Problem D: Evil Straw Warts Live
A palindrome is a string of symbols that is equal to itself when reversed. Given an input string, not necessarily a palindrome, compute the number of swaps necessary to transform the string into a palindrome. By swap we mean reversing the order of two adjacent symbols. For example, the string "mamad" may be transformed into the palindrome "madam" with 3 swaps:
- swap "ad" to yield "mamda"
- swap "md" to yield "madma"
- swap "ma" to yield "madam"
The first line of input gives n, the number of test cases. For each test case, one line of input follows, containing a string of up to 100 lowercase letters. Output consists of one line per test case. This line will contain the number of swaps, or "Impossible" if it is not possible to transform the input to a palindrome.
Sample Input
3 mamad asflkj aabb
Output for Sample Input
3 Impossible 2
要注意有单个字母为奇数的情况。。最后要把这个字母另外拿出来移到最中间。。一开始没考虑这个wa了- -
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int t, len, sum, judge, end, vis[30], mark[105]; char sb[105], v; void Init() { sum = 0; judge = 1; memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis)); memset(mark, 0, sizeof(mark)); gets(sb); len = strlen(sb); end = len - 1; } void Judge() {//判断能不能组成回文 int bo = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i ++) vis[sb[i] - 'a'] ++; for (int i = 0; i < 26; i ++) { if (vis[i] % 2) { bo ++; if (bo == 2) { judge = 0; break; } v = i + 'a'; } } } void solve() {//变换 for (int i = 0; i < len / 2; i ++) { int j; for (j = end; j >= i + 1; j --) if (sb[j] == sb[i]) { mark[i] = 1; sum += end - j; for (int k = j; k < end; k ++) sb[k] = sb[k + 1]; end --; break; } } if (len % 2) {//奇数情况 for (int i = 0; i < len; i ++) if (sb[i] == v && mark[i] == 0) { sum += len / 2 - i; break; } } if (judge) printf("%d ", sum); else printf("Impossible "); } int main() { scanf("%d%*c", &t); while (t --) { Init(); Judge(); solve(); } return 0; }