• python函数学习



    employees = {"Chris": "NOC", "David": "PJM", "Brain": "SA", "John": "UX"}
    def introduce_employee(employee, post):
        print("Welcome our new colleague " + username + ", his post is " + job + " !")
    for key, value in employees.items():
        username = key
        job = value
        introduce_employee(username, job)


    Welcome our new colleague Chris, his post is NOC !
    Welcome our new colleague David, his post is PJM !
    Welcome our new colleague Brain, his post is SA !
    Welcome our new colleague John, his post is UX !
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    def print_employees(employee, post="NOC"):
        print("Welcome our new colleague " + employee + ", his post is " + post + ".")
    print_employees("David", "UX")
    print_employees("Chris", "PJM")


    Welcome our new colleague David, his post is UX.
    Welcome our new colleague Chris, his post is PJM.
    Welcome our new colleague Brain, his post is NOC.
    Welcome our new colleague John, his post is NOC.


    def employees(username, post):
        employee_info = "Welcome our new colleague " + username + ", his post is " + post + " !"
        return employee_info
    employee = employees("Chris", "NOC")


    Welcome our new colleague Chris, his post is NOC !
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    def get_full_name(first_name, last_name):
        full_name = first_name + "." + last_name
        return full_name.title()
    while True:
        f_name = input("Please input your first name: ")
        if f_name == "quit":
            print("Since you input '%s' as first name, will cancel and exit..." % f_name)
        l_name = input("Please input your last name: ")
        if l_name == "quit":
            print("Since you input '%s' as last name, will cancel and exit..." % l_name)
        format_name = get_full_name(f_name, l_name)
        print("Hello %s." % format_name)


    Please input your first name: zhang
    Please input your last name: lei
    Hello Zhang.Lei.
    Please input your first name: tian
    Please input your last name: liang
    Hello Tian.Liang.
    Please input your first name: quit
    Since you input 'quit' as first name, will cancel and exit...
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    def print_cars(cars):
        for car in cars:
            print(car.title() + " is Japan automobile brand.")
    car_list = {'toyota', 'honda', 'mazda', 'nissan'}


    Mazda is Japan automobile brand.
    Toyota is Japan automobile brand.
    Honda is Japan automobile brand.
    Nissan is Japan automobile brand.
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    def print_cars(*cars):
        for car in cars:
            print(car.title() + " is Japan automobile brand.")
    print_cars('toyota', 'honda', 'mazda', 'nissan')


    Toyota is Japan automobile brand.
    Toyota is Japan automobile brand.
    Honda is Japan automobile brand.
    Mazda is Japan automobile brand.
    Nissan is Japan automobile brand.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ilifeilong/p/12038839.html
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