• 利用Mongodb的复制集搭建高可用分片,Replica Sets + Sharding的搭建过程

    参考资料 reference:  http://mongodb.blog.51cto.com/1071559/740131  http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/deploy-shard-cluster/#sharding-setup-shard-collection


    Sharded cluster has the following components: shards, query routers and config servers.

    Shards A :
    A shard is a MongoDB instance that holds a subset of a collection’s data. Each shard is either a single
    mongod instance or a replica set. In production, all shards are replica sets.

    Config Servers Each :
    config server (page 10) is a mongod instance that holds metadata about the cluster. The metadata
    maps chunks to shards. For more information, see Config Servers (page 10).

    Routing Instances :
    Each router is a mongos instance that routes the reads and writes from applications to the shards.
    Applications do not access the shards directly.

    Sharding is the only solution for some classes of deployments. Use sharded clusters if:
    1 your data set approaches or exceeds the storage capacity of a single MongoDB instance.
    2 the size of your system’s active working set will soon exceed the capacity of your system’s maximum RAM.
    3 a single MongoDB instance cannot meet the demands of your write operations, and all other approaches have
    not reduced contention.


    Deploy a Sharded Cluster
    1 Start the Config Server Database Instances?
     1.1 create data directories for each of the three config server instances
     mkdir -p /opt/data/configdb

     1.2 Start the three config server instances. Start each by issuing a command using the following syntax:

     ignore thisdo it later

     1.3 config file
     [root@472322 configdb]# vim /etc/mongodb/37018.conf
     # This is an example config file for MongoDB
     dbpath = /opt/data/configdb2
     port = 37018
     rest = true
     fork = true
     logpath = /var/log/mongodb12.log
     logappend = true
     directoryperdb = true
     configsvr = true

     [root@472322 configdb]# vim /etc/mongodb/37017.conf
     # This is an example config file for MongoDB
     dbpath = /opt/data/configdb1
     port = 37017
     rest = true
     fork = true
     logpath = /var/log/mongodb12.log
     logappend = true
     directoryperdb = true
     configsvr = true

      [root@472322 configdb]# vim /etc/mongodb/37019.conf
     # This is an example config file for MongoDB
     dbpath = /opt/data/configdb3
     port = 37019
     rest = true
     fork = true
     logpath = /var/log/mongodb13.log
     logappend = true
     directoryperdb = true
     configsvr = true

     1.4 start mongodb server
     /db/mongodb/bin/mongod -f /etc/mongodb/37019.conf
     /db/mongodb/bin/mongod -f /etc/mongodb/37018.conf
     /db/mongodb/bin/mongod -f /etc/mongodb/37017.conf

    2 Start the mongos Instances
     The mongos instances are lightweight and do not require data directories. You can run a mongos instance on a system that runs other cluster components,
     such as on an application server or a server running a mongod process. By default, a mongos instance runs on port 27017.
     /db/mongodb/bin/mongos --configdb 20.10x.91.119:37017,20.10x.91.119:37018,20.10x.91.119:37019
     or run " nohup /db/mongodb/bin/mongos --configdb 20.10x.91.119:37017,20.10x.91.119:37018,20.10x.91.119:37019 & "
     2.1 start mongos on default port 27017
     [root@472322 ~]# nohup /db/mongodb/bin/mongos --configdb 20.10x.91.119:37017,20.10x.91.119:37018,20.10x.91.119:37019 &
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 /db/mongodb/bin/mongos db version v2.0.1, pdfile version 4.5 starting (--help for usage)
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 git version: 3a5cf0e2134a830d38d2d1aae7e88cac31bdd684
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 build info: Linux bs-linux64.10gen.cc #1 SMP Fri Nov 20 17:48:28 EST 2009 x86_64 BOOST_LIB_VERSION=1_41
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 SyncClusterConnection connecting to [20.10x.91.119:37017]
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 SyncClusterConnection connecting to [20.10x.91.119:37018]
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 SyncClusterConnection connecting to [20.10x.91.119:37019]
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 [Balancer] about to contact config servers and shards
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 [websvr] admin web console waiting for connections on port 28017
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 [Balancer] SyncClusterConnection connecting to [20.10x.91.119:37017]
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 [mongosMain] waiting for connections on port 27017
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 [Balancer] SyncClusterConnection connecting to [20.10x.91.119:37018]
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 [Balancer] SyncClusterConnection connecting to [20.10x.91.119:37019]
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 [Balancer] config servers and shards contacted successfully
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 [Balancer] balancer id: 472322.ea.com:27017 started at Aug  6 07:40:09
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 [Balancer] created new distributed lock for balancer on 20.10x.91.119:37017,20.10x.91.119:37018,20.10x.91.119:37019 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 )
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 [Balancer] SyncClusterConnection connecting to [20.10x.91.119:37017]
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 [Balancer] SyncClusterConnection connecting to [20.10x.91.119:37018]
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 [Balancer] SyncClusterConnection connecting to [20.10x.91.119:37019]
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 [Balancer] SyncClusterConnection connecting to [20.10x.91.119:37017]
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 [Balancer] SyncClusterConnection connecting to [20.10x.91.119:37018]
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 [Balancer] SyncClusterConnection connecting to [20.10x.91.119:37019]
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:09 [LockPinger] creating distributed lock ping thread for 20.10x.91.119:37017,20.10x.91.119:37018,20.10x.91.119:37019 and process 472322.ea.com:27017:1375774809:1804289383 (sleeping for 30000ms)
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:10 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/472322.ea.com:27017:1375774809:1804289383' acquired, ts : 5200a8598caa3e21e9888bd3
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:10 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/472322.ea.com:27017:1375774809:1804289383' unlocked.

