假设ratio1~ratio9每个矩阵的形状均为[N, L],其中,L为一组数据中有几个类别,N为每个类别的数据量。共有9组数据(ratio1~ratio9)。
MRL2 = {ratio1, ratio2, ratio3, ratio4, ratio5, ratio6, ratio7, ratio8, ratio9}; % Create example data G1=MRL2{1}; G2=MRL2{2}; G3=MRL2{3}; G4=MRL2{4}; G5=MRL2{5}; G6=MRL2{6}; G7=MRL2{7}; G8=MRL2{8}; G9=MRL2{9}; % prepare data data=cell(6,9); for ii=1:size(data,1) Gc1{ii}=G1(:,ii); Gc2{ii}=G2(:,ii); Gc3{ii}=G3(:,ii); Gc4{ii}=G4(:,ii); Gc5{ii}=G5(:,ii); Gc6{ii}=G6(:,ii); Gc7{ii}=G7(:,ii); Gc8{ii}=G8(:,ii); Gc9{ii}=G9(:,ii); end data=vertcat(Gc1,Gc2,Gc3,Gc4,Gc5,Gc6,Gc7,Gc8,Gc9);
figure %set(gca, 'LooseInset', get(gca,'TightInset')) multiple_boxplot(data') % or multiple_boxplot(data)
function multiple_boxplot(data,xlab,Mlab,colors) % data is a cell matrix of MxL where in each element there is a array of N % length. M is how many data for the same group, L, how many groups. % % Optional: % xlab is a cell array of strings of length L with the names of each % group % % Mlab is a cell array of strings of length M % % colors is a Mx4 matrix with normalized RGBA colors for each M. % check that data is ok. if ~iscell(data) error('Input data is not even a cell array!'); end % Get sizes M=size(data,2); L=size(data,1); if nargin>=4 if size(colors,2)~=M error('Wrong amount of colors!'); end end if nargin>=2 if length(xlab)~=L error('Wrong amount of X labels given'); end end % Calculate the positions of the boxes positions=1:0.25:M*L*0.25+1+0.25*L; positions(1:M+1:end)=[]; % Extract data and label it in the group correctly x=[]; group=[]; for ii=1:L for jj=1:M aux=data{ii,jj}; x=vertcat(x,aux(:)); group=vertcat(group,ones(size(aux(:)))*jj+(ii-1)*M); end end % Plot it boxplot(x,group, 'positions', positions); %boxplot(x,group, 'positions', positions, 'PlotStyle','compact'); % Set the Xlabels aux=reshape(positions,M,[]); labelpos = sum(aux,1)./M; set(gca,'xtick',labelpos) if nargin>=2 set(gca,'xticklabel',xlab); else idx=1:L; set(gca,'xticklabel',strsplit(num2str(idx),' ')); end % Get some colors if nargin>=4 cmap=colors; else cmap = hsv(M); % jet, hsv %cmap=vertcat(cmap,ones(L,1)*0.5); cmap=[cmap,ones(M,1)*0.5]; end color=repmat(cmap, L, 1); % Apply colors h = findobj(gca,'Tag','Box'); for jj=1:length(h) patch(get(h(jj),'XData'),get(h(jj),'YData'),color(jj,1:3),'FaceAlpha',color(jj,4)); end if nargin>=3 legend(fliplr(Mlab)); end end