• get_beijing_roadnetwork(工作太忙,仅仅作为记录)

      1 from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LinearRing
      2 import xml.etree.cElementTree as et
      3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
      4 from networkx import DiGraph
      5 import geopandas as gpd
      6 import numpy as np
      7 from pyproj import CRS
      8 import requests
      9 from tools.geo_convert import wgs84_to_gcj02, gcj02_to_wgs84
     11 # default CRS to set when creating graphs
     12 default_crs = "epsg:4326"
     14 def is_projected(crs):
     15     """
     16     Determine if a coordinate reference system is projected or not.
     18     This is a convenience wrapper around the pyproj.CRS.is_projected function.
     20     Parameters
     21     ----------
     22     crs : string or pyproj.CRS
     23         the coordinate reference system
     25     Returns
     26     -------
     27     projected : bool
     28         True if crs is projected, otherwise False
     29     """
     30     return CRS.from_user_input(crs).is_projected
     32 def project_gdf(gdf, to_crs=None, to_latlong=False):
     33     """
     34     Project a GeoDataFrame from its current CRS to another.
     36     If to_crs is None, project to the UTM CRS for the UTM zone in which the
     37     GeoDataFrame's centroid lies. Otherwise project to the CRS defined by
     38     to_crs. The simple UTM zone calculation in this function works well for
     39     most latitudes, but may not work for some extreme northern locations like
     40     Svalbard or far northern Norway.
     42     Parameters
     43     ----------
     44     gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
     45         the GeoDataFrame to be projected
     46     to_crs : string or pyproj.CRS
     47         if None, project to UTM zone in which gdf's centroid lies, otherwise
     48         project to this CRS
     49     to_latlong : bool
     50         if True, project to settings.default_crs and ignore to_crs
     52     Returns
     53     -------
     54     gdf_proj : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
     55         the projected GeoDataFrame
     56     """
     57     if gdf.crs is None or len(gdf) < 1:  # pragma: no cover
     58         raise ValueError("GeoDataFrame must have a valid CRS and cannot be empty")
     60     # if to_latlong is True, project the gdf to latlong
     61     if to_latlong:
     62         gdf_proj = gdf.to_crs(default_crs)
     63         print(f"Projected GeoDataFrame to {default_crs}")
     65     # else if to_crs was passed-in, project gdf to this CRS
     66     elif to_crs is not None:
     67         gdf_proj = gdf.to_crs(to_crs)
     68         print(f"Projected GeoDataFrame to {to_crs}")
     70     # otherwise, automatically project the gdf to UTM
     71     else:
     72         if is_projected(gdf.crs):  # pragma: no cover
     73             raise ValueError("Geometry must be unprojected to calculate UTM zone")
     75         # calculate longitude of centroid of union of all geometries in gdf
     76         avg_lng = gdf["geometry"].unary_union.centroid.x
     78         # calculate UTM zone from avg longitude to define CRS to project to
     79         utm_zone = int(np.floor((avg_lng + 180) / 6) + 1)
     80         utm_crs = f"+proj=utm +zone={utm_zone} +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
     82         # project the GeoDataFrame to the UTM CRS
     83         gdf_proj = gdf.to_crs(utm_crs)
     84         print(f"Projected GeoDataFrame to {gdf_proj.crs}")
     86     return gdf_proj
     88 def project_geometry(geometry, crs=None, to_crs=None, to_latlong=False):
     89     """
     90     Project a shapely geometry from its current CRS to another.
     92     If to_crs is None, project to the UTM CRS for the UTM zone in which the
     93     geometry's centroid lies. Otherwise project to the CRS defined by to_crs.
