• Delphi

    Delphi SuperDll













      1 library SuperDll;
      3 { Important note about DLL memory management: ShareMem must be the
      4   first unit in your library's USES clause AND your project's (select
      5   Project-View Source) USES clause if your DLL exports any procedures or
      6   functions that pass strings as parameters or function results. This
      7   applies to all strings passed to and from your DLL--even those that
      8   are nested in records and classes. ShareMem is the interface unit to
      9   the BORLNDMM.DLL shared memory manager, which must be deployed along
     10   with your DLL. To avoid using BORLNDMM.DLL, pass string information
     11   using PChar or ShortString parameters. }
     13 uses
     14   SysUtils, Classes, Variants, Graphics, Controls, IdBaseComponent, IdComponent, IdFTP,
     15   IdFTPCommon, IdTCPConnection, IdTCPClient, IdMessage, IdMessageClient, IdSMTP, cxGrid,
     16   cxGridExportLink, ComObj,
     17   cxCustomData, cxGraphics,
     18   cxData, cxDataStorage, cxEdit, cxDBData, cxGridLevel,
     19   cxClasses, cxControls, cxGridCustomView, cxGridCustomTableView,
     20   cxGridTableView, cxGridDBTableView;
     22 {$R *.res}
     24 function SuperDll_Init: Boolean; stdcall;
     25 begin
     26   Result := True;
     27 end;
     29 function SuperDll_Ftp_PutOrGet(vType: string; var vUserName: string; var vPassWord: string; var vHost: string; var vDir: string; var vDesFilePath: string; vSouFilePath: string): Boolean; stdcall; //2: FTP文件上传下载
     30 var
     31   IdFtp: TIdFTP;
     32 begin
     33   IdFtp := TIdFTP.Create(nil);
     34   Result := False;
     35   try
     36     with IdFtp do
     37     begin
     38       if Connected then Disconnect;
     39       Username := vUserName;
     40       Password := vPassWord;
     41       Host := vHost;
     42       Port := 21;
     43       Connect;
     44       ChangeDir(vDir);
     45       TransferType := ftBinary;
     46       if vType = 'Put' then
     47       begin
     48         Put(vSouFilePath, ExtractFileName(vSouFilePath));
     49       end
     50       else if vType = 'Get' then
     51       begin
     52         Get(ExtractFileName(vDesFilePath), vDesFilePath, True);
     53       end;
     54     end;
     55   finally
     56     IdFtp.Disconnect;
     57     IdFtp.Free;
     58     Result := True;
     59   end;
     60 end;
     62 function SuperDll_EMail_Send(vSubject: string; var vFrom: string; var vRecipients: string; var vCCList: string; var vBccList: string; var vBody: string; var vAttachment: string; var vUsername: string; var vPassword: string; var vHost: string): Boolean; stdcall;
     63 var
     64   IdSMTP: TIdSMTP;
     65   IdMessage: TIdMessage;
     66 begin
     67   Result := False;
     68   IdSMTP := TIdSMTP.Create(nil);
     69   IdMessage := TIdMessage.Create(nil);
     70   try
     71     with IdMessage do
     72     begin
     73       Clear;
     74       Subject := vSubject;
     75       From.Text := vFrom;
     76       Recipients.EMailAddresses := vRecipients;
     77       CCList.EMailAddresses := vCCList;
     78       BccList.EMailAddresses := vBccList;
     79       Priority := TIdMessagePriority(4);
     80       if Trim(vAttachment) <> '' then
     81       begin
     82         TIdAttachment.Create(MessageParts, Trim(vAttachment));
     83       end;
     84       vBody := vBody + #13#10;
     85       vBody := vBody + #13#10;
     86       vBody := vBody + #13#10;
     87       vBody := vBody + #13#10;
     88       vBody := vBody + 'It is Auto Mail System,please do not reply this mail directly,thank you!';
     89       Body.Add(vBody);
     90     end;
     92     with IdSMTP do
     93     begin
     94       if Connected then Disconnect;
     95       AuthenticationType := atLogin;
     96       Port := 25;
     97       UserName := vUsername;
     98       Password := vPassword;
     99       Host := vHost;
    100       Connect;
    101     end;
    103     IdSMTP.Send(IdMessage);
    104     IdSMTP.Disconnect;
    106     Result := True;
    107   finally
    108     IdSMTP.Free;
    109     IdMessage.Free;
    110   end;
    111 end;
    113 function SaveCxGridToExcel(vCxGrid: TcxGrid; var vFullPathName: string): Boolean; stdcall;
    114 begin
    115   Result := False;
    116   vCxGrid := TcxGrid.Create(nil);
    117   ExportGridToExcel(vFullPathName, vCxGrid);
    118   vCxGrid.Free;
    119   Result := True;
    120 end;
    122 function SaveCxGridToCSV(vCxGrid: TcxGrid; var vFullPathName: string): Boolean; stdcall;
    123 begin
    124   Result := False;
    126   ExportGridToText(vFullPathName + '.XLS', vCxGrid, True, True, ',', '', '', 'CSV');
    127   Result := True; ;
    128 end;
    130 exports
    131   SuperDll_Init,
    132   SuperDll_Ftp_PutOrGet,
    133   SuperDll_EMail_Send,
    134   SaveCxGridToExcel,
    135   SaveCxGridToCSV;
    137 begin
    138 end.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jeremywucnblog/p/11462839.html
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