     Tue Aug  6 07:40:20 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/472322.ea.com:27017:1375774809:1804289383' acquired, ts : 5200a8648caa3e21e9888bd4
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:20 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/472322.ea.com:27017:1375774809:1804289383' unlocked.
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:30 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/472322.ea.com:27017:1375774809:1804289383' acquired, ts : 5200a86e8caa3e21e9888bd5
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:30 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/472322.ea.com:27017:1375774809:1804289383' unlocked.
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:40 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/472322.ea.com:27017:1375774809:1804289383' acquired, ts : 5200a8788caa3e21e9888bd6
     Tue Aug  6 07:40:40 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/472322.ea.com:27017:1375774809:1804289383' unlocked.

     2.2 start others mongos in appointed port 27018,27019
     nohup /db/mongodb/bin/mongos --configdb 20.10x.91.119:37017,20.10x.91.119:37018,20.10x.91.119:37019 --port 27018 --chunkSize 1 --logpath /var/log/mongos2.log --fork &
     nohup /db/mongodb/bin/mongos --configdb 20.10x.91.119:37017,20.10x.91.119:37018,20.10x.91.119:37019 --port 27019 --chunkSize 1 --logpath /var/log/mongos3.log --fork &

    3 [root@472322 ~]# /db/mongodb/bin/mongo --host 20.10x.91.119 --port 27017
       the replica sets have not been created, so do it soon.

    4 prepare the replica sets
     4.1 the first sets
     4.1.1 create the data directory
     mkdir -p /opt/db/mongodb-data/db37
     mkdir -p /opt/db/mongodb-data/db38 
     mkdir -p /opt/db/mongodb-data/db39 
     4.1.2 set the config files 27037.conf
     [root@472322 mongodb]# vi  27037.conf
     dbpath =/opt/db/mongodb-data/db37
     port = 27037
     rest = true
     fork = true
     logpath = /var/log/mongodb37.log
     logappend = true
     replSet = rpl
     #diaglog = 3
     profile = 3
     4.1.3 set the config files 27039.conf
     [root@472322 mongodb]#  vi  27039.conf
     # This is an example config file for MongoDB
     dbpath =/opt/db/mongodb-data/db39
     port = 27039
     rest = true
     fork = true
     logpath = /var/log/mongodb39.log
     logappend = true
     replSet = rpl
     #diaglog = 3
     profile = 3
     4.1.4 set the config files 27038.conf 
     [root@472322 mongodb]#  vi  27038.conf
     # This is an example config file for MongoDB
     dbpath =/opt/db/mongodb-data/db38
     port = 27038
     rest = true
     fork = true
     logpath = /var/log/mongodb38.log
     logappend = true
     replSet = rpl
     #diaglog = 3
     profile = 3
     4.1.5 start replica set
     config = {_id: 'rpl1', members: [
       {_id: 0, host: ''},
       {_id: 1, host: ''},
       {_id: 3, host: '', arbiterOnly: true}
      > config = {_id: 'rpl1', members: [
      ... {_id: 0, host: ''},
      ... {_id: 1, host: ''},
      ... {_id: 3, host: '', arbiterOnly: true}
      ... ]};
        "_id" : "rpl1",
        "members" : [
            "_id" : 0,
            "host" : ""
            "_id" : 1,
            "host" : ""
            "_id" : 3,
            "host" : "",
            "arbiterOnly" : true

      > rs.initiate(config);
        "info" : "Config now saved locally.  Should come online in about a minute.",
        "ok" : 1
      PRIMARY> rs.status();
        "set" : "rpl1",
        "date" : ISODate("2013-08-06T09:18:39Z"),
        "myState" : 1,
        "members" : [
            "_id" : 0,
            "name" : "",
            "health" : 1,
            "state" : 1,
            "stateStr" : "PRIMARY",
            "optime" : {
              "t" : 1375780672000,
              "i" : 1
            "optimeDate" : ISODate("2013-08-06T09:17:52Z"),
            "self" : true
            "_id" : 1,
            "name" : "",
            "health" : 1,
            "state" : 2,
            "stateStr" : "SECONDARY",
            "uptime" : 29,
            "optime" : {
              "t" : 1375780672000,
              "i" : 1
            "optimeDate" : ISODate("2013-08-06T09:17:52Z"),
            "lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2013-08-06T09:18:38Z"),
            "pingMs" : 0
            "_id" : 3,
            "name" : "",
            "health" : 1,
            "state" : 7,
            "stateStr" : "ARBITER",
            "uptime" : 31,
            "optime" : {
              "t" : 0,
              "i" : 0
            "optimeDate" : ISODate("1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"),
            "lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2013-08-06T09:18:38Z"),
            "pingMs" : 0
        "ok" : 1

     4.2 the second sets
     do the same to 4.1 in 27037,27038,27039 ports
      config = {_id: 'rpl2', members: [
       {_id: 0, host: ''},
       {_id: 1, host: ''},
       {_id: 3, host: '', arbiterOnly: true}

    5 Add Shards to the Cluster
     A shard can be a standalone mongod or a replica set. In a production environment, each shard should be a replica set.
     5.1 From a mongo shell, connect to the mongos instance. Issue a command using the following syntax:
     [root@472322 mongodb]# /db/mongodb/bin/mongo --host 20.10x.91.119 --port 27017
     MongoDB shell version: 2.0.1
     connecting to: 20.10x.91.119:27017/test
     5.2  add the replica rpl1 into shards
     sh.addShard( "rpl1/" );
     mongos> sh.addShard( "rpl1/" );
     command failed: {
       "ok" : 0,
       "errmsg" : "can't use localhost as a shard since all shards need to communicate. either use all shards and configdbs in localhost or all in actual IPs  host: isLocalHost:1"
     Tue Aug  6 09:41:16 uncaught exception: error { "$err" : "can't find a shard to put new db on", "code" : 10185 }
     can't use the localhost or, so change to the real ip address of "20.10x.91.119".
     mongos> sh.addShard( "rpl1/20.10x.91.119:27027" );
     command failed: {
       "ok" : 0,
       "errmsg" : "in seed list rpl1/20.10x.91.119:27027, host 20.10x.91.119:27027 does not belong to replica set rpl1"
     Tue Aug  6 09:42:26 uncaught exception: error { "$err" : "can't find a shard to put new db on", "code" : 10185 }
     sh.addShard( "rpl1/20.10x.91.119:27027,20.10x.91.119:27028,20.10x.91.119:27029" );
     so, replica sets config, 20.10x.91.119 can't be recognized,it is wrong. i should config it again.
     5.2.1 delete all db files, then restart mongodb, then config again
      config = {_id: 'rpl1', members: [
       {_id: 0, host: '20.10x.91.119:27027'},
       {_id: 1, host: '20.10x.91.119:27028'},
       {_id: 3, host: '20.10x.91.119:27029', arbiterOnly: true}
      config = {_id: 'rpl2', members: [
       {_id: 0, host: '20.10x.91.119:27037'},
       {_id: 1, host: '20.10x.91.119:27038'},
       {_id: 3, host: '20.10x.91.119:27039', arbiterOnly: true}
     5.2.2 add replica sets to shards again, it is ok.
     [root@472322 ~]# /db/mongodb/bin/mongo --host 20.10x.91.119 --port 27017
     MongoDB shell version: 2.0.1
     connecting to: 20.10x.91.119:27017/test
     mongos> sh.addShard( "rpl1/20.10x.91.119:27027,20.10x.91.119:27028,20.10x.91.119:27029" );

