• python失败重试装饰器

    import requests
    from datetime import datetime
    import time
    import random
    retry_timeout = 10
    def http_request(url, first_request_time=None, retry_counter=0):
      first_request_time: The time of the first request (None if no retries have occurred).
      retry_counter: The number of this retry, or zero for first attempt.
        if not first_request_time:
            first_request_time = datetime.now()
            elapsed = datetime.now() - first_request_time
            if elapsed.total_seconds() > retry_timeout:
                raise TimeoutError
            if retry_counter > 0:
                # 0.5 * (1.5 ^ i) is an increased sleep time of 1.5x per iteration,
                # starting at 0.5s when retry_counter=0. The first retry will occur
                # at 1, so subtract that first.
                delay_seconds = 0.5 * 1.5**(retry_counter - 1)
                print(f"Delay {delay_seconds}")
                # Jitter this value by 50% and pause.
                time.sleep(delay_seconds * (random.random() + 0.5))
            result = requests.get(url)
            return result.text
        except TimeoutError:
            print("Request Timed out")
            return None
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
            return http_request(url, first_request_time, retry_counter + 1)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        response_text = http_request("https://thissitedoesntexist.com")
    # retries the request to an invalid url until the timeout of 10 second is reached
    # A TimeoutError is raised after 10 seconds


     1 import time
     2 from functools import wraps
     5 def retry(ExceptionToCheck, tries=4, delay=3, backoff=2, logger=None):
     6     """Retry calling the decorated function using an exponential backoff.
     8     http://www.saltycrane.com/blog/2009/11/trying-out-retry-decorator-python/
     9     original from: http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonDecoratorLibrary#Retry
    11     :param ExceptionToCheck: the exception to check. may be a tuple of
    12         exceptions to check
    13     :type ExceptionToCheck: Exception or tuple
    14     :param tries: number of times to try (not retry) before giving up
    15     :type tries: int
    16     :param delay: initial delay between retries in seconds
    17     :type delay: int
    18     :param backoff: backoff multiplier e.g. value of 2 will double the delay
    19         each retry
    20     :type backoff: int
    21     :param logger: logger to use. If None, print
    22     :type logger: logging.Logger instance
    23     """
    24     def deco_retry(f):
    26         @wraps(f)
    27         def f_retry(*args, **kwargs):
    28             mtries, mdelay = tries, delay
    29             while mtries > 1:
    30                 try:
    31                     return f(*args, **kwargs)
    32                 except ExceptionToCheck, e:
    33                     msg = "%s, Retrying in %d seconds..." % (str(e), mdelay)
    34                     if logger:
    35                         logger.warning(msg)
    36                     else:
    37                         print msg
    38                     time.sleep(mdelay)
    39                     mtries -= 1
    40                     mdelay *= backoff
    41             return f(*args, **kwargs)
    43         return f_retry  # true decorator
    45     return deco_retry

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