//上传头像图片 function uploadHead(imgPath) { console.log("imgPath = " + imgPath); var image = new Image(); image.onload = function() { var imgData = getBase64Image(image); /*在这里调用上传接口*/ mui.ajax($serverPath + "app/modifyHead", { data: { 'imgData': imgData, 'userId': plus.storage.getItem("userId") }, dataType: 'json', type: 'post', timeout: 10000, success: function(data) { if(data.result == 'yes') { $newHead = data.newHeadPath; console.log('上传成功!!!!!!!!!!' + $newHead); plus.storage.setItem("userHead", $newHead); mui.toast("头像修改成功!"); } else { mui.toast("头像上传失败!"); } }, error: function(xhr, type, errorThrown) { mui.toast('网络异常,请稍后再试!'); } }); } image.src = imgPath; image.style.width = "60px"; image.style.height = "60px"; console.log("haha"); } //将图片压缩转成base64 function getBase64Image(img) { var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); var width = img.width; var height = img.height; // calculate the width and height, constraining the proportions if(width > height) { if(width > 100) { height = Math.round(height *= 100 / width); width = 100; } } else { if(height > 100) { width = Math.round(width *= 100 / height); height = 100; } } canvas.width = width; /*设置新的图片的宽度*/ canvas.height = height; /*设置新的图片的长度*/ var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height); /*绘图*/ var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png", 0.8); return dataURL.replace("data:image/png;base64,", ""); }