    6 Enable Sharding for a Database
     Before you can shard a collection, you must enable sharding for the collection’s database.
     Enabling sharding for a database does not redistribute data but make it possible to shard the collections in that database.
       6.1 1.From a mongo shell, connect to the mongos instance. Issue a command using the following syntax:

       6.2 Optionally, you can enable sharding for a database using the enableSharding command, which uses the following syntax:
     db.runCommand( { enableSharding: <database> } )

    7  Convert a Replica Set to a Replicated Sharded Cluster
     简介梳理The procedure, from a high level, is as follows:
     7.1.Create or select a 3-member replica set and insert some data into a collection. done
     7.2.Start the config databases and create a cluster with a single shard.  done.
     7.3.Create a second replica set with three new mongod instances.  done
     7.4.Add the second replica set as a shard in the cluster. haven't
     7.5.Enable sharding on the desired collection or collections. haven't

     7.2 Add the second replica set as a shard in the cluster.
     sh.addShard( "rpl2/20.10x.91.119:27037,20.10x.91.119:27038,20.10x.91.119:27039" );
     it is okay.
     7.3  Verify that both shards are properly configured by running the listShards command.
     mongos> use admin
     switched to db admin
     mongos> db.runCommand({listShards:1})
       "shards" : [
           "_id" : "rpl1",
           "host" : "rpl1/20.10x.91.119:27027,20.10x.91.119:27028,20.10x.91.119:27029"
           "_id" : "rpl2",
           "host" : "rpl2/20.10x.91.119:27037,20.10x.91.119:27038,20.10x.91.119:27039"
       "ok" : 1
     7.4 insert into 1000,000 data to test.tickets,and shared the tickets collections.
     mongos> db.runCommand( { enableSharding : "test" } );
     { "ok" : 1 }
     mongos> use admin
     mongos> db.runCommand( { shardCollection : "test.tickets", key : {"number":1} });
       "proposedKey" : {
         "number" : 1
       "curIndexes" : [
           "v" : 1,
           "key" : {
             "_id" : 1
           "ns" : "test.tickets",
           "name" : "_id_"
       "ok" : 0,
       "errmsg" : "please create an index over the sharding key before sharding."
     if enable index to share, must create index first.
     db.runCommand( { shardCollection : "test.tickets", key : {"ip":1} })
     mongos> db.runCommand( { shardCollection : "test.tickets", key : {"ip":1} })
     { "collectionsharded" : "test.tickets", "ok" : 1 }
     The collection tickets is now sharded!
     7.5 check in mongos
     use test;
     there is no data chunks in rpl2,so sharedCollection is error.
     7.6 i decided to add the second shared again, first remove,and then add.
     7.6.1 Use the listShards command, as in the following:
     db.adminCommand( { listShards: 1 } );
     get the share name
     7.6.2 Remove Chunks from the Shard
     db.runCommand( { removeShard: "rpl2" } );
     mongos> use admin
     switched to db admin
     mongos> db.runCommand( { removeShard: "rpl2" } );
       "msg" : "draining started successfully",
       "state" : "started",
       "shard" : "rpl2",
       "ok" : 1
     db.adminCommand( { listShards: 1 } ); it  is ok. when i insert data for tickets in mongo 27027 of first shard, the data can't be switched to the second shard.
     why ? i asked for HYG, he told me that we must insert data in mongos windown,if not ,the data can't be switched,so i will try to do it soon.
     7.7 insert data in mongos command window
     db.runCommand( { shardCollection : "test.tc2", key : {"xx":1} })
     for( var i = 1; i < 2000000; i++ ) db.tc2.insert({ "xx":i, "fapp" : "84eb9fb556074d6481e31915ac2427f0",  "dne" : "ueeDEhIB6tmP4cfY43NwWvAenzKWx19znmbheAuBl4j39U8uFXS1QGi2GCMHO7L21szgeF6Iquqmnw8kfJbvZUs/11RyxcoRm+otbUJyPPxFkevzv4SrI3kGxczG6Lsd19NBpyskaElCTtVKxwvQyBNgciXYq6cO/8ntV2C6cwQ=",  "eml" : "q5x68h3qyVBqp3ollJrY3XEkXECjPEncXhbJjga+3hYoa4zYNhrNmBN91meL3o7jsBI/N6qe2bb2BOnOJNAnBMDzhNmPqJKG/ZVLfT9jpNkUD/pQ4oJENMv72L2GZoiyym2IFT+oT3N0KFhcv08b9ke9tm2EHTGcBsGg1R40Ah+Y/5z89OI4ERmI/48qjvaw",  "uid" : "sQt92NUPr3CpCVnbpotU2lqRNVfZD6k/9TGW62UT7ExZYF8Dp1cWIVQoYNQVyFRLkxjmCoa8m6DiLiL/fPdG1k7WYGUH4ueXXK2yfVn/AGUk3pQbIuh7nFbqZCrAQtEY7gU0aIGC4sotAE8kghvCa5qWnSX0SWTViAE/esaWORo=",  "agt" : "PHP/eaSSOPlugin",  "sd" : "S15345853557133877",  "pt" : 3795,  "ip" : "",  "av" : "http://secure.download.dm.origin.com/production/avatar/prod/1/599/40x40.JPEG",  "nex" : ISODate("2013-01-18T04:00:32.41Z"),  "exy" : ISODate("2013-01-18T01:16:32.015Z"),  "chk" : "sso4648609868740971",  "aid" : "Ciyvab0tregdVsBtboIpeChe4G6uzC1v5_-SIxmvSLLINJClUkXJhNvWkSUnajzi8xsv1DGYm0D3V46LLFI-61TVro9-HrZwyRwyTf9NwYIyentrgAY_qhs8fh7unyfB",  "tid" : "rUqFhONysi0yA==13583853927872",  "date" : ISODate("2012-02-17T01:16:32.787Z"),  "v" : "2.0.0",  "scope" : [],  "rug" : false,  "schk" : true,  "fjs" : false,  "sites" : [{      "name" : "Origin.com",      "id" : "nb09xrt8384147bba27c2f12e112o8k9",      "last" : ISODate("2013-01-17T01:16:32.787Z"),      "_id" : ObjectId("50f750f06a56028661000f20")    }]});
     watch the status of sharding, use the command of "db.printShardingStatus();"
     mongos> db.printShardingStatus();
     --- Sharding Status ---
       sharding version: { "_id" : 1, "version" : 3 }
       {  "_id" : "rpl1",  "host" : "rpl1/20.10x.91.119:27027,20.10x.91.119:27028" }
       {  "_id" : "rpl2",  "host" : "rpl2/20.10x.91.119:27037,20.10x.91.119:27038" }
       {  "_id" : "admin",  "partitioned" : false,  "primary" : "config" }
       {  "_id" : "test",  "partitioned" : true,  "primary" : "rpl1" }
         test.tc chunks:
             rpl1    1
           { "ip" : { $minKey : 1 } } -->> { "ip" : { $maxKey : 1 } } on : rpl1 { "t" : 1000, "i" : 0 }
         test.tc2 chunks:
             rpl1    62
             rpl2    61
           too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
         test.tickets chunks:
             rpl1    1
           { "ip" : { $minKey : 1 } } -->> { "ip" : { $maxKey : 1 } } on : rpl1 { "t" : 1000, "i" : 0 }
       {  "_id" : "adin",  "partitioned" : false,  "primary" : "rpl1" }

