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    1. 从一个专业邮件标题开始

    About the report on the root cause / Regarding the report on the root cause



    I hope you had a good weekend. Attached please see the report fotr the root cause

    I hope that your week is off to a good start. Attached please find the report.


    Attached please see the report. Have a great Weekend/ Enjoy your weekend.


    Hope you're well..Hope you are doing well. / I hope this message finds you well.


    would you please send me the report/It would help a lot if you could send me the email

    it would appreciate so much if you could/It would be very helpful if you could/Is it possible that you could send me the report by today/By any chance could you send me the report today?


    At your convenience, could your please..../Hi sam, the team need your insight on the report. It would be greate if you could review it today.

    Due to the short time frame, your prompt reply on this will be greatly appreciated

    I am sorry to have to bother you so late, but we need your insight on the PPT.


    Here is my report. It is still a work on process but I would like to see if anything stood out for you as odd or needing to follow up.

    I hope you had a great weekend. As for the report you asked me to work out, I already drafted out a version for you attached.


    Should you have any questions, please let me know anytime/Let me know if more details would help/I am flexible to do changes based on your feedback/Look forward your feedback


    No problem. I am now swamped by XXX, I will have it done asap and get back to you at the earlist

    something urgent came up.I will have to get back to you at the soonest.

    your assignment is always our top priority, We will take care of it and keep you posted.

    I'm more flexible in the mornings

    Let me know earlier so I can lock the time slots for the meeting

    I have some open time slots this afternoon./The schedule works for me. But it would be great if you could sent it out in the early days of a week.


    No problem. I am on it right now! it is a pleasure! it's my honor to help/ you just made today my day

    Yes, your solution is definitely better/easier/more workable/more feasible. I will break it down to an action plan and keep you posted and keep you updated.

    this is a amazing, My team would be so happy to know that.


    This is xx from bamboo ODC team. I will be response for XX. I am glad to be working with you. I can't wait for our cooperation.

    xx told us that you are a talented and experienced engineer

    10.如何避免回答I am fine,thank you. and you?

    I am swamped.我好多事情 I have a lot on my plate 我好多事情 Yeah I had a good time.不错,很愉快。


    It was very good. It's very completed. I love the idea I love the structure I have 2 comments on this to discuss woth you

    As far as I can tell XXXX

    I made 2 changes on your report. It is just my opinion, if you need to discuss about it, let me know.

    well done. based on my knowledge/what I know, I think some parts can be changed a little bit.


    To be mindful of you time(考虑到), I suggest we postpone our meeting to next Monday, given that there is no updates on the project.

    I would let you know at the soonest when we agree upon a time(议定时间).

    As long as we come up with some clarity(清晰,明确) on the items.


    I sincerely(真诚的) apologize for the mistakes. I am sure it won't happen again. we all learnt a lesson(汲取教训) from it

    My sincerely apology to it. I will try all means(尝试所有方法,务必) to fix it up(修理它) by this weekend.

    自动回复邮件: Thanks you for your e-mail. I am currently out of the office on vacation from xxx-xxx with no access to e-mails.I apologize for any delay in response to your e-mail. Before I return to the office on Monday,Dec,19, Emma will cover me. thanks!

    Thanks you for your e-mail. I am out of the office in meetings on Dec21 and Dec23 with limited access to e-mail. if you need immediate assistance, please contact me via my mobile phone or ask Lily for help. Thank you!


    I normolly hang out(出去玩) with my friends on weekends.

    I am just largely generalizing(我只是大概概括下)

    This is just a generalized number./rough number.

    We worked hard on this version,/ We dripped blood and sweat for it.(我们团队在这版本下了苦功)

    I am used to working overtime(我已经习惯了 加班)


    The breakdown caused by large amount of data is invevitable. I will list you the working servers.(数据太大引起的崩溃是无法避免的,那些能用的服务器我会给你列个清单)

    To avoid unexpected accidents, you should review the cost analysis updated by the client.(为了避免无法预计的意外发生,你们还是看一下客户更新过的成分分析报告)


    stir fried beef with broccoli 西兰花炒牛肉 light fried beef with onion 洋葱煎牛肉  Stewed beef with radish萝卜炖牛肉 Barbecued beef/Boiled beef/Steamed beef 烤牛肉/蒸牛肉

    Deep fry炸  Light Fry煎  Stir fried炒 Boiled beef with green-leaf vegetables 煮 Steam蒸 steamed eggs蒸蛋  Stew炖 Cold 凉拌的 Aried beef干 Smoked烟熏 Salted盐腌 Minced肉末的 Soup汤 Hotpot火锅

    芥兰炒牛肉-Stir-fried beef with chinese broccoli. 姜葱清蒸桂花鱼-Steamed Guihua fish with ginger and chinese onion 烤肉拼鹅肉-Roasted pork and goose 客家盐焗鸡-Hakka Style baked chicken in salt  猪肉炒青椒 Stir fired pork with green pepper 鱼香茄子煲 Stew/braised fish-flavored eggplant in clay pot 萝卜炖羊肉 Stewed lamp with radish 粤式叉烧 Cantonese style barbecue pork

    基本原则:做法+荤菜+素菜  地方+做法+荤菜+素菜


    提到 Mention 摆脱:Get rid of 设法达成某事:Manager to 狗血、戏剧性的事情、抓马Drama

    He managed to recover content of the web/He managed to get two concern tickets


    太长 sorry if this email is a little bit too lengthy. I already highlighted the key points in red

    太久了 sorry if this took too long./Sorry for not being able to reply you earlier

    太不清楚了 I should have made it more specific

    太迟通知了 Sorry for the late notice/sorry for the last minute notice


    Can you be more specific on the second part?Do you have any preference on

    Just to confirm, what you meant is to fix the bug first right?

    As far as I understand it,you would like this report to be dinished by fried right?

    what do you think the best way to start it?

    Excuse me,what do you meant by "xxx"?


    Please make a Professional impression to out clients 请给客户留下一个专业的印象


    The book is impressive/you resume is impressive


    I think you had better ask Micheal about that. He would probably have a much better insight into this issue


    If I finish xxx earlier than expected, I will let you know immediately.

    sorry for not being able to provide instant help

    22.make and do

    make的基本意识和生产东西有关; Do的基本意思和采取行动有关

    Make arrangement for/make a change/make changes in/make a choice/make a contribution to/Make a decision/Make an effort to/Make a comment/comments/make an excuse/make an improvement in/make a mistake/make a phone call/make progress on/make friends/make difference

    Do your best/Do your hair/Do the cooking/shopping/washing/ironing(熨烫)/Do exercises/Do someone a favor/do my dishes/do harm

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jessicaxia/p/7246063.html
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