• Mybatis常用标签使用


    <insert id="operatorLog" parameterType="com.oa.model.wxlog.WxLog">
            INSERT INTO sdb_oa_operator_log
            <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides="," >
                <if test="open_id!='' and open_id != null">
                    <if test="operatortime!='' and operatortime != null">
                    <if test="operatortype!='' and operatortype != null">
                    <if test="operatorcont!='' and operatorcont != null">
                    <if test="ip!='' and ip != null">
            <trim prefix="values(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides="," >
                <if test="open_id!='' and open_id != null">
                    <if test="operatortime!='' and operatortime != null">
                    <if test="operatortype!='' and operatortype != null">
                    <if test="operatorcont!='' and operatorcont != null">
                    <if test="ip!='' and ip != null">
    Mybatis 配置文件 useGeneratedKeys 参数只针对 insert 语句生效,默认为 false。
    当设置为 true 时,表示如果插入的表以自增列为主键,则允许 JDBC 支持自动生成主键,并可将自动生成的主键返回。
    <insert id="saveMain" parameterType="java.util.HashMap" keyProperty="id" useGeneratedKeys="true">
            insert into <include refid="tableName"></include>(
                <include refid="Field"></include>
            ) values (
                <include refid="FieldValue"></include>

    --------------Mybatis 拼接like ---

     and date_format(company.create_time,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') LIKE CONCAT('%', '${params.create_time}', '%')

    ----------------mybatis 判断参数要加.toString()---

    <if test="params.selectTime =='2'.toString() ">
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/iscys/p/9550222.html
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