     if we want to see the detail of "too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print",we should use the parameter vvvv.
     mongos> db.printShardingStatus("vvvv")
     --- Sharding Status ---
       sharding version: { "_id" : 1, "version" : 3 }
       {  "_id" : "rpl1",  "host" : "rpl1/20.10x.91.119:27027,20.10x.91.119:27028" }
       {  "_id" : "rpl2",  "host" : "rpl2/20.10x.91.119:27037,20.10x.91.119:27038" }
       {  "_id" : "admin",  "partitioned" : false,  "primary" : "config" }
       {  "_id" : "test",  "partitioned" : true,  "primary" : "rpl1" }
         test.tc chunks:
             rpl1    1
           { "ip" : { $minKey : 1 } } -->> { "ip" : { $maxKey : 1 } } on : rpl1 { "t" : 1000, "i" : 0 }
         test.tc2 chunks:
             rpl1    62
             rpl2    61
           { "xx" : { $minKey : 1 } } -->> { "xx" : 1 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 59000, "i" : 1 }
           { "xx" : 1 } -->> { "xx" : 2291 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 2 }
           { "xx" : 2291 } -->> { "xx" : 4582 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 4 }
           { "xx" : 4582 } -->> { "xx" : 6377 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 6 }
           { "xx" : 6377 } -->> { "xx" : 8095 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 8 }
           { "xx" : 8095 } -->> { "xx" : 9813 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 10 }
           { "xx" : 9813 } -->> { "xx" : 11919 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 12 }
           { "xx" : 11919 } -->> { "xx" : 14210 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 14 }
           { "xx" : 14210 } -->> { "xx" : 18563 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 16 }
           { "xx" : 18563 } -->> { "xx" : 23146 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 18 }
           { "xx" : 23146 } -->> { "xx" : 27187 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 20 }
           { "xx" : 27187 } -->> { "xx" : 31770 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 22 }
           { "xx" : 31770 } -->> { "xx" : 35246 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 24 }
           { "xx" : 35246 } -->> { "xx" : 38683 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 26 }
           { "xx" : 38683 } -->> { "xx" : 42120 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 28 }
           { "xx" : 42120 } -->> { "xx" : 45557 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 30 }
           { "xx" : 45557 } -->> { "xx" : 48994 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 32 }
           { "xx" : 48994 } -->> { "xx" : 53242 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 34 }
           { "xx" : 53242 } -->> { "xx" : 62409 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 36 }
           { "xx" : 62409 } -->> { "xx" : 71576 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 38 }
           { "xx" : 71576 } -->> { "xx" : 80743 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 40 }
           { "xx" : 80743 } -->> { "xx" : 89910 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 42 }
           { "xx" : 89910 } -->> { "xx" : 99077 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 44 }
           { "xx" : 99077 } -->> { "xx" : 119382 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 46 }
           { "xx" : 119382 } -->> { "xx" : 133133 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 48 }
           { "xx" : 133133 } -->> { "xx" : 146884 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 50 }
           { "xx" : 146884 } -->> { "xx" : 160635 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 52 }
           { "xx" : 160635 } -->> { "xx" : 178457 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 54 }
           { "xx" : 178457 } -->> { "xx" : 200508 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 56 }
           { "xx" : 200508 } -->> { "xx" : 214259 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 58 }
           { "xx" : 214259 } -->> { "xx" : 228010 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 60 }
           { "xx" : 228010 } -->> { "xx" : 241761 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 62 }
           { "xx" : 241761 } -->> { "xx" : 255512 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 64 }
           { "xx" : 255512 } -->> { "xx" : 279630 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 66 }
           { "xx" : 279630 } -->> { "xx" : 301723 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 68 }
           { "xx" : 301723 } -->> { "xx" : 317196 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 70 }
           { "xx" : 317196 } -->> { "xx" : 336533 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 72 }
           { "xx" : 336533 } -->> { "xx" : 359500 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 74 }
           { "xx" : 359500 } -->> { "xx" : 385354 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 76 }
           { "xx" : 385354 } -->> { "xx" : 400837 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 78 }
           { "xx" : 400837 } -->> { "xx" : 422259 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 80 }
           { "xx" : 422259 } -->> { "xx" : 444847 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 82 }
           { "xx" : 444847 } -->> { "xx" : 472084 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 84 }
           { "xx" : 472084 } -->> { "xx" : 490796 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 86 }
           { "xx" : 490796 } -->> { "xx" : 509498 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 88 }
           { "xx" : 509498 } -->> { "xx" : 534670 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 90 }
           { "xx" : 534670 } -->> { "xx" : 561927 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 92 }
           { "xx" : 561927 } -->> { "xx" : 586650 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 94 }
           { "xx" : 586650 } -->> { "xx" : 606316 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 96 }
           { "xx" : 606316 } -->> { "xx" : 632292 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 98 }
           { "xx" : 632292 } -->> { "xx" : 650179 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 100 }
           { "xx" : 650179 } -->> { "xx" : 670483 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 102 }
           { "xx" : 670483 } -->> { "xx" : 695898 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 104 }
           { "xx" : 695898 } -->> { "xx" : 719853 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 106 }
           { "xx" : 719853 } -->> { "xx" : 734751 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 108 }
           { "xx" : 734751 } -->> { "xx" : 757143 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 110 }
           { "xx" : 757143 } -->> { "xx" : 773800 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 112 }
           { "xx" : 773800 } -->> { "xx" : 796919 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 114 }
           { "xx" : 796919 } -->> { "xx" : 814262 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 116 }
           { "xx" : 814262 } -->> { "xx" : 837215 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 118 }
           { "xx" : 837215 } -->> { "xx" : 855766 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 120 }
           { "xx" : 855766 } -->> { "xx" : 869517 } on : rpl1 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 122 }
