• 序列化

        # 数据存储
    #序列化: 数据类型(元组、列表等)----> 字符串的过程
    # 反序列化: 字符串 ----> 数据类型(元组、列表等)的过程
    #json *****
    #pickle ****
    #shelve ***
        # 通用的序列化格式
    #json (dumps:序列化方法 loads反序列化 )  在内存中操作
    #数字 字符串 列表 字典 可以通过json序列化
    # dic ={"k1":"v1","k2":2}
    # print(type(dic),dic)     #<class 'dict'> {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 2} 字典、列表等是单引号
    # import json
    # str_d = json.dumps(dic)
    # print(type(str_d),str_d)     #<class 'str'> {"k1": "v1", "k2": 2} 通过json转化为str是双引号
    # dic_d = json.loads(str_d)
    # print(type(dic_d),dic_d)    #<class 'dict'> {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 2}
    #json (dump load) 和打开文件有关,先序列化在写入文件
    # import json
    # dic ={'k1':'v1','k2':2}
    # with open('xuli',mode='w',encoding='utf-8') as f:
    #     json.dump(dic,f)       #xuli文件内容为{"k1": "v1", "k2": 2}
    # with  open('xuli',mode='r',encoding='utf-8') as f:
    #     res = json.load(f)
    #     print(type(res),res)     #<class 'dict'> {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 2}
    # import json
    # dic = ['中国',1,'a',2]
    # # with open('xuli',mode='w',encoding='utf-8') as f:
    # #     # json.dump(dic,f)    #["u4e2du56fd", 1, "a", 2]
    # #     json.dump(dic,f,ensure_ascii=False)    #["中国", 1, "a", 2]
    # with open('xuli',encoding='utf-8') as f:
    #     res = json.load(f)
    #     print(type(res),res)    #<class 'list'> ['中国', 1, 'a', 2]
    #多次写和读(多次读写只能用dumps和loads  dump和load只能一次性读写)
    import json
    # l = [{'k1':'111'},{'k2':'111'},{'k3':'111'}]
    # with open('file',mode='w') as f:
    #     for dic in l:
    #         str_dict = json.dumps(dic)
    #         f.write(str_dict+'
    # with open('file',mode='r+') as f:
    #     l = []
    #     for line in f:
    #         dic = json.loads(line.strip())
    #         print(dic)
    #         l.append(dic)
    # print(l)
    # pickle   dumps loads dump load
    import  pickle
    # dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2','k3':'v3 '}
    # str_dic = pickle.dumps(dic)
    # print(str_dic)          #b'x80x03}qx00(Xx02x00x00x00k1qx01Xx02x00x00x00v1qx0
    #                         #pickle dumps出来是bytes类型
    # dic2 = pickle.loads(str_dic)
    # print(dic2)
    #pickle 可以一次dump也可以多次dump
    # import time
    # strut_time = time.localtime(900000000)
    # print(strut_time)
    # with open('file',mode='wb') as f:
    #     pickle.dump(strut_time,f)
    # with open('file',mode='rb') as f:
    #     strut2_time =pickle.load(f)
    #     print(strut2_time.tm_year)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jdwy24/p/13962716.html
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