• 【uC/OS-II】笔记2----移植




    分类 文件 说明
    配置文件 os_config.h 操作系统配置文件
    操作系统源文件 ucos_ii.h 操作系统头文件
    os_core.c 内核
    os_task.c 任务管理
    os_time.c 时间管理
    os_sem.c 信号量管理
    os_mutex.c 互斥信号量管理
    os_mbox.c 消息邮箱管理
    os_q.c 消息队列管理
    os_flg.c 事件标志组管理
    os_mem.c 内存管理
    os_tmr.c 定时器管理
    移植文件 os_cpu.h 处理器相关头文件
    os_cpu.c 处理器相关c文件
    os_cpu_a.asm 处理器相关汇编文件


    分类 文件 说明
    配置文件        os_cfg.h                 全部是宏定义,配置着呢哥哥操作系统,例如是否使能信号量管理,是否使能任务删除 
    os_cfg_app.h 任务堆栈的大小,任务优先级的定义
    os_cfg_app.c 定义了一些可配置的常量
    操作系统头文件        os.h 操作系统头文件,包括宏定义、数据类型定义、结构体定义和函数声明
    os_type.h 数据类型的定义,如OS_CPU_USAGE
    操作系统源文件 os_core.c 内核代码
    os_task.c 任务管理代码
    os_sem.c 信号量管理代码
    os_mutex.c 互斥信号量管理代码
    os_flg.c 事件标志组管理代码
    os_q.c 消息队列管理代码,不单独提供消息邮箱
    os_time.c 时间管理代码 
    os_mem.c 内存管理代码
    os_tmr.c 操作系统软件定时代码
    os_var.c 变量定义文件
    os_stat.c 统计任务代码
    os_pend,multi.c 任务等待多事件代码
    os_prio.c 优先级管理代码
    Os_int.c 中断管理代码
    Os_app_hooks.c 钩子函数的独立文件,用户可以加入代码
    Os_dbg.c 系统调试用到的代码
    移植文件 os_cpu.h 移植代码头文件
    os_cpu_a.s 移植代码汇编文件
    os_cpu_c..c 移植代码c文件





    /************************ (C) COPYLEFT 2010 Leafgrass *************************
    * File Name        : os_cpu_c.c 
    * Author        : Librae
    * Date            : 06/10/2010
    * Description    : ¦ÌCOS-IIÔÚSTM32ÉϵÄÒÆÖ²´úÂëCÓïÑÔ²¿·Ö£¬
    *                  °üÀ¨ÈÎÎñ¶ÑÕ»³õʼ»¯´úÂëºÍ¹³×Óº¯ÊýµÈ
    #ifndef    __OS_CPU_H__
    #define    __OS_CPU_H__
    #ifdef  OS_CPU_GLOBALS
    #define OS_CPU_EXT
    #define OS_CPU_EXT  extern
    *                    ¶¨ÒåÓë±àÒëÆ÷Î޹صÄÊý¾ÝÀàÐÍ
    typedef unsigned char  BOOLEAN;
    typedef unsigned char  INT8U;            /* Unsigned  8 bit quantity       */
    typedef signed   char  INT8S;            /* Signed    8 bit quantity       */
    typedef unsigned short INT16U;            /* Unsigned 16 bit quantity       */
    typedef signed   short INT16S;            /* Signed   16 bit quantity       */
    typedef unsigned int   INT32U;            /* Unsigned 32 bit quantity       */
    typedef signed   int   INT32S;            /* Signed   32 bit quantity       */
    typedef float          FP32;            /* Single precision floating point*/
    typedef double         FP64;            /* Double precision floating point*/
    typedef unsigned int   OS_STK;            /* Each stack entry is 32-bit wide*/
    typedef unsigned int   OS_CPU_SR;        /* Define size of CPU status register*/
    *                             Cortex M3
    *                     Critical Section Management
    *                          ARM Miscellaneous
    #define  OS_STK_GROWTH        1      /* Stack grows from HIGH to LOW memory on ARM    */
    #define  OS_TASK_SW()         OSCtxSw()
    *                               PROTOTYPES
    *                           (see OS_CPU_A.ASM)
    //OS_CRITICAL_METHOD = 1 :Ö±½ÓʹÓô¦ÀíÆ÷µÄ¿ª¹ØÖжÏÖ¸ÁîÀ´ÊµÏÖºê 
    //OS_CRITICAL_METHOD = 2 :ÀûÓöÑÕ»±£´æºÍ»Ö¸´CPUµÄ״̬ 
    //OS_CRITICAL_METHOD = 3 :ÀûÓñàÒëÆ÷À©Õ¹¹¦ÄÜ»ñµÃ³ÌÐò״̬×Ö£¬±£´æÔÚ¾Ö²¿±äÁ¿cpu_sr
    #define  OS_CRITICAL_METHOD   3         //½øÈëÁÙ½ç¶ÎµÄ·½·¨
    #define  OS_ENTER_CRITICAL()  {cpu_sr = OS_CPU_SR_Save();}
    #define  OS_EXIT_CRITICAL()   {OS_CPU_SR_Restore(cpu_sr);}
    void       OSCtxSw(void);
    void       OSIntCtxSw(void);
    void       OSStartHighRdy(void);
