1. 准备alert脚本,用来调用微信脚本
#!/bin/bash alertname=$1 target=$2 losspattern=$3 rtt=$4 hostname=$5 smokename="hq_to_idc " if [ "$losspattern" = "loss: 0%" ]; then subject="Clear-${smokename}-Alert: $target host: ${hostname}" else subject="${smokename}Alert: ${target} – ${hostname}" fi echo "MTR Report for hostname: ${hostname}" > /tmp/mtr.txt echo "" >> /tmp/mtr.txt echo "sudo mtr -n –report ${hostname} " sudo /usr/sbin/mtr -n –report ${hostname} >> /tmp/mtr.txt echo "" >> /tmp/mtr.txt echo "Name of Alert: " $alertname >> /tmp/mtr.txt echo "Target: " $target >> /tmp/mtr.txt echo "Loss Pattern: " $losspattern >> /tmp/mtr.txt echo "RTT Pattern: " $rtt >> /tmp/mtr.txt echo "Hostname: " $hostname >> /tmp/mtr.txt echo "" >> /tmp/mtr.txt echo "Full mtr command is: sudo /usr/sbin/mtr -n –report ${hostname}" >> /tmp/mtr.txt echo "subject: " $subject if [ -s /tmp/mtr.txt ]; then /usrt/smokeping/weixin.sh "s" "s" "${subject}:${hostname}:$losspattern:$rtt:$target" fi
#!/bin/bash ### script name weixin.sh ### send messages from weixin for zabbix monitor ### 000 ### 000 ### usage: curl -s -G url 获取acessToken ### curl --data url 传送凭证调用企业号接口 ### zabbix 会传送三个参数给脚本,$1 是消息接收账号,$2 报警标题, $3 报警内容 CropID='' Secret='' GURL="https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/gettoken?corpid=$CropID&corpsecret=$Secret" Gtoken=$(/usr/bin/curl -s -G $GURL | awk -F '"' '{print $4}') now_time=$(date -d now) now_timestamp=$(date -d "${now_time}" +%s) options=$[2*60*60] token_file='/tmp/token_file.txt' PURL="https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/send?access_token=$Gtoken" LOG_FILE='/tmp/weixin_log.txt' function logMessageToFile(){ echo "[ $1 ] - ["$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")"] - $2" >> $LOG_FILE } function create_tokenfile(){ echo "${now_time} > ${Gtoken}" > ${token_file} } function get_Gtoken(){ GURL="https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/gettoken?corpid=$CropID&corpsecret=$Secret" Gtoken=$(/usr/bin/curl -s -G $GURL | awk -F '"' '{print $4}') } function check_token(){ if [ -f "${token_file}" ]; then file_token=$(awk -F '>' '{print $2}' ${token_file}) file_time=$(awk -F '>' '{print $1}' ${token_file}) file_timestamp=$(date -d "${file_time}" +%s) time_difference=$[${now_timestamp}-${file_timestamp}] if [ "${time_difference}" -gt "${options}" ]; then get_Gtoken create_tokenfile logMessageToFile "INFO" "上次token是: ${file_token},到现在过了${time_difference} 秒, 新的token是:${Gtoken}" else logMessageToFile "INFO" "not need update the token, use old token ${file_token} 到现在过了${time_difference} 秒" Gtoken=$(echo ${file_token}) fi else get_Gtoken logMessageToFile "INFO" "the token_file : ${token_file} not exsits ,will create it . 到现在过了${time_difference} 秒" create_tokenfile fi } function body(){ local int AppID=1 # 企业号中的应用ID local UserID="@all" # 部门成员id,zabbix中定义的微信接受者 local PartyID="1" # 部门id,定义了范围,组内成员都可接收到消息 local Msg=$(echo "$@" | cut -d " " -f3-) # 过滤出zabbix中传递的第三个参数 printf '{ ' printf ' "touser":"'"$UserID""", " printf ' "toparty":"'"$PartyID""", " printf ' "msgtype": "text",'" " printf ' "agentid":'$AppID\," " printf ' "text":{ ' printf ' "content":"'"$Msg"" printf ' }, ' printf ' "safe":"0" ' printf '} ' } check_token #smokeping_alert=${1}-${2}-${3}-${4}-${5] /usr/bin/curl --data-ascii "$(body $1 $2 $3)" $PURL
# smokeping 配置文件 config中需要修改的参数 # to 后面默认是 填写 邮件 # 如果 = 后面 跟上 | 代表执行用户自己的脚本 # 脚本会读入5或者6个参数:name-of-alert, target, loss-pattern, rtt-pattern, # hostname,[raise]。 *** Alerts *** #to = |/opt/smokeping/alert.sh to =test@test.com from = smokealert@company.xy # 报警条件 +someloss type = loss # in percent pattern = >0%,*12*,>0%,*12*,>0% comment = loss 3 times in a row
# 意思是 12次检查中 出现了 3次丢包的情况 监控主机参数增加 alerts = someloss
关于smokeping告警规则 官方文档
to 表示接受所有报警的邮箱,如果需要在特定的节点报警发送到特定的邮箱
则在该节点上增加alertee = testmonitor@139.com即可。具体可以参看/opt/smokeping/lib/Smokeping.pm源码,如下部分:
- foreach my $addr (map {$_ ? (split /s*,s*/,$_) : ()} $cfg->{Alerts}{to},$tree->{alertee},$alert->{to}){