SELECT instance_name FROM V$INSTANCE; --实例名
select global_name from global_name; --服务名
url = 'oracle://{username}:{passwd}@{host}:{port}/{sid}'.format(**config) #dbname
url = 'oracle://{username}:{passwd}@{host}:{port}/?service_name={service_name}'.format(**config)
create_engine(url, encoding='utf-8')
"encoding": "UTF-8",
"nencoding": "UTF-8",
"mode": cx_Oracle.SYSDBA,
"events": True
cx_Oracle.connect("user", "pass", "ip/orcl")
user = "pythonhol" pw = "welcome" dsn = "localhost/orclpdb1"
import cx_Oracle as orcl import db_config con = cx_Oracle.connect(db_config.user, db_config.pw, db_config.dsn) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select * from dept order by deptno") res = cur.fetchall() for row in res: print(row) cur.close() con.close() print(cx_Oracle.version) print("Database version:", con.version) print("Client version:", cx_Oracle.clientversion())
oracle连接池 connect_pool.py
import cx_Oracle import threading import db_config #创建Oracle连接池,最小2,最大5个连接 pool = cx_Oracle.SessionPool(db_config.user, db_config.pw, db_config.dsn, min = 2, max = 5, increment = 1, threaded = True) def Query(): con = pool.acquire() cur = con.cursor() for i in range(4): cur.execute("select myseq.nextval from dual") seqval, = cur.fetchone() #没有,则是类似(1,)的元组 print("Thread", threading.current_thread().name, "fetched sequence =", seqval) thread1 = threading.Thread(name='#1', target=Query) thread1.start() thread2 = threading.Thread(name='#2', target=Query) thread2.start() thread1.join() thread2.join() ''' numberOfThreads = 2 threadArray = [] for i in range(numberOfThreads): thread = threading.Thread(name = '#' + str(i), target = Query) threadArray.append(thread) thread.start() for t in threadArray: t.join() ''' print("All done!")
:pooled 告诉数据库使用池化服务器,ATTR_PURITY_SELF:可以在连接调用之间保留会话状态,被不同连接类名称的应用程序重用时,连接信息将丢弃,如不共享会话信息则使用ATTR_PURITY_NEW
con = cx_Oracle.connect(db_config.user, db_config.pw, db_config.dsn + ":pooled", cclass="PYTHONHOL", purity=cx_Oracle.ATTR_PURITY_SELF) print("Database version:", con.version)
如果收到错误消息“ ORA-24459:OCISessionGet()等待池创建新连接超时”或“ ORA-24418:无法打开其他会话”,那是因为在池启动或增长时正在发出连接请求。将参数添加 getmode = cx_Oracle.SPOOL_ATTRVAL_WAIT
到 cx_Oracle.SessionPool()
import cx_Oracle import threading pool = cx_Oracle.SessionPool(db_config.user, db_config.pw, db_config.dsn + ":pooled", min = 2, max = 5, increment = 1, threaded = True) def Query(): con = pool.acquire(cclass = "PYTHONHOL", purity = cx_Oracle.ATTR_PURITY_SELF) cur = conn.cursor() for i in range(4): cur.execute("select myseq.nextval from dual") seqval, = cur.fetchone() print("Thread", threading.current_thread().name, "fetched sequence =", seqval) numberOfThreads = 2 threadArray = [] for i in range(numberOfThreads): thread = threading.Thread(name = '#' + str(i), target = Query) threadArray.append(thread) thread.start() for t in threadArray: t.join() print("All done!")
cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select * from dept order by deptno") for deptno, dname, loc in cur: print("Department number: ", deptno) print("Department name: ", dname) print("Department location:", loc) for row in cur.execute("select * from dept"): print(row) row = cur.fetchone() print(row) #cur.arraysize = 10 #默认100 row = cur.fetchall() print(row) res = cur.fetchmany(numRows = 3) print(res) cur.scroll(2, mode = "absolute") # 滚动光标到第二行 print(cur.fetchone()) cur.scroll(-1) # 滚动光标到最后一行 print(cur.fetchone()) sql = "select * from dept where deptno = :id order by deptno" cur.execute(sql, id = 20) res = cur.fetchall() print(res) print(con.stmtcachesize) #create table mytab (id number, data varchar2(20), constraint my_pk primary key (id)); rows = [ (1, "First" ), (2, "Second" ), (3, "Third" ), (4, "Fourth" ), (5, "Fifth" ), (6, "Sixth" ), (7, "Seventh" ) ] cur.executemany("insert into mytab(id, data) values (:1, :2)", rows) #违反主键唯一性约束,并打印错误 rows = [ (1, "First" ), (2, "Second" ), (3, "Third" ), (4, "Fourth" ), (5, "Fifth" ), (6, "Sixth" ),(6, "Duplicate" ),(7, "Seventh" ) ] cur.executemany("insert into mytab(id, data) values (:1, :2)", rows, batcherrors = True) for error in cur.getbatcherrors(): print("Error", error.message.rstrip(), "at row offset", error.offset) #在脚本末尾,cx_Oracle将回滚未提交的事务。如果要提交结果/强制回滚,可以使用: con.commit() con.rollback()
1. 更改输出类型:如果直接执行for循环输出10,则下述代码输出‘10’ def ReturnNumbersAsStrings(cursor, name, defaultType, size, precision, scale): if defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER: return cursor.var(str, 9, cursor.arraysize) cur.outputtypehandler = ReturnNumbersAsStrings for row in cur.execute("select * from dept"): print(row) 2. 更改输出格式:如果直接执行for循环输出:Value: 0.1 * 3 = 0.30000000000000004, 则下述代码输出:Value: 0.1 * 3 = 0.3 import decimal def ReturnNumbersAsDecimal(cursor, name, defaultType, size, precision, scale): if defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER: return cursor.var(str, 9, cursor.arraysize, outconverter = decimal.Decimal) #该情况下可简写为 #return cursor.var(decimal.Decimal, arraysize = cursor.arraysize) cur.outputtypehandler = ReturnNumbersAsDecimal for value, in cur.execute("select 0.1 from dual"): print("Value:", value, "* 3 =", value * 3) 3. 输出列名 rowfactory cur.execute("select deptno, dname from dept") cur.rowfactory = collections.namedtuple("MyClass", ["DeptNumber", "DeptName"]) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: print(row.DeptNumber, "->", row.DeptName)
#命名对象类型,如:Spatial Data Objects (SDO) #sqlplus>desc MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY # Create table cur.execute("""begin execute immediate 'drop table testgeometry'; exception when others then if sqlcode <> -942 then raise; end if; end;""") cur.execute("""create table testgeometry ( id number(9) not null, geometry MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY not null)""") # Create and populate Oracle objects typeObj = con.gettype("MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY") elementInfoTypeObj = con.gettype("MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY") ordinateTypeObj = con.gettype("MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY") obj = typeObj.newobject() obj.SDO_GTYPE = 2003 obj.SDO_ELEM_INFO = elementInfoTypeObj.newobject() obj.SDO_ELEM_INFO.extend([1, 1003, 3]) obj.SDO_ORDINATES = ordinateTypeObj.newobject() obj.SDO_ORDINATES.extend([1, 1, 5, 7]) print("Created object", obj) # Add a new row print("Adding row to table...") cur.execute("insert into testgeometry values (1, :objbv)", objbv = obj) print("Row added!") # Query the row print("Querying row just inserted...") cur.execute("select id, geometry from testgeometry"); for row in cur: print(row) # ------------------------------ # Define a function to dump the contents of an Oracle object def dumpobject(obj, prefix = " "): if obj.type.iscollection: print(prefix, "[") for value in obj.aslist(): if isinstance(value, cx_Oracle.Object): dumpobject(value, prefix + " ") else: print(prefix + " ", repr(value)) print(prefix, "]") else: print(prefix, "{") for attr in obj.type.attributes: value = getattr(obj, attr.name) if isinstance(value, cx_Oracle.Object): print(prefix + " " + attr.name + " :") dumpobject(value, prefix + " ") else: print(prefix + " " + attr.name + " :", repr(value)) print(prefix, "}") # Query the row print("Querying row just inserted...") cur.execute("select id, geometry from testgeometry") for id, obj in cur: print("Id: ", id) dumpobject(obj)
