• CheckIO 题目解法(1)


    1.  Extra dashes 去除多余的"-"比如输入"I---Like---Python"输出"I-Like-Python" 可以这么写:

    def checkio(line):
        return '-'.join([x for x in line.split('-') if x != ''])

    2. Non-unique Elements 去除一个list中只出现一次的数字 可以这么写:

    def checkio(data): 
        return [i for i in data if data.count(i) != 1]

    3. Median 找出一个list的中位数字,奇数个数字就是排序后的中间数,偶数个数字就是排序后的中间两个数字取均值 可以这么写:

    def checkio(data):
        length = len(data)
        if length % 2 == 0:
            res = (data[int(length / 2) - 1] + data[int(length / 2)]) / 2.0
            res = data[int(length / 2)]
        return res

    4.House password  判断口令是不是够strong,长度不少于10,至少一个数字,一个大写字母,一个小写字母 可以这么写:

     1 import string
     3 def checkio(data):
     4     condtions = [False] * 4
     5     if len(data) >= 10:
     6         condtions[0] = True
     7     for i in data:
     8         if i in string.digits:
     9             condtions[1] = True
    10         elif i in string.ascii_lowercase:
    11             condtions[2] = True
    12         elif i in string.ascii_uppercase:
    13             condtions[3] = True
    14     return all(condtions)

     5.The Most Wanted Letter  找出来最想要的字母: 出现次数最多,如果相同按照字母顺序a-z 优先级 可以这样做:

     1 import string
     3 def checkio(text):
     4     low_text = text.lower()
     5     # print low_text
     6     index = 0
     7     for c in range(len(low_text)):
     8         if low_text[c] in string.ascii_lowercase:
     9             if low_text.count(low_text[c]) > low_text.count(low_text[index]):
    10                 index = c
    11             elif low_text.count(low_text[c]) == low_text.count(low_text[index]):
    12                 if string.ascii_lowercase.index(low_text[c]) < string.ascii_lowercase.index(low_text[index]):
    13                     index = c
    14     return low_text[index]

     6.Speech Module  从0-999的数字翻译成英文 最简单的就是挨个写一遍 不过太麻烦 可以这样做:

     1 def checkio(num):
     2         res = ''
     3         one_num_dict = {'0': 'zero', '1': 'one', '2': 'two', '3': 'three', '4': 'four','5': 'five', '6': 'six', '7': 'seven', '8': 'eight', '9': 'nine',
     4                         '10': 'ten', '11': 'eleven', '12': 'twelve', '13': 'thirteen',
     5                         '14': 'fourteen','15': 'fifteen', '16': 'sixteen',
     6                         '17': 'seventeen', '18': 'eighteen', '19': 'nineteen',
     7                         '20': 'twenty', '30': 'thirty', '40': 'forty', '50': 'fifty',
     8                         '60': 'sixty' , '70': 'seventy', '80': 'eighty', '90': 'ninety'}
     9         # keys = one_num_dict.keys()
    10         str_num = str(num)
    11         if len(str_num) == 1:
    12                 res = one_num_dict[str_num]
    13         elif len(str_num) == 2:
    14                 if str_num == '00':
    15                         return ''
    16                 if str_num[0] == '1':
    17                         res =  one_num_dict[str_num]
    18                 else:
    19                         if str_num[1] == '0':
    20                                 res = one_num_dict[str_num]
    21                         else:
    22                                 res  = one_num_dict[str_num[0] + '0'] + ' ' + checkio(int(str_num[1]))
    23         else:
    24                 res = one_num_dict[str_num[0]] + ' ' + 'hundred ' + checkio(int(str_num[1:3]))
    25                 if res.endswith('zero'):
    26                         res = res[0:-5].strip()
    27         return res.strip()

     7.Find-Ip 从一个字串中匹配出来IP地址,不含前导0,最简单的做法是用正则表达式 不过自己实现的话 可以这么写:

    def checkio(ip_string):
            res = []
            words = ip_string.split(' ')
            words = filter(lambda x: len(x.split('.')) == 4, words)
            for word in words:
                    is_ip = True
                    nums = word.split('.')
                    if not nums[0].isdigit() or int(nums[0]) == 0:
                            is_ip = False
                    for num in nums:
                            if not num.isdigit():
                                    is_ip = False
                            if (len(num) > 3) or (not (int(num) >= 0 and int(num) <= 255)):
                                    is_ip = False
                    if is_ip:
            return res

     8.Brackets 监测一个表达式的括号是否正确的匹配了,可以使用一个list当栈来检查:

    def checkio(expr):
        a_stack = []
        for i in expr:
            if i in '({[':
            elif i in '}])':
                if a_stack == []:
                    return False
                    poped = a_stack.pop()
                    if poped == '(' and i != ')':
                        return False
                    elif poped == '[' and i != ']':
                        return False
                    elif poped == '{' and i != '}':
                        return False
        return len(a_stack) == 0

     9. Morse-Clock 转换10进制到2进制,比较简单 不过我写的效率...:

    def checkio(timestr):
        numlist = timestr.split(':')
        alist = []
        numlist = ["{:0>2d}".format(int(i)) for i in numlist]
        for i in numlist:
            for c in i:
        res = ''
        res += "{:0>2d}".format(int(alist[0].replace('0b',''))) + ' '
        res += "{:0>4d}".format(int(alist[1].replace('0b', ''))) + ' : '
        res += "{:0>3d}".format(int(alist[2].replace('0b', ''))) + ' '
        res += "{:0>4d}".format(int(alist[3].replace('0b', ''))) + ' : '
        res += "{:0>3d}".format(int(alist[4].replace('0b', ''))) + ' '
        res += "{:0>4d}".format(int(alist[5].replace('0b', '')))
        res = res.replace('1', '-')
        res = res.replace('0', '.')
        return res

     10.Striped Words 如果有两个字母都是元音和辅音的话不算,其他算一个:

     1 import string
     2 import re
     4 def checkio(text):
     5     re_str = "[?!;,. ]"
     6     vowels = 'AEIOUY'
     8     count = 0
     9     res = []
    10     words = [i for i in re.split(re_str, text) if i and len(i) != 1]
    11     for word in words:
    12         length = len(word) - 1
    13         ismyword = True
    14         for i in xrange(length):
    15             if (word[i].upper() in vowels and word[i+1].upper() in vowels) 
    16                or (word[i].upper() in con and word[i+1].upper() in con) 
    17                or (word[i] in string.digits):
    18                 ismyword = False
    19                 break
    20         if ismyword:
    21             count += 1
    22     return count
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jaw-crusher/p/3435349.html
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