           { "xx" : 869517 } -->> { "xx" : 883268 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 59000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 883268 } -->> { "xx" : 897019 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 58000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 897019 } -->> { "xx" : 919595 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 57000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 919595 } -->> { "xx" : 946611 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 56000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 946611 } -->> { "xx" : 966850 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 55000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 966850 } -->> { "xx" : 989291 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 54000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 989291 } -->> { "xx" : 1008580 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 53000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1008580 } -->> { "xx" : 1022331 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 52000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1022331 } -->> { "xx" : 1036082 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 51000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1036082 } -->> { "xx" : 1060888 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 50000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1060888 } -->> { "xx" : 1088121 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 49000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1088121 } -->> { "xx" : 1101872 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 48000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1101872 } -->> { "xx" : 1122160 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 47000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1122160 } -->> { "xx" : 1143537 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 46000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1143537 } -->> { "xx" : 1168372 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 45000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1168372 } -->> { "xx" : 1182123 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 44000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1182123 } -->> { "xx" : 1201952 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 43000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1201952 } -->> { "xx" : 1219149 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 42000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1219149 } -->> { "xx" : 1232900 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 41000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1232900 } -->> { "xx" : 1247184 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 40000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1247184 } -->> { "xx" : 1270801 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 39000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1270801 } -->> { "xx" : 1294343 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 38000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1294343 } -->> { "xx" : 1313250 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 37000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1313250 } -->> { "xx" : 1336332 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 36000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1336332 } -->> { "xx" : 1358840 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 35000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1358840 } -->> { "xx" : 1372591 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 34000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1372591 } -->> { "xx" : 1386342 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 33000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1386342 } -->> { "xx" : 1400093 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 32000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1400093 } -->> { "xx" : 1418372 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 31000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1418372 } -->> { "xx" : 1440590 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 30000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1440590 } -->> { "xx" : 1461034 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 29000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1461034 } -->> { "xx" : 1488305 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 28000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1488305 } -->> { "xx" : 1510326 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 27000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1510326 } -->> { "xx" : 1531986 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 26000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1531986 } -->> { "xx" : 1545737 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 25000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1545737 } -->> { "xx" : 1559488 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 24000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1559488 } -->> { "xx" : 1576755 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 23000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1576755 } -->> { "xx" : 1596977 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 22000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1596977 } -->> { "xx" : 1619863 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 21000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1619863 } -->> { "xx" : 1633614 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 20000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1633614 } -->> { "xx" : 1647365 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 19000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1647365 } -->> { "xx" : 1668372 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 18000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1668372 } -->> { "xx" : 1682123 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 17000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1682123 } -->> { "xx" : 1695874 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 16000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1695874 } -->> { "xx" : 1711478 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 15000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1711478 } -->> { "xx" : 1738684 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 14000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1738684 } -->> { "xx" : 1758083 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 13000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1758083 } -->> { "xx" : 1773229 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 12000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1773229 } -->> { "xx" : 1794767 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 11000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1794767 } -->> { "xx" : 1808518 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 10000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1808518 } -->> { "xx" : 1834892 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 9000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1834892 } -->> { "xx" : 1848643 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 8000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1848643 } -->> { "xx" : 1873297 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 7000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1873297 } -->> { "xx" : 1887048 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 6000, "i" : 2 }
           { "xx" : 1887048 } -->> { "xx" : 1911702 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 6000, "i" : 3 }
           { "xx" : 1911702 } -->> { "xx" : 1918372 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 5000, "i" : 0 }
           { "xx" : 1918372 } -->> { "xx" : 1932123 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 7000, "i" : 2 }
           { "xx" : 1932123 } -->> { "xx" : 1959185 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 7000, "i" : 3 }
           { "xx" : 1959185 } -->> { "xx" : 1972936 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 9000, "i" : 2 }
           { "xx" : 1972936 } -->> { "xx" : 1999999 } on : rpl2 { "t" : 9000, "i" : 3 }
           { "xx" : 1999999 } -->> { "xx" : { $maxKey : 1 } } on : rpl2 { "t" : 2000, "i" : 0 }
         test.tickets chunks:
             rpl1    1
           { "ip" : { $minKey : 1 } } -->> { "ip" : { $maxKey : 1 } } on : rpl1 { "t" : 1000, "i" : 0 }
       {  "_id" : "adin",  "partitioned" : false,  "primary" : "rpl1" }

