1 DELIMITER $$ 2 CREATE EVENT `report`.`monitor_user4cx` ON SCHEDULE EVERY 15 MINUTE DO 3 BEGIN 4 DECLARE cx_id INT(10); 5 DECLARE t_query VARCHAR(500); 6 DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; 7 DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR SELECT id FROM information_schema.PROCESSLIST WHERE `USER`='cx' AND `TIME` > 600 AND `Command`='Query'; 8 DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE; 9 OPEN cur; 10 read_loop:LOOP 11 FETCH cur INTO cx_id; 12 IF done THEN 13 LEAVE read_loop; 14 END IF; 15 SELECT t.trx_query,t.trx_started,p.`USER` FROM information_schema.PROCESSLIST p INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_trx t ON WHERE INTO @t_query,@t_time,@p_user; 16 INSERT INTO test.monitor_user4cx(`p_id`,`start_time`,`user`,`time`,`query`) VALUES (cx_id,@t_time,@p_user,NOW(),@t_query); 17 KILL cx_id; 18 END LOOP; 19 CLOSE cur; 20 END$$ 21 DELIMITER ;
CREATE PROCEDURE `test`.`new_procedure` () BEGIN -- 需要定义接收游标数据的变量 DECLARE a CHAR(16); -- 声明游标的结束标志 DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; -- 将所需数据赋予游标,游标必须定义在变量/条件后,handler前;否则会报错。
-- ERROR 1337 (42000): Variable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declaration
DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR SELECT i FROM test.t; -- 将结束标志绑定到游标,如果捕获到not found异常时就会将变量done设置为TRUE,done=TRUE可以当作循环跳出条件 DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE; -- 打开游标 OPEN cur; -- 开始循环 read_loop: LOOP -- 提取游标里的数据,这里只有一个,也可以有多个,例如fetch <游标名> into <变量1>,<变量2> FETCH cur INTO a; -- 声明结束的时候 IF done THEN LEAVE read_loop; END IF; -- 这里做你想做的循环的事件 sql; END LOOP; -- 关闭游标 CLOSE cur; END
1、repeat循环(该循环用do while,先执行后判断)
drop procedure if exists test_proce2; create procedure test_proce2() begin declare temp_id int(11); declare temp_time datetime; declare isFinished boolean default false; declare test_cursor cursor for select id,time from test; declare continue handler for not found set isFinished=true; open test_cursor; repeat fetch test_cursor into temp_id,temp_time; if not isFinished then select concat(concat(temp_id,":"),temp_time); end if; until isFinished end repeat; close test_cursor; end
drop procedure if exists test_proce3; create procedure test_proce3() begin declare temp_id int(11); declare temp_time datetime; declare isFinished boolean default false; declare test_cursor cursor for select id,time from test; declare continue handler for not found set isFinished=true; open test_cursor; test_loop:loop fetch test_cursor into temp_id,temp_time; if isFinished then leave test_loop; end if; //若该if语句放在fetch后面,该循环为while型;若该if语句紧接在end loop前该循环为do while型。 select concat(concat(temp_id,":"),temp_time); end loop test_loop; close test_cursor; end
DELIMITER $$ CREATE EVENT `report`.`monitor_user4cx` ON SCHEDULE EVERY 15 MINUTE DO BEGIN DECLARE cx_id INT(10); DECLARE t_query VARCHAR(500); DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR SELECT id FROM information_schema.PROCESSLIST WHERE `USER`='cx' AND `TIME` > 600 AND `Command`='Query'; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE; OPEN cur; read_loop:LOOP FETCH cur INTO cx_id; IF done THEN LEAVE read_loop; END IF; SELECT t.trx_query,t.trx_started,p.`USER` FROM information_schema.PROCESSLIST p INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_trx t ON WHERE INTO @t_query,@t_time,@p_user; INSERT INTO test.monitor_user4cx(`p_id`,`start_time`,`user`,`time`,`query`) VALUES (cx_id,@t_time,@p_user,NOW(),@t_query); KILL cx_id; END LOOP; CLOSE cur; END$$ DELIMITER ;
### 可以直接用set赋值 set @a=1; set @b=(select count(*) from information_schema.processlist); insert into test_db.table1 select @a,@b,now(); ### 可以用into将结果集赋值给变量 select id,name,create_time from test_db.table2 into @u_id,@u_name,@u_addtime; 同 select id,name,create_time into @u_id,@u_name,@u_addtime from test_db.table2; select @u_id,@u_name,@u_addtime;
drop event event_name;