• AIX PowerHA (HACMP) Commands

    PowerHA(HACMP) Commands
    How to start cluster daemons (options in that order:
     clstrmgr, clsmuxpd, broadcast message, clinfo, cllockd)
    clstart -m -s -b -i -l
    How to show cluster state and substate (depends on clinfo)
    SNMP-based tool to show cluster state
    Similar to cldump, perl script to show cluster state
    How to list the local view of the cluster topology
    How to list the local view of the cluster subsystems
     clshowsrv -a
    How to show all necessary info about HACMP
     clshowsrv -v
    How to show HACMP version
     lslpp -L | grep cluster.es.server.rte
    How to verify the HACMP configuration
     /usr/es/sbin/cluster/diag/clconfig -v -O                                                                                                    
    How to list app servers configured including start/stop scripts
    How to locate the resource groups and display their status
     clRGinfo -v
    How to rotate some of the log files
    A cluster ping program with more arguments
    Cluster rsh program that take cluster node names as argument
    How to find out the name of the local node
    rHow to check the HACMP ODM
    How to put online/offline or move resource groups
    How to list the resource groups
    How to create a large snapshot of the hacmp configuration
    How to show short resource group information
    How to list the cluster manager state
     lssrc -ls clstrmgrES
    Cluster manager states

    • ST_NOT_CONFIGURED Node never started
    • ST_INIT Node configured but down - not  running
    • ST_STABLE Node up and running
    • ST_VOTING 
    • ST_RP_FAILED Node with event error         

    How to show heartbeat information
     lssrc -ls topsvcs
    How to check logs related to hacmp
     odmget HACMPlogs
    How to list all information from topology HACMP
     lssrc -ls topsvcs
    How to show all info about group
      lssrc -ls grpsvcs
    How to list the logs
    How to list the resources defined for all resource group
    How to show resource information by resource group
     clshowres -g'RG'
    How to show resource information by node
     clshowres -n'NODE'
    How to locate the resource groups and display status (-s)    
    How to list interface name/interface device   name/netmask      associated with a specified ip label / ip address of a specific 
    Cluster verification utility
    How to list cluster topology information
    X utility for cluster configuration
    X utility for hacmp management 
    X utility for cluster status
    How to force shutdown cluster immediately without releasing resources
     lclstop -f -N
    How to do graceful shutdown immediately with no takeover
     clstop -g -N
    How to do graceful shutdown immediately with takeover
     clstop -gr -N
    How to sync the cluster topology
     cldare -t
    How to do the mock sync of topology
     cldare -t -f
    How to sync the cluster resources
     cldare -r
    How to do the mock sync of resources
     cldare -r -f
    How to list the name and security level of the cluster
    How to list the info about the cluster nodes
    How to list info about node69
     cllsnode -i node69
    How to list the PVID of the shared hard disk for resource group dataRG
     cllsdisk -g dataRG
    How to list all cluster networks
    How to list the details of network ether1
     cllsnw -n ether1
    How to show network ip/nonip interface information
    How to list the details of network adapter node1_service
     cllsif -n node1_service
    How to list the shared vgs which can be accessed by all nodes
    How to list the shared vgs in resource group dbRG
     cllsvg -g dbRG
    How to list the shared lvs
    How to list the shared lvs in the resource group dbRG
     cllslv -g dbRG
    How to list the PVID of disks in the resource group appRG
     cllsdisk -g appRG
    How to list the shared file systems
    How to list the shared file systems in the resource group sapRG
     cllsfs -g sapRG
    How to show info about all network modules
    How to show info about ether network module
     cllsnim -n ether
    How to list the runtime parameters for the node node1
     cllsparam -n node1
    How to add a cluster definition with name dcm and id 3
     claddclstr -i 3 -n dcm
    How to create resource group sapRG with nodes n1,n2 in cascade
     claddgrp -g sapRG -r cascading -n n1 n2
    Creates an application server ser1 with startscript as /usr/start and stop script as /usr/stop
     claddserv -s ser1 -b /usr/start -e /usr/stop
    How to change cluster definitions name to dcmds and id to 2
     clchclstr -i 2 -n dcmds
    How to change the cluster security to enhanced
     clchclstr -s enhanced
    How to delete the resource group appRG and related resources
     clrmgrp -g appRG
    How to remove the node node69
     clrmnode -n node69
    How to remove the adapter named node69_svc
     clrmnode -a node69_svc
    How to remove all resources from resource group appRG
     clrmres -g appRG
    How to remove the application server app69
     clrmserv app69
    How to remove all applicaion servers
     clrmserv ALL
    How to list the nodes with active cluster manager processes from cluster manager on node node1clgetaddr node1 returns a pingable address from node node1
     clgetactivenodes -n node1
    How to list the info about resource group sapRG
     clgetgrp -g sapRG
    How to list the participating nodes in the resource group sapRG
     clgetgrp -g sapRG -f nodes
    How to get the ip label associated to the resource group
      clgetip sapRG
    How to list the network for ip, netmask
    How to list the VG of LV nodelv
     clgetvg -l nodelv
    How to add node5 to the cluster
     clnodename -a node5
    How to change the cluster node name node5 to node3
     clnodename -o node5 -n node3
  • 相关阅读:
    exports default 和export的使用方式
    this 的工作原理
    ES6 promise学习
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jackydalong/p/4052728.html
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