     7.7.2 vertify if it is a sharding
     [root@472322 ~]# /db/mongodb/bin/mongo --port 27027
     MongoDB shell version: 2.0.1
     connecting to:
     PRIMARY> db.runCommand({ isdbgrid:1 });
       "errmsg" : "no such cmd: isdbgrid",
       "bad cmd" : {
         "isdbgrid" : 1
       "ok" : 0
     there is errmsg info, run it in wrong windows,maybe run it in the mongos window.
     [root@472322 ~]# /db/mongodb/bin/mongo --port 27017
     MongoDB shell version: 2.0.1
     connecting to:
     mongos> db.runCommand({ isdbgrid:1 });
     { "isdbgrid" : 1, "hostname" : "472322.ea.com", "ok" : 1 }
     ok,  "isdbgrid" : 1 means it is a sharding.
     7.8 shared for unshared collection
     7.8.1 prepared a collection in mongo window.

     for( var i = 1; i < 2000000; i++ ) db.tc3.insert({ "xx":i, "fapp" : "84eb9fb556074d6481e31915ac2427f0",  "dne" : "ueeDEhIB6tmP4cfY43NwWvAenzKWx19znmbheAuBl4j39U8uFXS1QGi2GCMHO7L21szgeF6Iquqmnw8kfJbvZUs/11RyxcoRm+otbUJyPPxFkevzv4SrI3kGxczG6Lsd19NBpyskaElCTtVKxwvQyBNgciXYq6cO/8ntV2C6cwQ=",  "eml" : "q5x68h3qyVBqp3ollJrY3XEkXECjPEncXhbJjga+3hYoa4zYNhrNmBN91meL3o7jsBI/N6qe2bb2BOnOJNAnBMDzhNmPqJKG/ZVLfT9jpNkUD/pQ4oJENMv72L2GZoiyym2IFT+oT3N0KFhcv08b9ke9tm2EHTGcBsGg1R40Ah+Y/5z89OI4ERmI/48qjvaw",  "uid" : "sQt92NUPr3CpCVnbpotU2lqRNVfZD6k/9TGW62UT7ExZYF8Dp1cWIVQoYNQVyFRLkxjmCoa8m6DiLiL/fPdG1k7WYGUH4ueXXK2yfVn/AGUk3pQbIuh7nFbqZCrAQtEY7gU0aIGC4sotAE8kghvCa5qWnSX0SWTViAE/esaWORo=",  "agt" : "PHP/eaSSOPlugin",  "sd" : "S15345853557133877",  "pt" : 3795,  "ip" : "",  "av" : "http://secure.download.dm.origin.com/production/avatar/prod/1/599/40x40.JPEG",  "nex" : ISODate("2013-01-18T04:00:32.41Z"),  "exy" : ISODate("2013-01-18T01:16:32.015Z"),  "chk" : "sso4648609868740971",  "aid" : "Ciyvab0tregdVsBtboIpeChe4G6uzC1v5_-SIxmvSLLINJClUkXJhNvWkSUnajzi8xsv1DGYm0D3V46LLFI-61TVro9-HrZwyRwyTf9NwYIyentrgAY_qhs8fh7unyfB",  "tid" : "rUqFhONysi0yA==13583853927872",  "date" : ISODate("2012-02-17T01:16:32.787Z"),  "v" : "2.0.0",  "scope" : [],  "rug" : false,  "schk" : true,  "fjs" : false,  "sites" : [{      "name" : "Origin.com",      "id" : "nb09xrt8384147bba27c2f12e112o8k9",      "last" : ISODate("2013-01-17T01:16:32.787Z"),      "_id" : ObjectId("50f750f06a56028661000f20")    }]});
     see the status of sharding
     mongos> db.tc3.stats();
       "sharded" : false,
       "primary" : "rpl1",
       "ns" : "test.tc3",
       "count" : 1999999,
       "size" : 2439998940,
       "avgObjSize" : 1220.00008000004,
       "storageSize" : 2480209920,
       "numExtents" : 29,
       "nindexes" : 2,
       "lastExtentSize" : 417480704,
       "paddingFactor" : 1,
       "flags" : 1,
       "totalIndexSize" : 115232544,
       "indexSizes" : {
         "_id_" : 64909264,
         "xx_1" : 50323280
       "ok" : 1
     7.8.2 enable the sharding,Shard a Collection Using a Hashed Shard Key "xx"
     sh.shardCollection( "test.tc3", { xx: "hashed" } ) or  db.runCommand( { shardCollection : "test.tc3", key : {"xx":1} })
     mongos>  sh.shardCollection( "test.tc3", { xx: "hashed" } ) ;
     command failed: { "ok" : 0, "errmsg" : "shard keys must all be ascending" }
     shard keys must all be ascending
     why failed ? i see thehttp://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/method/sh.shardCollection/
     and found "New in version 2.4: Use the form {field: "hashed"} to create a hashed shard key. Hashed shard keys may not be compound indexes.",
     and the current is 2.0.1,so i should use the other way to enable.
     mongos> db.runCommand( { shardCollection : "test.tc3", key : {"xx":1} })
     { "ok" : 0, "errmsg" : "access denied - use admin db" }
     mongos> use admin
     switched to db admin
     mongos> db.runCommand( { shardCollection : "test.tc3", key : {"xx":1} })
     { "collectionsharded" : "test.tc3", "ok" : 1 }
     nice,enable successfully.
     7.8.3 and see the status of sharding
     mongos> use test;
     switched to db test
     mongos> db.tc3.stats();
       "sharded" : true,  -- nice, it is a sharding now
       "flags" : 1,
       "ns" : "test.tc3",
       "count" : 2005360,
       "numExtents" : 48,
       "size" : 2446539448,
       "storageSize" : 2979864576,
       "totalIndexSize" : 116573408,
       "indexSizes" : {
         "_id_" : 65105488,
         "xx_1" : 51467920
       "avgObjSize" : 1220.0001236685682,
       "nindexes" : 2,
       "nchunks" : 73,
       "shards" : {
         "rpl1" : {
           "ns" : "test.tc3",
           "count" : 1647809,
           "size" : 2010326980,
           "avgObjSize" : 1220,
           "storageSize" : 2480209920,
           "numExtents" : 29,
           "nindexes" : 2,
           "lastExtentSize" : 417480704,
           "paddingFactor" : 1,
           "flags" : 1,
           "totalIndexSize" : 94956064,
           "indexSizes" : {
             "_id_" : 53487392,
             "xx_1" : 41468672
           "ok" : 1
         "rpl2" : {
           "ns" : "test.tc3",
           "count" : 357551,
           "size" : 436212468,
           "avgObjSize" : 1220.0006936073455,
           "storageSize" : 499654656,
           "numExtents" : 19,
           "nindexes" : 2,
           "lastExtentSize" : 89817088,
           "paddingFactor" : 1,
           "flags" : 1,
           "totalIndexSize" : 21617344,
           "indexSizes" : {
             "_id_" : 11618096,
             "xx_1" : 9999248
           "ok" : 1
       "ok" : 1
     mongos> db.printShardingStatus();
     --- Sharding Status ---
       sharding version: { "_id" : 1, "version" : 3 }
       {  "_id" : "rpl1",  "host" : "rpl1/20.10x.91.119:27027,20.10x.91.119:27028" }
       {  "_id" : "rpl2",  "host" : "rpl2/20.10x.91.119:27037,20.10x.91.119:27038" }
       {  "_id" : "admin",  "partitioned" : false,  "primary" : "config" }
       {  "_id" : "test",  "partitioned" : true,  "primary" : "rpl1" }
         test.tc chunks:
             rpl1    1
           { "ip" : { $minKey : 1 } } -->> { "ip" : { $maxKey : 1 } } on : rpl1 { "t" : 1000, "i" : 0 }
         test.tc2 chunks:
             rpl1    62
             rpl2    61
           too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
         test.tc3 chunks:
             rpl2    19
             rpl1    54
           too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print 
           -- see this,there are 19 chunks in rpl2,so data is switching to rpl2 now.
         test.tickets chunks:
             rpl1    1
           { "ip" : { $minKey : 1 } } -->> { "ip" : { $maxKey : 1 } } on : rpl1 { "t" : 1000, "i" : 0 }
       {  "_id" : "adin",  "partitioned" : false,  "primary" : "rpl1" }