     95     Parameters
     96     ----------
     97     geometry : shapely.geometry.Polygon or shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon
     98         the geometry to project
     99     crs : string or pyproj.CRS
    100         the starting CRS of the passed-in geometry. if None, it will be set to
    101         settings.default_crs
    102     to_crs : string or pyproj.CRS
    103         if None, project to UTM zone in which geometry's centroid lies,
    104         otherwise project to this CRS
    105     to_latlong : bool
    106         if True, project to settings.default_crs and ignore to_crs
    108     Returns
    109     -------
    110     geometry_proj, crs : tuple
    111         the projected geometry and its new CRS
    112     """
    113     if crs is None:
    114         crs = default_crs
    116     gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[geometry], crs=crs)
    117     gdf_proj = project_gdf(gdf, to_crs=to_crs, to_latlong=to_latlong)
    118     geometry_proj = gdf_proj["geometry"].iloc[0]
    119     return geometry_proj, gdf_proj.crs
    121 def get_grid_from_polygon(polygon_lonlat, threshold = 1000.0, gcj=True):
    122     bounds = []
    123     ring_plg_proj, crs_utm = project_geometry(polygon_lonlat)  # 平面投影
    124     ring_plg_proj_buff = ring_plg_proj.buffer(threshold / 2.0)  # buffer dis = threshold/2.0
    125     ring_plg_buf, ring_plg_buf_epsg = project_geometry(ring_plg_proj_buff, crs=crs_utm, to_latlong=True)  # 反平面投影
    126     ring_plg_enve = ring_plg_buf.envelope  # Polygon
    127     ring_plg_enve_proj, crs_utm = project_geometry(ring_plg_enve)  # 平面投影
    128     (X_l, Y_b, X_r, Y_u) = ring_plg_enve_proj.bounds  # tuple
    129     delt_X, delt_Y = X_r - X_l, Y_u - Y_b
    130     m, n = int(np.ceil(delt_X / threshold)), int(np.ceil(delt_Y / threshold))
    131     for i in range(n):
    132         y_lb = threshold * i + Y_b
    133         y_ur = y_lb + threshold
    134         for j in range(m):
    135             x_lb = threshold * j + X_l
    136             x_ur = x_lb + threshold
    137             poly_arr = np.array([[x_lb, y_lb], [x_ur, y_lb], [x_ur, y_ur], [x_lb, y_ur]])
    138             grid_plg_tmp = Polygon(poly_arr)
    139             grid_plg, grid_plg_epsg = project_geometry(grid_plg_tmp, crs=crs_utm, to_latlong=True)  # 反平面投影
    140             geom_intersec = polygon_lonlat.intersection(grid_plg)  # Polygon
    141             if geom_intersec.is_empty is not True:# 存在空间相交
    142                 (lon_l, lat_b, lon_r, lat_u) = grid_plg.bounds  # tuple
    144                 if gcj:
    145                     lon_l, lat_b = wgs84_to_gcj02(lng=lon_l, lat=lat_b)
    146                     lon_r, lat_u = wgs84_to_gcj02(lng=lon_r, lat=lat_u)
    148                 bounds.append((lon_l, lat_b, lon_r, lat_u))
    150     return bounds
    152 def get_region_txt_file(bounds, region_txt_file = './region.txt'):
    153     num = 1
    154     file_region = open(region_txt_file, 'w')
    155     for (lon_l, lat_b, lon_r, lat_u) in bounds:
    156         zs_lon, zs_lat = lon_l, lat_u
    157         yx_lon, yx_lat = lon_r, lat_b
    158         region_str = "{0}
    ".format(num, zs_lon, zs_lat, yx_lon, yx_lat)
    159         print(region_str)
    160         file_region.write(region_str)
    161         num += 1
    162     file_region.close()
    164 def point_transform_amap(location):
    165     """
    166     坐标转换,将非高德坐标(GPS坐标、mapbar坐标、baidu坐标)转换为高德坐标
    167     """
    168     parameters = {
    169         'coordsys': 'gps',
    170         'locations': location,
    171         'key': '***'# gaod key
    172                   }
    173     base = 'http://restapi.amap.com/v3/assistant/coordinate/convert?'
    174     response = requests.get(base, parameters)
    175     answer = response.json()
    176     return answer['locations']
    178 def get_bj_ring_road(osmfile=r"./beijing_6ring_multiways.osm", buffer_distance=1000, show=True):
    179     # # beijing_xring road.osm as the input data
    180     root = et.parse(osmfile).getroot()
    182     nodes = {}
    183     for node in root.findall('node'):
    184         nodes[int(node.attrib['id'])] = (float(node.attrib['lon']), float(node.attrib['lat']))
    185     edges = []
    186     way_count = len(root.findall('way'))
    187     if way_count > 1:# multiways in osm
    188         for way in root.findall('way'):
    189             element_nd = way.findall('nd')
    190             node_s, node_e = int(element_nd[0].attrib['ref']), int(element_nd[1].attrib['ref'])
    191             path = (node_s, node_e)
    192             edges.append(path)
    193     elif way_count == 1:# one way in osm
    194         way_nodes = []
    195         for element_nd in root.findall('way')[0].findall('nd'):
    196             way_nd_index = element_nd.attrib['ref']
    197             way_nodes.append(int(way_nd_index))
    198         for i in range(len(way_nodes)-1):# a way must include two points
    199             node_s, node_e = way_nodes[i], way_nodes[i+1]
    200             path = (node_s, node_e)
    201             edges.append(path)
    202     else:# error osm
    203         print("OSM Error!")
