• 数据库例题三

    Select * From Z_course;
    Select * From Z_student;
    Select * From Z_stu_cour;

    Select t.name,t.major,t.id,Rownum From z_student t Where Rownum<6 Order By t.id

    Select t.name,t.code,Trunc((Sysdate-t.birthday)/365)||'岁'age From z_student t

    Select t.Name, t.Major, To_Date(1991, 'yyyy') From z_Student t

    Select * From z_student t Where to_char(t.birthday,'yyyy')=1991

    --查询历史, 广告, 国际新闻专业的所有学生信息
    Select * From z_student t Join z_course e On e.cour_code=t.major
    And e.cour_name Like '国际新闻%' Or e.cour_name Like '历史%' Or e.cour_name Like '广告%'

    Select * From z_student s Where s.code Not In (Select Distinct sc.stu_code From z_stu_cour sc)
    Select * From z_student s Where Not Exists(Select * From z_stu_cour r Where s.code=r.stu_code)

    Select * From z_student s Where s.birthday Is Not Null

    Select Distinct * From z_student t,z_course e,z_stu_cour r Where t.code=r.stu_code And r.cour_code=e.cour_code
    Order By t.major Asc,t.code Desc

    Select sc.cour_code,Avg(sc.degree)From z_stu_cour sc
    Where sc.cour_code <>'C-ADV-240' Group By sc.cou_code order By sc.cour_code

    Select s.cour_code,Max(s.degree),Min(s.degree) From z_stu_cour s
    Group By sc.cour_code Order By s.cour_code

    Select s.major, Count(*) From z_student s Where
    s.major=(Select c.cour_code From z_course c Where c.cour_name Like '%历史%') Group By s.major

    Select s.major, Decode(s.sex, 1, '男', '女'), Count(*)  From z_student s Group By s.major, s.sex

    Select s.stu_code, avg(s.degree) From z_stu_cour s Group By s.stu_code Having Avg(s.degree) > 50

    Select s.stu_code, Count(*) From z_stu_cour s Where sc.degree > 80 Group By s.stu_code

    Select s.name, sc.degree From z_student s Left Join z_stu_cour sc On s.code=sc.stu_code Where 
    sc.cour_code=(Select c.cour_code From z_course c Where c.cour_name Like '%基础美术%'

    Select Distinct s1.* From z_student s1, z_student s2 Where s1.id!=s2.id And s1.birthday=s2.birthday

    Select * From z_student s2 Where s2.birthday In (Select s.birthday From z_student s Group By s.birthday Having Count(1) > 1)

    Select s.cour_code Avg(s.degree)
    from z_stu_cour s
    Group By s.cour_code
    Having avg(s.degree) >= (select avg(s2.degree)
    From z_stu_cour s2
    Where s2.cour_code = 'c-adv-239'
    Group By s2.cour_code)

    Select s.cour_code,
     Where s.degree > 50 Then
    End) / Count(*) --及格率
    From z_stu_ cour s
    Where s.cour_code In (Select c.cour_code
    From z_course c
    Connect By c.p_cour_code = prior c.cour_code
    Start With c.cour_name = '历史学专业')
    Group By s.cour_code 

    Select (Select s.name From z_student s Where s.code = s.stu_code),
    (Select c.cour_name From z_course c Where c.cour_code = s.cour_code),
    From z_stu_cour s
    Where s.cour_code != 'c-news-101'


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