inspect 模块
昨天在infoq上看到豆瓣架构师演讲有提到这个模块 今天找来文档看看
The inspect module provides several useful functions to help get information about live objects such as modules, classes, methods, functions, tracebacks, frame objects, and code objects.
#coding:utf8 import inspect import os class Test(object): """Test Class """ def test(self): self.fuc = lambda x:x class Testone(Test): pass #检查类型,模块,类,方法,生成器,代码等都可以 print inspect.ismodule(os) print inspect.isclass(Test) print inspect.getdoc(Test) print inspect.getsourcefile(Test) #文件路径 print inspect.getsourcelines(Test) #代码块,每行一个元素,组成数组 print inspect.getsource(Test) #代码块 带缩进 #打印全局变量中的模块对象 myglobals = {} myglobals.update(globals()) modules = [value for key, value in myglobals.items() if inspect.ismodule(value)] print modules #查看类的可调用方法 for name, value in inspect.getmembers(Test, callable): print " Callable:", name for name, value in inspect.getmembers(Test(), callable): print " Instance Callable:", name def hello(): print inspect.stack()[0][3] print inspect.stack() hello() 具体项目中的用法还不了解。