TriggerParameterPath是对应于EventArgs中的属性路径,比如用于SelectionChanged事件,则对应于SelectionChangedEventArgs的属性的字符串,如果写 TriggerParameterPath="AddedItems",则指SelectionChangedEventArgs.AddedItems对象。CommandParameter和TriggerParameterPath不同,它就是直接传过去的参数,可以是简单的字符串,也可以是绑定的数据对象。
<ListBox Grid.Row="1" Margin="5" ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" SelectionMode="Single"> <i:Interaction.Triggers> <!-- This event trigger will execute the action when the corresponding event is raised by the ListBox. --> <i:EventTrigger EventName="SelectionChanged"> <!-- This action will invoke the selected command in the view model and pass the parameters of the event to it. --> <prism:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding SelectedCommand}" TriggerParameterPath="AddedItems"/> </i:EventTrigger> </i:Interaction.Triggers> </ListBox>
在ViewModel中定义命令 public DelegateCommand<object[]> SelectedCommand { get; private set; },即把SelectionChangedEventArgs.AddedItems的值传给DelegateCommand的object[]对象,关于DelegateCommad的创建如下:
public MainWindowViewModel() { // This command will be executed when the selection of the ListBox in the view changes. SelectedCommand = new DelegateCommand<object[]>(OnItemSelected); } private void OnItemSelected(object[] selectedItems) { if (selectedItems != null && selectedItems.Count() > 0) { //Do Work here } }
private void OnMouseDownCommandHandler(object mouseDownEventArgs) { if (mouseDownEventArgs != null && mouseDownEventArgs is MouseButtonEventArgs args) { //获取鼠标点的相对位置 Point p= args.GetPosition((IInputElement)args.Source); //这些用到Source对象,代表触发事件的界面元素 } }
<ListBox Grid.Row="1" Margin="5" Name="_listBox" ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" SelectionMode="Single"> <i:Interaction.Triggers> <!-- This event trigger will execute the action when the corresponding event is raised by the ListBox. --> <i:EventTrigger EventName="SelectionChanged"> <!-- This action will invoke the selected command in the view model and pass the parameters of the event to it. --> <prism:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding SelectedCommand}" CommandParameter={Binding SelectedItem,ElementName=_listBox}/> </i:EventTrigger> </i:Interaction.Triggers> </ListBox>
这个与上面的方法的区别在于,使用了InvokeCommandAction对象的CommandParameter属性传递SelectedItem对象, ViewModel中的代码如下:
public DelegateCommand<object> SelectedCommand { get; private set; } public MainWindowViewModel() { // This command will be executed when the selection of the ListBox in the view changes. SelectedCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(OnItemSelected); } private void OnItemSelected(object selectedItem) { if (selectedItem != null && selectedItem is string s) { } }
题外话:默认程序会接收 SelectionChangedEventArgs 参数,所以,最好在xaml不写,在 MV 层获取后,自行判断类型和取值