3" x="200" y="50" style="stroke: #00ff00; fill: none;"/>

    Setting CSS Styles

    You can set the CSS styles when reusing a shape, if the original shape has no CSS style set on it. You simply specify the styles to set inside the style attribute of the <use> element. Here is an example:

    Notice how the original shape has no style attribute set on it. It will then be rendered with default styles (typically black).

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jiduoduo/p/6657576.html
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