    8 add the third new replica sets to sharding.
     8.1 config file
     8.1.1 create the data directory
     mkdir -p /opt/db/mongodb-data/db47
     mkdir -p /opt/db/mongodb-data/db48 
     mkdir -p /opt/db/mongodb-data/db49 
     8.1.2 set the config files 27047.conf
     [root@472322 ~]# cd /etc/mongodb/
     [root@472322 mongodb]# vi  27047.conf
     dbpath =/opt/db/mongodb-data/db47
     port = 27047
     rest = true
     fork = true
     logpath = /var/log/mongodb47.log
     logappend = true
     replSet = rpl3
     #diaglog = 3
     profile = 3
     8.1.3 set the config files 27048.conf
     [root@472322 mongodb]#  vi  27048.conf
     # This is an example config file for MongoDB
     dbpath =/opt/db/mongodb-data/db48
     port = 27048
     rest = true
     fork = true
     logpath = /var/log/mongodb48.log
     logappend = true
     replSet = rpl3
     #diaglog = 3
     profile = 3
     8.1.4 set the config files 27049.conf 
     [root@472322 mongodb]#  vi  27049.conf
     # This is an example config file for MongoDB
     dbpath =/opt/db/mongodb-data/db49
     port = 27049
     rest = true
     fork = true
     logpath = /var/log/mongodb49.log
     logappend = true
     replSet = rpl3
     #diaglog = 3
     profile = 3
     8.2 start mongod server
     /db/mongodb/bin/mongod -f /etc/mongodb/27047.conf
     /db/mongodb/bin/mongod -f /etc/mongodb/27048.conf
     /db/mongodb/bin/mongod -f /etc/mongodb/27049.conf
     8.3 start replica set
     [root@472322 mongodb]# /db/mongodb/bin/mongo --port 27047
     MongoDB shell version: 2.0.1
     connecting to:
     config = {_id: 'rpl3', members: [
       {_id: 0, host: '20.10x.91.119:27047'},
       {_id: 1, host: '20.10x.91.119:27048'},
       {_id: 3, host: '20.10x.91.119:27049', arbiterOnly: true}