    void       OSPendSV(void);
    #if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u                      /* See OS_CPU_A.ASM                                  */
    OS_CPU_SR  OS_CPU_SR_Save(void);
    void       OS_CPU_SR_Restore(OS_CPU_SR cpu_sr);
    OS_CPU_EXT INT32U OSInterrputSum;
    /************************ (C) COPYLEFT 2010 Leafgrass ************************/
    View Code


    *                    ¶¨ÒåÓë±àÒëÆ÷Î޹صÄÊý¾ÝÀàÐÍ
    typedef unsigned char  BOOLEAN;
    typedef unsigned char  INT8U;            /* Unsigned  8 bit quantity       */
    typedef signed   char  INT8S;            /* Signed    8 bit quantity       */
    typedef unsigned short INT16U;            /* Unsigned 16 bit quantity       */
    typedef signed   short INT16S;            /* Signed   16 bit quantity       */
    typedef unsigned int   INT32U;            /* Unsigned 32 bit quantity       */
    typedef signed   int   INT32S;            /* Signed   32 bit quantity       */
    typedef float          FP32;            /* Single precision floating point*/
    typedef double         FP64;            /* Double precision floating point*/
    typedef unsigned int   OS_STK;            /* Each stack entry is 32-bit wide*/
    typedef unsigned int   OS_CPU_SR;        /* Define size of CPU status register*/
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    *                               PROTOTYPES
    *                           (see OS_CPU_A.ASM)
    //OS_CRITICAL_METHOD = 1 :Ö±½ÓʹÓô¦ÀíÆ÷µÄ¿ª¹ØÖжÏÖ¸ÁîÀ´ÊµÏÖºê 
    //OS_CRITICAL_METHOD = 2 :ÀûÓöÑÕ»±£´æºÍ»Ö¸´CPUµÄ״̬ 
    //OS_CRITICAL_METHOD = 3 :ÀûÓñàÒëÆ÷À©Õ¹¹¦ÄÜ»ñµÃ³ÌÐò״̬×Ö£¬±£´æÔÚ¾Ö²¿±äÁ¿cpu_sr
    #define  OS_CRITICAL_METHOD   3         //½øÈëÁÙ½ç¶ÎµÄ·½·¨
    #define  OS_ENTER_CRITICAL()  {cpu_sr = OS_CPU_SR_Save();}
    #define  OS_EXIT_CRITICAL()   {OS_CPU_SR_Restore(cpu_sr);}
    void       OSCtxSw(void);
    void       OSIntCtxSw(void);
    void       OSStartHighRdy(void);
    void       OSPendSV(void);
    #if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u                      /* See OS_CPU_A.ASM                                  */
    OS_CPU_SR  OS_CPU_SR_Save(void);
    void       OS_CPU_SR_Restore(OS_CPU_SR cpu_sr);
    OS_CPU_EXT INT32U OSInterrputSum;
    View Code



    *                                               uC/OS-II
    *                                         The Real-Time Kernel
    *                                (c) Copyright 2006, Micrium, Weston, FL
    *                                          All Rights Reserved
    *                                           ARM Cortex-M3 Port
    * File      : OS_CPU_C.C
    * Version   : V2.86
    * By        : Jean J. Labrosse
    * For       : ARMv7M Cortex-M3
    * Mode      : Thumb2
    * Toolchain : RealView Development Suite
    *             RealView Microcontroller Development Kit (MDK)
    *             ARM Developer Suite (ADS)
    *             Keil uVision
    #define  OS_CPU_GLOBALS
    #include "includes.h"
    *                                          LOCAL VARIABLES
    #if OS_TMR_EN > 0
    static  INT16U  OSTmrCtr;
    *                                       OS INITIALIZATION HOOK
    *                                            (BEGINNING)
    * Description: This function is called by OSInit() at the beginning of OSInit().