    204         return None, None, None, None
    206     edge = edges[0]
    207     E = []
    208     E.append(edge)
    209     edges.remove(edge)
    210     point_s, point_e = nodes[E[0][0]], nodes[E[0][1]]
    211     Point_lists = []
    212     Point_lists.append(list(point_s))
    213     Point_lists.append(list(point_e))
    214     while len(edges) > 0:
    215         (node_f_s, node_f_e) = E[-1]
    216         for (node_n_s, node_n_e) in edges:
    217             if node_f_e == node_n_s:
    218                 E.append((node_n_s, node_n_e))
    219                 point_f_e = nodes[node_n_e]
    220                 Point_lists.append(list(point_f_e))
    221                 # print((node_n_s, node_n_e))
    222                 edges.remove((node_n_s, node_n_e))
    223                 break
    224     # Points.pop()
    225     print(E[0], '...', E[-2], E[-1])
    226     print(Point_lists[0], '...', Point_lists[-2], Point_lists[-1])
    227     road_line_arr = np.array(Point_lists)  # 转换成二维坐标表示
    229     ring_plg = Polygon(road_line_arr)  # Polygon
    230     ring_lr = LinearRing(road_line_arr)  # LinearRing
    232     # get_grid_from_polygon and get_region_txt_file
    233     bounds = get_grid_from_polygon(ring_plg, threshold=1000.0, gcj=True) # get_grid_from_polygon with threshold
    234     get_region_txt_file(bounds, region_txt_file='./region.txt')
    236     ring_lr_proj, crs_utm = project_geometry(ring_lr)# 平面投影
    237     ring_lr_proj_buff =ring_lr_proj.buffer(buffer_distance)# buffer
    238     ring_lr_buf, ring_lr_buf_epsg = project_geometry(ring_lr_proj_buff, crs=crs_utm, to_latlong=True) # 反平面投影  LinearRing buffer
    240     poly_proj, crs_utm = project_geometry(ring_plg)# 平面投影
    241     poly_proj_buff = poly_proj.buffer(buffer_distance)# buffer
    242     ring_plg_buf, poly_buff_epsg = project_geometry(poly_proj_buff, crs=crs_utm, to_latlong=True)# 反平面投影  Polygon buffer
    244     if show:
    245         # Draw the geo with geopandas
    246         geo_lrg = gpd.GeoSeries(ring_lr)  # LinearRing
    247         geo_lrg.plot()
    248         plt.xlabel("$lon$")
    249         plt.ylabel("$lat$")
    250         plt.title("$LinearRing$")
    251         plt.show()
    253         geo_lrg_buf = gpd.GeoSeries(ring_lr_buf)  # LinearRing buffer
    254         geo_lrg_buf.plot()
    255         plt.xlabel("$lon$")
    256         plt.ylabel("$lat$")
    257         plt.title("$LinearRing-with-buffer$")
    258         plt.show()
    260         geo_plg = gpd.GeoSeries(ring_plg)  # Polygon
    261         geo_plg.plot()
    262         plt.xlabel("$lon$")
    263         plt.ylabel("$lat$")
    264         plt.title("$Polygon$")
    265         plt.show()
    267         geo_plg = gpd.GeoSeries(ring_plg_buf)  # Polygon
    268         geo_plg.plot()
    269         plt.xlabel("$lon$")
    270         plt.ylabel("$lat$")
    271         plt.title("$Polygon-with-buffer$")
    272         plt.show()
    274     return ring_lr, ring_lr_buf, ring_plg, ring_plg_buf
    276 # road_6ring_lr, road_6ring_lr_buf, road_6ring_plg, road_6ring_plg_buf = get_bj_ring_road(osmfile=r"./beijing_6ring_multiways.osm", buffer_distance=1000, show=True)
    277 road_2ring_lr, road_2ring_lr_buf, road_2ring_plg, road_2ring_plg_buf = get_bj_ring_road(osmfile=r"./beijing_2ring.osm", buffer_distance=1000, show=True)
    279 # test
    280 # # buffer_dist = 500
    281 # # poly_proj, crs_utm = project_geometry(road_2ring_plg)
    282 # # poly_proj_buff = poly_proj.buffer(buffer_dist)