     > config = {_id: 'rpl3', members: [
     ... {_id: 0, host: '20.10x.91.119:27047'},
     ... {_id: 1, host: '20.10x.91.119:27048'},
     ... {_id: 3, host: '20.10x.91.119:27049', arbiterOnly: true}
     ... ]};
       "_id" : "rpl3",
       "members" : [
           "_id" : 0,
           "host" : "20.10x.91.119:27047"
           "_id" : 1,
           "host" : "20.10x.91.119:27048"
           "_id" : 3,
           "host" : "20.10x.91.119:27049",
           "arbiterOnly" : true
     > rs.initiate(config);
       "info" : "Config now saved locally.  Should come online in about a minute.",
       "ok" : 1
     > rs.status();
       "set" : "rpl3",
       "date" : ISODate("2013-08-09T06:53:57Z"),
       "myState" : 1,
       "members" : [
           "_id" : 0,
           "name" : "20.10x.91.119:27047",
           "health" : 1,
           "state" : 1,
           "stateStr" : "PRIMARY",
           "optime" : {
             "t" : 1376031176000,
             "i" : 1
           "optimeDate" : ISODate("2013-08-09T06:52:56Z"),
           "self" : true
           "_id" : 1,
           "name" : "20.10x.91.119:27048",
           "health" : 1,
           "state" : 2,
           "stateStr" : "SECONDARY",
           "uptime" : 49,
           "optime" : {
             "t" : 1376031176000,
             "i" : 1
           "optimeDate" : ISODate("2013-08-09T06:52:56Z"),
           "lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2013-08-09T06:53:56Z"),
           "pingMs" : 0
           "_id" : 3,
           "name" : "20.10x.91.119:27049",
           "health" : 1,
           "state" : 7,
           "stateStr" : "ARBITER",
           "uptime" : 55,
           "optime" : {
             "t" : 0,
             "i" : 0
           "optimeDate" : ISODate("1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"),
           "lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2013-08-09T06:53:56Z"),
           "pingMs" : 0
       "ok" : 1
     OKay, the third replica set is done now.
     8.4 add the third replica set to the sharding
     8.4.1 run "sh.addShard( "rpl3/20.10x.91.119:27047,20.10x.91.119:27048,20.10x.91.119:27049" )" in mongos;
     [root@472322 mongodb]# /db/mongodb/bin/mongo --port 27018
     MongoDB shell version: 2.0.1
     connecting to:
     mongos> use admin
     switched to db admin
     mongos> sh.addShard( "rpl3/20.10x.91.119:27047,20.10x.91.119:27048,20.10x.91.119:27049" );
     8.4.2 check the tc3 collections,watch if tc3 has chunks in rpl3 sharding
     mongos> use test;
     switched to db test
     mongos> db.tc3.stats();
       "sharded" : true,
       "flags" : 1,
       "ns" : "test.tc3",
       "count" : 2027503,
       "numExtents" : 71,
       "size" : 2473554192,
       "storageSize" : 4191793152,
       "totalIndexSize" : 127970752,
       "indexSizes" : {
         "_id_" : 70027440,
         "xx_1" : 57943312
       "avgObjSize" : 1220.0002623917203,
       "nindexes" : 2,
       "nchunks" : 73,
       "shards" : {
         "rpl1" : {
           "ns" : "test.tc3",
           "count" : 844832,
           "size" : 1030695040,
           "avgObjSize" : 1220,
           "storageSize" : 2480209920,
           "numExtents" : 29,
           "nindexes" : 2,
           "lastExtentSize" : 417480704,
           "paddingFactor" : 1,
           "flags" : 1,
           "totalIndexSize" : 48712608,
           "indexSizes" : {
             "_id_" : 27438656,
             "xx_1" : 21273952
           "ok" : 1
         "rpl2" : {
           "ns" : "test.tc3",
           "count" : 852623,
           "size" : 1040200396,
           "avgObjSize" : 1220.000394078039,
           "storageSize" : 1301745664,
           "numExtents" : 24,
           "nindexes" : 2,
           "lastExtentSize" : 223506432,
           "paddingFactor" : 1,
           "flags" : 1,
           "totalIndexSize" : 52677968,
           "indexSizes" : {
             "_id_" : 28313488,
             "xx_1" : 24364480
           "ok" : 1
         "rpl3" : {
           "ns" : "test.tc3", -- nice, and there are chunks in the new third rpl3 sharding.
           "count" : 330048,
           "size" : 402658756,
           "avgObjSize" : 1220.0005938530153,
           "storageSize" : 409837568,
           "numExtents" : 18,
           "nindexes" : 2,
           "lastExtentSize" : 74846208,
           "paddingFactor" : 1,
           "flags" : 1,
           "totalIndexSize" : 26580176,
           "indexSizes" : {
             "_id_" : 14275296,
             "xx_1" : 12304880
           "ok" : 1
       "ok" : 1

     8.4.3 check all sharding status
     mongos> db.printShardingStatus();
     --- Sharding Status ---
       sharding version: { "_id" : 1, "version" : 3 }
       {  "_id" : "rpl1",  "host" : "rpl1/20.10x.91.119:27027,20.10x.91.119:27028" }
       {  "_id" : "rpl2",  "host" : "rpl2/20.10x.91.119:27037,20.10x.91.119:27038" }
       {  "_id" : "rpl3",  "host" : "rpl3/20.10x.91.119:27047,20.10x.91.119:27048" }
       {  "_id" : "admin",  "partitioned" : false,  "primary" : "config" }
       {  "_id" : "test",  "partitioned" : true,  "primary" : "rpl1" }
         test.tc chunks:
             rpl1    1
           { "ip" : { $minKey : 1 } } -->> { "ip" : { $maxKey : 1 } } on : rpl1 { "t" : 1000, "i" : 0 }
         test.tc2 chunks:
             rpl3    21 -- there are data sharding in rpl3
             rpl1    51
             rpl2    51
           too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
         test.tc3 chunks:
             rpl2    27
             rpl3    20  -- there are data sharding in rpl3
             rpl1    26
           too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
         test.tickets chunks:
             rpl1    1
           { "ip" : { $minKey : 1 } } -->> { "ip" : { $maxKey : 1 } } on : rpl1 { "t" : 1000, "i" : 0 }
       {  "_id" : "adin",  "partitioned" : false,  "primary" : "rpl1" }

    Question 1:  how to change the sharding key in exists sharding collection,i cann't find eny method?

    Question 2:  there are 3 mongos,how to use viturl ip to point one of the three mongos servers automaticly? 




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