    * Arguments  : none
    * Note(s)    : 1) Interrupts should be disabled during this call.
    #if OS_CPU_HOOKS_EN > 0 && OS_VERSION > 203
    void  OSInitHookBegin (void)
    #if OS_TMR_EN > 0
        OSTmrCtr = 0;
    *                                       OS INITIALIZATION HOOK
    *                                               (END)
    * Description: This function is called by OSInit() at the end of OSInit().
    * Arguments  : none
    * Note(s)    : 1) Interrupts should be disabled during this call.
    #if OS_CPU_HOOKS_EN > 0 && OS_VERSION > 203
    void  OSInitHookEnd (void)
    *                                          TASK CREATION HOOK
    * Description: This function is called when a task is created.
    * Arguments  : ptcb   is a pointer to the task control block of the task being created.
    * Note(s)    : 1) Interrupts are disabled during this call.
    #if OS_CPU_HOOKS_EN > 0
    void  OSTaskCreateHook (OS_TCB *ptcb)
    #if OS_APP_HOOKS_EN > 0
        (void)ptcb;                                  /* Prevent compiler warning                           */
    *                                           TASK DELETION HOOK
    * Description: This function is called when a task is deleted.
    * Arguments  : ptcb   is a pointer to the task control block of the task being deleted.
    * Note(s)    : 1) Interrupts are disabled during this call.
    #if OS_CPU_HOOKS_EN > 0
    void  OSTaskDelHook (OS_TCB *ptcb)
    #if OS_APP_HOOKS_EN > 0
        (void)ptcb;                                  /* Prevent compiler warning                           */
    *                                             IDLE TASK HOOK
    * Description: This function is called by the idle task.  This hook has been added to allow you to do
    *              such things as STOP the CPU to conserve power.
    * Arguments  : none
    * Note(s)    : 1) Interrupts are enabled during this call.
    #if OS_CPU_HOOKS_EN > 0 && OS_VERSION >= 251
    void  OSTaskIdleHook (void)
    #if OS_APP_HOOKS_EN > 0
    *                                           STATISTIC TASK HOOK
    * Description: This function is called every second by uC/OS-II's statistics task.  This allows your
    *              application to add functionality to the statistics task.
    * Arguments  : none
    #if OS_CPU_HOOKS_EN > 0
    void  OSTaskStatHook (void)
    #if OS_APP_HOOKS_EN > 0
    *                                        INITIALIZE A TASK'S STACK
    * Description: This function is called by either OSTaskCreate() or OSTaskCreateExt() to initialize the
    *              stack frame of the task being created.  This function is highly processor specific.
    * Arguments  : task          is a pointer to the task code
    *              p_arg         is a pointer to a user supplied data area that will be passed to the task
    *                            when the task first executes.
    *              ptos          is a pointer to the top of stack.  It is assumed that 'ptos' points to
    *                            a 'free' entry on the task stack.  If OS_STK_GROWTH is set to 1 then
    *                            'ptos' will contain the HIGHEST valid address of the stack.  Similarly, if
    *                            OS_STK_GROWTH is set to 0, the 'ptos' will contains the LOWEST valid address
    *                            of the stack.
    *              opt           specifies options that can be used to alter the behavior of OSTaskStkInit().
    *                            (see uCOS_II.H for OS_TASK_OPT_xxx).
    * Returns    : Always returns the location of the new top-of-stack once the processor registers have
    *              been placed on the stack in the proper order.