    283 # # poly_buff, poly_buff_epsg = project_geometry(poly_proj_buff, crs=crs_utm, to_latlong=True)
    284 # # ring_lr_proj, crs_utm = project_geometry(road_2ring_lr)
    285 # # ring_lr_proj_buff = ring_lr_proj.buffer(buffer_dist)
    286 # # ring_lr_buff, ring_lr_buff_epsg = project_geometry(ring_lr_proj_buff, crs=crs_utm, to_latlong=True)
    288 import osmnx as ox
    289 from osmnx import geocoder, graph_from_polygon, graph_from_xml
    290 from osmnx import save_graph_shapefile, save_graph_xml, plot_graph
    292 ######## Create a graph from OSM and save the graph to .osm ########
    293 # 下载数据
    295 # ox.settings
    296 utn = ox.settings.useful_tags_node
    297 oxna = ox.settings.osm_xml_node_attrs
    298 oxnt = ox.settings.osm_xml_node_tags
    299 utw = ox.settings.useful_tags_way
    300 oxwa = ox.settings.osm_xml_way_attrs
    301 oxwt = ox.settings.osm_xml_way_tags
    302 utn = list(set(utn + oxna + oxnt))
    303 utw = list(set(utw + oxwa + oxwt))
    304 ox.config(all_oneway=True, useful_tags_node=utn, useful_tags_way=utw)
    306 # Create a graph from OSM within the boundaries of some shapely polygon.
    307 M = graph_from_polygon(polygon=road_2ring_plg_buf,
    308                        network_type='drive', # network_type : {"all_private", "all", "bike", "drive", "drive_service", "walk"}
    309                        simplify=True,# if True, simplify graph topology with the `simplify_graph` function
    310                        retain_all=False,# if True, return the entire graph even if it is not connected.
    311                        truncate_by_edge=True,# if True, retain nodes outside boundary polygon if at least one of node's neighbors is within the polygon
    312                        clean_periphery=True,# if True, buffer 500m to get a graph larger than requested, then simplify, then truncate it to requested spatial boundaries
    313                        custom_filter=None)# a custom ways filter to be used instead of the network_type presets, e.g., '["power"~"line"]' or '["highway"~"motorway|trunk"]'.
    314 # 可能因为代理问题, 则需要 Win+R -- (输入)regedit -- 删除 计算机HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings下的 ProxyEnable、ProxyOverride、ProxyServer 后重新运行程序
    315 print('number_of_nodes:', M.number_of_nodes(), 'number_of_edges:', M.number_of_edges())
    316 plot_graph(M, figsize=(32, 32), node_size=15, dpi=600, save=True, filepath='./images/ring_graph.png')
    317 # save_graph_xml(M, filepath='./download_osm/graph.osm')
    318 save_graph_shapefile(M, 'download_shp')
    320 # Convert M to DiGraph G
    321 G = DiGraph(M, directed=True)
    323 nodes = G.nodes()  # 获取图中的所有节点
    324 nd_data = G.nodes.data(data=True)  # 获得所有节点的属性
    325 print(list(nd_data)[-1])
    326 # simplify (9094448576, {'y': 39.8708445, 'x': 116.3840209, 'street_count': 3})
    327 # full (9094448578, {'y': 39.8707558, 'x': 116.3840692, 'highway': 'crossing', 'street_count': 2})
    328 eg_data = G.edges(data=True)  # 获得所有边的属性
    329 print(list(eg_data)[-1])
    330 # simplify (9094448576, 9063939428, {'osmid': [955313155, 26295235, 955313156], 'oneway': 'yes', 'highway': 'tertiary', 'length': 393.366, 'tunnel': 'yes', 'geometry': <shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString object at 0x0000020FBD457630>})
    331 # full (9094448578, 9094448574, {'osmid': 983612462, 'oneway': 'yes', 'highway': 'trunk_link', 'length': 3.189})
    332 print('number_of_nodes:', G.number_of_nodes())
    333 print('number_of_edges:', G.number_of_edges())
      1 # coding: utf-8
      3 """
