// This structure defines an entry inside the slow log list.
typedef struct slowlogEntry {
robj** argv;
int argc;
long long id; // Unique entry identifier.
long long duration; // Time spent by the query, in nanoseconds.
time_t time; // Unix time at which the query was executed.
} slowlogEntry;
argv最多只保存32个,如果多出来了,则第32个改为"... (%d more arguments)",如果参数是字符串并且长度超过128,则将其替换为"... (%lu more bytes)",argv共享的是client中的argv,所以push entry时会增加原有argv的引用计数。
// Exported API.
void slowlogInit(void);
void slowlogPushEntryIfNeeded(robj** argv, int argc, long long duration);
// Exported commands.
void slowlogCommand(redisClient* c);
slowlogCommand是执行slowlog命令,命令带的参数在redisClient中的argv中。看起来,它支持reset,len,get三个子命令。reset,len不用说,get n代表获取最新的n条slowlog记录。