    * Note(s)    : 1) Interrupts are enabled when your task starts executing.
    *              2) All tasks run in Thread mode, using process stack.
    OS_STK *OSTaskStkInit (void (*task)(void *p_arg), void *p_arg, OS_STK *ptos, INT16U opt)
        OS_STK *stk;
        (void)opt;                                   /* 'opt' is not used, prevent warning                 */
        stk       = ptos;                            /* Load stack pointer                                 */
                                                     /* Registers stacked as if auto-saved on exception    */
        *(stk)    = (INT32U)0x01000000L;             /* xPSR                                               */
        *(--stk)  = (INT32U)task;                    /* Entry Point                                        */
        *(--stk)  = (INT32U)0xFFFFFFFEL;             /* R14 (LR) (init value will cause fault if ever used)*/
        *(--stk)  = (INT32U)0x12121212L;             /* R12                                                */
        *(--stk)  = (INT32U)0x03030303L;             /* R3                                                 */
        *(--stk)  = (INT32U)0x02020202L;             /* R2                                                 */
        *(--stk)  = (INT32U)0x01010101L;             /* R1                                                 */
        *(--stk)  = (INT32U)p_arg;                   /* R0 : argument                                      */
                                                     /* Remaining registers saved on process stack         */
        *(--stk)  = (INT32U)0x11111111L;             /* R11                                                */
        *(--stk)  = (INT32U)0x10101010L;             /* R10                                                */
        *(--stk)  = (INT32U)0x09090909L;             /* R9                                                 */
        *(--stk)  = (INT32U)0x08080808L;             /* R8                                                 */
        *(--stk)  = (INT32U)0x07070707L;             /* R7                                                 */
        *(--stk)  = (INT32U)0x06060606L;             /* R6                                                 */
        *(--stk)  = (INT32U)0x05050505L;             /* R5                                                 */
        *(--stk)  = (INT32U)0x04040404L;             /* R4                                                 */
        return (stk);
    *                                           TASK SWITCH HOOK
    * Description: This function is called when a task switch is performed.  This allows you to perform other
    *              operations during a context switch.
    * Arguments  : none
    * Note(s)    : 1) Interrupts are disabled during this call.
    *              2) It is assumed that the global pointer 'OSTCBHighRdy' points to the TCB of the task that
    *                 will be 'switched in' (i.e. the highest priority task) and, 'OSTCBCur' points to the
    *                 task being switched out (i.e. the preempted task).
    #if (OS_CPU_HOOKS_EN > 0) && (OS_TASK_SW_HOOK_EN > 0)
    void  OSTaskSwHook (void)
    #if OS_APP_HOOKS_EN > 0
    *                                           OS_TCBInit() HOOK
    * Description: This function is called by OS_TCBInit() after setting up most of the TCB.
    * Arguments  : ptcb    is a pointer to the TCB of the task being created.
    * Note(s)    : 1) Interrupts may or may not be ENABLED during this call.
    #if OS_CPU_HOOKS_EN > 0 && OS_VERSION > 203
    void  OSTCBInitHook (OS_TCB *ptcb)
    #if OS_APP_HOOKS_EN > 0
        (void)ptcb;                                  /* Prevent compiler warning                           */
    *                                               TICK HOOK
    * Description: This function is called every tick.
    * Arguments  : none
    * Note(s)    : 1) Interrupts may or may not be ENABLED during this call.
    #if (OS_CPU_HOOKS_EN > 0) && (OS_TIME_TICK_HOOK_EN > 0)
    void  OSTimeTickHook (void)
    #if OS_APP_HOOKS_EN > 0
    #if OS_TMR_EN > 0
        if (OSTmrCtr >= (OS_TICKS_PER_SEC / OS_TMR_CFG_TICKS_PER_SEC)) {
            OSTmrCtr = 0;
    #if OS_CPU_HOOKS_EN > 0u && OS_VERSION > 290u 
    void OSTaskReturnHook(OS_TCB *ptcb)
    /*----------------------- (C) COPYRIGHT @ 2012 liycobl -----------------  end of file -----------------*/
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/isha2088/p/6882909.html
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