      4 Geolocataion conversion between WGS84, BD09 and GCJ02.
      5 WGS84 / BD09 / GCJ02 / MapBar 经纬度坐标互转。
      7 - WGS84: GPS coordinates for Google Earth (GPS坐标,谷歌地球使用)
      8 - GCJ02: national coordinate system developed by China (国测局坐标,谷歌中国地图、腾讯地图、高德地图使用)
      9 - BD09: Baidu coordinates (百度坐标系,百度地图使用)
     10 - MapBar: MapBar coordinates (图吧坐标系,图吧地图使用)
     12 Test website: http://gpsspg.com/maps.htm
     14 Author: Gaussic
     15 Date:   2019-05-09
     16 """
     18 import math
     20 PI = math.pi
     21 PIX = math.pi * 3000.0 / 180.0
     22 EE = 0.00669342162296594323
     23 A = 6378245.0
     26 def bd09_to_gcj02(lng, lat):
     27     """BD09 -> GCJ02"""
     28     x, y =  lng - 0.0065, lat - 0.006
     29     z = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) - 0.00002 * math.sin(y * PIX)
     30     theta = math.atan2(y, x) - 0.000003 * math.cos(x * PIX)
     31     lng, lat = z * math.cos(theta), z * math.sin(theta)
     32     return lng, lat
     35 def gcj02_to_bd09(lng, lat):
     36     """GCJ02 -> BD09"""
     37     z = math.sqrt(lng * lng + lat * lat) + 0.00002 * math.sin(lat * PIX)
     38     theta = math.atan2(lat, lng) + 0.000003 * math.cos(lng * PIX)
     39     lng, lat = z * math.cos(theta) + 0.0065, z * math.sin(theta) + 0.006
     40     return lng, lat
     43 def gcj02_to_wgs84(lng, lat):
     44     """GCJ02 -> WGS84"""
     45     if out_of_china(lng, lat):
     46         return lng, lat
     47     dlat = transform_lat(lng - 105.0, lat - 35.0)
     48     dlng = transform_lng(lng - 105.0, lat - 35.0)
     49     radlat = lat / 180.0 * PI
     50     magic = math.sin(radlat)
     51     magic = 1 - EE * magic * magic
     52     sqrtmagic = math.sqrt(magic)
     53     dlat = (dlat * 180.0) / ((A * (1 - EE)) / (magic * sqrtmagic) * PI)
     54     dlng = (dlng * 180.0) / (A / sqrtmagic * math.cos(radlat) * PI)
     55     lng, lat = lng - dlng, lat - dlat
     56     return lng, lat
     59 def wgs84_to_gcj02(lng, lat):
     60     """WGS84 -> GCJ02"""
     61     if out_of_china(lng, lat):
     62         return lng, lat
     63     dlat = transform_lat(lng - 105.0, lat - 35.0)
     64     dlng = transform_lng(lng - 105.0, lat - 35.0)
     65     radlat = lat / 180.0 * PI
     66     magic = math.sin(radlat)
     67     magic = 1 - EE * magic * magic
     68     sqrtmagic = math.sqrt(magic)
     69     dlat = (dlat * 180.0) / ((A * (1 - EE)) / (magic * sqrtmagic) * PI)
     70     dlng = (dlng * 180.0) / (A / sqrtmagic * math.cos(radlat) * PI)
     71     lng, lat = lng + dlng, lat + dlat
     72     return lng, lat
     75 def mapbar_to_wgs84(lng, lat):
     76     """MapBar -> WGS84"""
     77     lng = lng * 100000.0 % 36000000
     78     lat = lat * 100000.0 % 36000000
     79     lng1 = int(lng - math.cos(lat / 100000.0) * lng / 18000.0 - math.sin(lng / 100000.0) * lat / 9000.0)
     80     lat1 = int(lat - math.sin(lat / 100000.0) * lng / 18000.0 - math.cos(lng / 100000.0) * lat / 9000.0)
     81     lng2 = int(lng - math.cos(lat1 / 100000.0) * lng1 / 18000.0 - math.sin(lng1 / 100000.0) * lat1 / 9000.0 + (1 if lng > 0 else -1))
