• caffe中各种cblas的函数使用总结



    Y=alpha * X +beta*Y 

    Y=alpha * X +beta*Y 
    template <>
    void caffe_cpu_axpby<float>(const int N, const float alpha, const float* X,
                                const float beta, float* Y) {
      cblas_saxpby(N, alpha, X, 1, beta, Y, 1);
    template <>
    void caffe_cpu_axpby<double>(const int N, const double alpha, const double* X,
                                 const double beta, double* Y) {
      cblas_daxpby(N, alpha, X, 1, beta, Y, 1);
     cblas_dscal(N, beta, Y, incY);  Y=Y*beta 
      cblas_daxpy(N, alpha, X, incX, Y, incY);  Y= (alpha * X) + Y)


    Y=alpha * X + Y 

    template <>
    void caffe_axpy<float>(const int N, const float alpha, const float* X,
        float* Y) { cblas_saxpy(N, alpha, X, 1, Y, 1); }
    template <>
    void caffe_axpy<double>(const int N, const double alpha, const double* X,
        double* Y) { cblas_daxpy(N, alpha, X, 1, Y, 1); }


    DEFINE_VSL_BINARY_FUNC(Add, y[i] = a[i] + b[i]);
    DEFINE_VSL_BINARY_FUNC(Sub, y[i] = a[i] - b[i]);
    DEFINE_VSL_BINARY_FUNC(Mul, y[i] = a[i] * b[i]);
    DEFINE_VSL_BINARY_FUNC(Div, y[i] = a[i] / b[i]);
    template <>
    void caffe_add<float>(const int n, const float* a, const float* b,
    float* y) {
    vsAdd(n, a, b, y);
    template <>
    void caffe_add<double>(const int n, const double* a, const double* b,
    double* y) {
    vdAdd(n, a, b, y);



    template <>
    void caffe_copy<float>(const int N, const float* X, float* Y) {
      cblas_scopy(N, X, 1, Y, 1);
    template <>
    void caffe_copy<double>(const int N, const double* X, double* Y) {
      cblas_dcopy(N, X, 1, Y, 1);
    template <>
    void caffe_gpu_copy<float>(const int N, const float* X, float* Y) {
      CUBLAS_CHECK(cublasScopy(Caffe::cublas_handle(), N, X, 1, Y, 1));
    template <>
    void caffe_gpu_copy<double>(const int N, const double* X, double* Y) {
      CUBLAS_CHECK(cublasDcopy(Caffe::cublas_handle(), N, X, 1, Y, 1));

      Computes alpha*x*y' + A.

    Multiplies vector X by the transform of vector Y, then adds matrix A (single precison).
    Multiplies vector X by the transform of vector Y, then adds matrix A (single precison).
    void cblas_sger (
    const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order,
    const int M,
    const int N,
    const float alpha,
    const float *X,
    const int incX,
    const float *Y,
    const int incY,
    float *A,
    const int lda


    Y(vetor)←αAX + βY
    This function multiplies A * X (after transposing A, if needed) and multiplies the resulting matrix by alpha.
    It then multiplies vector Y by beta. It stores the sum of these two products in vector Y.
    template <>
    void caffe_cpu_gemv<float>(const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const int M,
        const int N, const float alpha, const float* A, const float* x,
        const float beta, float* y) {
      cblas_sgemv(CblasRowMajor, TransA, M, N, alpha, A, N, x, 1, beta, y, 1);


     C(matrix)←αAB + βC

    template<typename T>
    void gpu_multmat(T* A, T* B, T* C, int M,int K,int N){
         const T alpha = 1,beta=0;
    void caffe_cpu_gemm<float>(const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA,
        const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransB, const int M, const int N, const int K,
        const float alpha, const float* A, const float* B, const float beta,
        float* C) {
      int lda = (TransA == CblasNoTrans) ? K : M;
      int ldb = (TransB == CblasNoTrans) ? N : K;
      cblas_sgemm(CblasRowMajor, TransA, TransB, M, N, K, alpha, A, lda, B,
          ldb, beta, C, N);


    A=M*N  B=M*K
    C=A'*B   N M K
    template<typename T>
    void cpu_multTmat(T* A, T* B, T* C, int M,int K,int N){
         const T alpha = 1,beta=0;
        // cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, M, N, K, alpha, A, M, B,    K, beta, C, M);
    A=M*N B=N*K
    C=A*B   M N K
    template<typename T>
    void cpu_multmat(T* A, T* B, T* C, int M,int K,int N){
         const T alpha = 1,beta=0;
        // cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, M, N, K, alpha, A, M, B,    K, beta, C, M);


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