• F#值语意

    // The following code demonstrates the use of reference
    // cells to enable partially applied arguments to be changed
    // by later code.
    let increment1 delta number = number + delta
    let mutable myMutableIncrement = 10
    // Closures created by partial application and literals.
    let incrementBy1 = increment1 1
    let incrementBy2 = increment1 2
    // Partial application of one argument from a mutable variable.
    let incrementMutable = increment1 myMutableIncrement
    myMutableIncrement <- 12
    // This line prints 110.
    printfn "%d" (incrementMutable 100)
    let myRefIncrement = ref 10
    // Partial application of one argument, dereferenced
    // from a reference cell.
    let incrementRef = increment1 !myRefIncrement
    myRefIncrement := 12
    // This line also prints 110.
    printfn "%d" (incrementRef 100)
    // Reset the value of the reference cell.
    myRefIncrement := 10
    // New increment function takes a reference cell.
    let increment2 delta number = number + !delta
    // Partial application of one argument, passing a reference cell
    // without dereferencing first.
    let incrementRef2 = increment2 myRefIncrement
    myRefIncrement := 12
    // This line prints 112.
    printfn "%d" (incrementRef2 100)
    let mutable x =1
    let x' =x
    x' (还是1,它拷贝了x的副本,因此不会被x的改变而改变s)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jiangzhen/p/fsharp_value_semantics.html
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