     82     lat2 = int(lat - math.sin(lat1 / 100000.0) * lng1 / 18000.0 - math.cos(lng1 / 100000.0) * lat1 / 9000.0 + (1 if lat > 0 else -1))
     83     lng, lat = lng2 / 100000.0, lat2 / 100000.0
     84     return lng, lat
     87 def transform_lat(lng, lat):
     88     """GCJ02 latitude transformation"""
     89     ret = -100 + 2.0 * lng + 3.0 * lat + 0.2 * lat * lat + 0.1 * lng * lat + 0.2 * math.sqrt(math.fabs(lng))
     90     ret += (20.0 * math.sin(6.0 * lng * PI) + 20.0 * math.sin(2.0 * lng * PI)) * 2.0 / 3.0
     91     ret += (20.0 * math.sin(lat * PI) + 40.0 * math.sin(lat / 3.0 * PI)) * 2.0 / 3.0
     92     ret += (160.0 * math.sin(lat / 12.0 * PI) + 320.0 * math.sin(lat * PI / 30.0)) * 2.0 / 3.0
     93     return ret
     96 def transform_lng(lng, lat):
     97     """GCJ02 longtitude transformation"""
     98     ret = 300.0 + lng + 2.0 * lat + 0.1 * lng * lng + 0.1 * lng * lat + 0.1 * math.sqrt(math.fabs(lng))
     99     ret += (20.0 * math.sin(6.0 * lng * PI) + 20.0 * math.sin(2.0 * lng * PI)) * 2.0 / 3.0
    100     ret += (20.0 * math.sin(lng * PI) + 40.0 * math.sin(lng / 3.0 * PI)) * 2.0 / 3.0
    101     ret += (150.0 * math.sin(lng / 12.0 * PI) + 300.0 * math.sin(lng / 30.0 * PI)) * 2.0 / 3.0
    102     return ret
    105 def out_of_china(lng, lat):
    106     """No offset when coordinate out of China."""
    107     if lng < 72.004 or lng > 137.8437:
    108         return True
    109     if lat < 0.8293 or lat > 55.8271:
    110         return True
    111     return False
    114 def bd09_to_wgs84(lng, lat):
    115     """BD09 -> WGS84"""
    116     lng, lat = bd09_to_gcj02(lng, lat)
    117     lng, lat = gcj02_to_wgs84(lng, lat)
    118     return lng, lat
    121 def wgs84_to_bd09(lng, lat):
    122     """WGS84 -> BD09"""
    123     lng, lat = wgs84_to_gcj02(lng, lat)
    124     lng, lat = gcj02_to_bd09(lng, lat)
    125     return lng, lat
    128 def mapbar_to_gcj02(lng, lat):
    129     """MapBar -> GCJ02"""
    130     lng, lat = mapbar_to_wgs84(lng, lat)
    131     lng, lat = wgs84_to_gcj02(lng, lat)
    132     return lng, lat
    135 def mapbar_to_bd09(lng, lat):
    136     """MapBar -> BD09"""
    137     lng, lat = mapbar_to_wgs84(lng, lat)
    138     lng, lat = wgs84_to_bd09(lng, lat)
    139     return lng, lat
    142 if __name__ == '__main__':
    143     blng, blat = 121.4681891220,31.1526609317
    144     print('BD09:', (blng, blat))
    145     print('BD09 -> GCJ02:', bd09_to_gcj02(blng, blat))
    146     print('BD09 -> WGS84:',bd09_to_wgs84(blng, blat))
    147     wlng, wlat = 121.45718237717077, 31.14846209914084
    148     print('WGS84:', (wlng, wlat))
    149     print('WGS84 -> GCJ02:', wgs84_to_gcj02(wlng, wlat))
    150     print('WGS84 -> BD09:', wgs84_to_bd09(wlng, wlat))
    151     mblng, mblat = 121.4667323772, 31.1450420991
    152     print('MapBar:', (mblng, mblat))
    153     print('MapBar -> WGS84:', mapbar_to_wgs84(mblng, mblat))
    154     print('MapBar -> GCJ02:', mapbar_to_gcj02(mblng, mblat))
    155     print('MapBar -> BD09:', mapbar_to_bd09(mblng, mblat))
  • 相关阅读:
    Cognos 11.0快速开发指南 Ⅱ
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jeshy/p/15308145.html
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