# Get Oracle type information objType = con.gettype("MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY") elementInfoTypeObj = con.gettype("MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY") ordinateTypeObj = con.gettype("MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY") # Convert a Python object to MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY def SDOInConverter(value): obj = objType.newobject() obj.SDO_GTYPE = value.gtype obj.SDO_ELEM_INFO = elementInfoTypeObj.newobject() obj.SDO_ELEM_INFO.extend(value.elemInfo) obj.SDO_ORDINATES = ordinateTypeObj.newobject() obj.SDO_ORDINATES.extend(value.ordinates) return obj def SDOInputTypeHandler(cursor, value, numElements): if isinstance(value, mySDO): return cursor.var(cx_Oracle.OBJECT, arraysize = numElements, inconverter = SDOInConverter, typename = objType.name) sdo = mySDO(2003, [1, 1003, 3], [1, 1, 5, 7]) # Python object cur.inputtypehandler = SDOInputTypeHandler cur.execute("insert into testgeometry values (:1, :2)", (1, sdo))
''' create table ptab (mydata varchar(20), myid number); create or replace function myfunc(d_p in varchar2, i_p in number) return number as begin insert into ptab (mydata, myid) values (d_p, i_p); return (i_p * 2); end; / ''' res = cur.callfunc('myfunc', int, ('abc', 2)) print(res) ''' create or replace procedure myproc(v1_p in number, v2_p out number) as begin v2_p := v1_p * 2; end; / ''' myvar = cur.var(int) cur.callproc('myproc', (123, myvar)) print(myvar.getvalue())
print("Inserting data...") cur.execute("truncate table testclobs") longString = "" for i in range(5): char = chr(ord('A') + i) longString += char * 250 cur.execute("insert into testclobs values (:1, :2)", (i + 1, "String data " + longString + ' End of string')) con.commit() print("Querying data...") cur.execute("select * from testclobs where id = :id", {'id': 1}) (id, clob) = cur.fetchone() print("CLOB length:", clob.size()) clobdata = clob.read() #clob.read(1,10) #1开始长度为10 print("CLOB data:", clobdata) #直接转换clob对象为字符串格式 def OutputTypeHandler(cursor, name, defaultType, size, precision, scale): if defaultType == cx_Oracle.CLOB: return cursor.var(cx_Oracle.LONG_STRING, arraysize = cursor.arraysize) print("Querying data...") con.outputtypehandler = OutputTypeHandler #cur.outputtypehandler? cur.execute("select * from testclobs where id = :id", {'id': 1}) (id, clobdata) = cur.fetchone() print("CLOB length:", len(clobdata)) print("CLOB data:", clobdata)
class MyConnection(cx_Oracle.Connection): def __init__(self): print("Connecting to database") return super(MyConnection, self).__init__(db_config.user, db_config.pw, db_config.dsn) def cursor(self): return MyCursor(self) class MyCursor(cx_Oracle.Cursor): def execute(self, statement, args): print("Executing:", statement) print("Arguments:") for argIndex, arg in enumerate(args): print(" Bind", argIndex + 1, "has value", repr(arg)) return super(MyCursor, self).execute(statement, args) def fetchone(self): print("Fetchone()") return super(MyCursor, self).fetchone() con = MyConnection() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select count(*) from emp where deptno = :bv", (10,)) count, = cur.fetchone() print("Number of rows:", count)
Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ)
BOOK_TYPE_NAME = "UDT_BOOK" QUEUE_NAME = "BOOKS" QUEUE_TABLE_NAME = "BOOK_QUEUE_TABLE" # Cleanup cur.execute( """begin dbms_aqadm.stop_queue('""" + QUEUE_NAME + """'); dbms_aqadm.drop_queue('""" + QUEUE_NAME + """'); dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table('""" + QUEUE_TABLE_NAME + """'); execute immediate 'drop type """ + BOOK_TYPE_NAME + """'; exception when others then if sqlcode <> -24010 then raise; end if; end;""") # Create a type print("Creating books type UDT_BOOK...") cur.execute(""" create type %s as object ( title varchar2(100), authors varchar2(100), price number(5,2) );""" % BOOK_TYPE_NAME) # Create queue table and queue and start the queue print("Creating queue table...") cur.callproc("dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table", (QUEUE_TABLE_NAME, BOOK_TYPE_NAME)) cur.callproc("dbms_aqadm.create_queue", (QUEUE_NAME, QUEUE_TABLE_NAME)) cur.callproc("dbms_aqadm.start_queue", (QUEUE_NAME,)) booksType = con.gettype(BOOK_TYPE_NAME) queue = con.queue(QUEUE_NAME, booksType) # Enqueue a few messages print("Enqueuing messages...") BOOK_DATA = [ ("The Fellowship of the Ring", "Tolkien, J.R.R.", decimal.Decimal("10.99")), ("Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", "Rowling, J.K.", decimal.Decimal("7.99")) ] for title, authors, price in BOOK_DATA: book = booksType.newobject() book.TITLE = title book.AUTHORS = authors book.PRICE = price print(title) queue.enqOne(con.msgproperties(payload=book)) con.commit() # Dequeue the messages print(" Dequeuing messages...") queue.deqOptions.wait = cx_Oracle.DEQ_NO_WAIT while True: props = queue.deqOne() if not props: break print(props.payload.TITLE) con.commit() print(" Done.")
soda = con.getSodaDatabase() collection = soda.createCollection("friends") content = {'name': 'Jared', 'age': 35, 'address': {'city': 'Melbourne'}} doc = collection.insertOneAndGet(content) key = doc.key doc = collection.find().key(key).getOne() content = doc.getContent() print('Retrieved SODA document dictionary is:') print(content) myDocs = [ {'name': 'Gerald', 'age': 21, 'address': {'city': 'London'}}, {'name': 'David', 'age': 28, 'address': {'city': 'Melbourne'}}, {'name': 'Shawn', 'age': 20, 'address': {'city': 'San Francisco'}} ] collection.insertMany(myDocs) #---------- filterSpec = { "address.city": "Melbourne" } myDocuments = collection.find().filter(filterSpec).getDocuments() print('Melbourne people:') for doc in myDocuments: print(doc.getContent()["name"]) #---------- filterSpec = {'age': {'$lt': 25}} myDocuments = collection.find().filter(filterSpec).getDocuments() print('Young people:') for doc in myDocuments: print(doc.getContent()["name"])